Leon's POV
I smiled as I passed people in my office as they couldn't help but stare at the little guy as waddled around their desks being the curious little guy that he is. I spent the last two days with Jason, my boy since my mother in law suggested that Liz have a few days off.
Something about her getting her book published.
"He looks so much like you" Lucy who was the oldest of my employees says as she stands by the printer.
I look down with pride. I made the mistake of not spending enough time with him but I'm not going to mess it up now. I knew that if I wanted to even have Liz by my side again, I would need to start with our son.
I made a huge mistake and I want to be the husband and father she was looking for. Seeing the way men looked at her the other night was not something I took pride in. It only fuelled the fire that was within me.
"Make sure to book me in for a viewing tomorrow" I told Gerald who was my personal estate agent. He was just finishing up editing one of his videos on the camera I bought for him.
Gerald was my newest edition to my life; straight out of university he wanted a job in marketing to help with my various campaigns. It took him 3 months to come up and tell me what he really wanted. He was working to get his real estate license.
"Already done Leon, you've got one at 11.30 at Blandford avenue" he told me typing away at his laptop.
Can always rely on him.
After a brief meeting with marketing we decided to get Gerald a camera that would improve the quality of his videos because it would not only help him but also help us with more exposure. It's a win win.
I waited by the door as Jason continued to bathe in the attention from the women inside.
Soak it in son.
Once he slipped through the doors, I picked him up and placed him into my range rover with his car seat as we got ready to head home in time for Liz to pick him up.
She tried to keep her distance, but she watched all of the videos I had sent her.
When I was driving through the streets, I decided to stop at Liz's favourite doughnut shop. She probably wouldn't take any but I'm more than sure that if I left them on the table, she would grab one.
In our early stages of our relationship I would always get her doughnuts because I knew she loved them, it was only right that she craved them when she was pregnant.
I really don't know why I even stopped.
I knew I couldn't leave Jayson in the car, so I held him as we walked inside the shop. Jayson although he was tired, he was well awake as soon as he smelt the doughy goodness.
"mama" he said staring at the selection before pointing to a line of brownie covered ring doughnuts.
"alright buddy we will get these for mama. You want one" I said crouching down so that he could get a better view of the selection.
His big eyes focused on the glass and eventually he picked out some chocolate ones with sprinkles on top. I ordered a bunch of each and went to go pay. The guy serving us put 3 of Jayson's in a little box and gave them to him.
People watched in amusement as he tried his best to carry it but succeeded in the end.
"excuse me sir could I have a picture with you I really admire your work" a young girl asked coming up to me. she didn't look a day over the age of 16.
She had her phone out.
"of course"I said bending down slightly to pose with this girl.
"I've started an online business after that talk you did, you really helped me get started" she said as we both walked outside behind Jayson who was waddling in front.
She seemed quiet at first but got more comfortable when she realised, I wasn't annoyed at her.
Before I would hate talking to people and taking pictures, but Liz would always force me to be nice and thank my fans or followers.
"that's amazing, what do you sell?" I asked her. I think she was surprised that I was interested.
She stuttered slightly before telling me "It's my own apparel brand that I started with my brother" she says showing me her page on Instagram.
I was impressed she had over 10,000 followers and the products were good.
"it was nice to meet you" I said finally letting her leave to do whatever she needed to do. I followed Jayson as he walked over to the car only for him to stop suddenly.
He was looking between his doughnuts and a homeless man sitting on the pavement. I tried to divert Jayson's attention, but he put up a fight and shoved my hand away.
Wonder where he got that from?
Jayson stepped closer to the man holding out one of the doughnuts. The man smiled at Jayson and took one of the doughnuts which seem to ignite a giggle from the toddler's mouth.
I watched the man slightly moan as he bit into the soft chocolatey doughnut. My eyes moved over to the side of him. He had a collection of old baseball memorabilia. I bent down and grabbed an old baseball.
"you're selling these" I asked turning the ball over. My predictions were right they were signed.
"yeah what's it to you" he said snatching the ball from my hands. I could tell he was hostile he probably saw me try and get my child away from him.
I stepped back. "Jeter? As in Derek Jeter" I asked him to know the signature from my uncle's old collection of collection t-shirts. He was very good back in 1950 and was a legend.
The guy seemed to be surprised that I knew. "yeah my dad got this signed "he told me finally letting me in a little bit. I listened carefully to him as he went through his whole collection with pride.
"I'll take this one for £500" I said pointing to the baseball.
I knew that the price was slightly generous, but I wanted to be generous. I've had experiences with homeless people who took my kindness to their advantage but from the look of it this guy was really in need.
The guy knew better than to argue with me, he was truly a business man when you just take the money no questions asked.
I came back from the cash machine after withdrawing 500 and handed it to him as he handed me the baseball. This would be a great present for my uncle on his 65th birthday.
"Thank you, sir," he said shaking my hand. As I shook his hand something didn't feel right, was I just going to walk away for this guy?
"Look, I think you could really make a lot of money, but you'd better your chances selling online would you let me help you out" I said giving him my full attention.
I don't think he expected it. Little jay was watching with curiosity as we stared back at each other.
There was no immediate response I could see him debating with himself, but I think we both knew he needed this.
Not even 10 minutes later we were loading his stuff into the back of my car before driving down to my apartment. I would get him in my guest room for the meantime.
When we arrived, I told him he could use my shower. I called my assistant to grab me some clothes from town and bring them to my place. She asked no questions, that's why I kept her around she always did what I told her and rarely complained.
"Jayson huh, my best friend was called Jayson" I heard the man say, I guess he was talking to Jayson now finished with the shower.
I went over to the door and took the clothes from Jenette. "do you think this a good idea Leon?" she asked me to hand them over.
I sighed.
I knew it was risky, but I knew that Liz would support my actions completely.
"since when did you start questioning me" I said to her walking through to the room. She stood back and didn't say anything.
I walked in and found the guy standing looking at the room as Jayson played with his toy car on the carpet.
"here I got you some clothes" I told him giving him the bags.
He laughed to himself "you didn't have to do that" I didn't say anything. I know I didn't have to, but I wanted to.
"there's also a shaver in there if you wanted to clean up a little bit" Jeanette said which only made all of us smile. Way to put it nicely Jeanette.
I told Jeanette to keep him company as I grabbed Jayson and his stuff since I was due at Liz's to take Jayson back.
I packed him his bag and transferred him back to the car. I had to put in a new address since apparently Liz had gotten a new place recently.
I slowly drove through the streets and tried to locate her new place.
I didn't know what I expected but as soon as I arrived and was about to knock on the door it was opened and instead of seeing Liz, I was met with her best friend Jessica.
"doughnuts won't get her back Leon" she snapped at me seeing the box of doughnuts in my other hand as I carried Jayson on my hip.
Her attitude towards me only pissed me off.
"I don't have time for your bitchiness today" I said walked past her and going inside. The place that Liz had bought was a small 2-bedroom house which I'm pretty sure she is renting.
The design was basic so I'm guessing she hasn't properly added her touch just yet.
"she's just getting ready you can either wait here or leave" Jess said from the doorway holding Jayson in her arms.
I thought about it. But i wanted to talk to her so I will stay.
I made my way upstairs and heard the faint sound of music playing in the room at the end. The door was slightly open, and I could instantly see her figure as she stood there in high waisted shorts that showed off her toned thighs.
"Liz" I said making her know that I was here. I didn't want her to catch me staring at her naked back like some creep.
No matter how much I wanted to stare for a while longer. As soon as she heard my voice, she grabbed a t shirt quickly putting it on.
"you shouldn't be up here" she said walking out.
Tough shit princess
"I know" I said watching her as she searched for something on her bed.
I turned and looked into the bathroom and found her phone sitting on the table next to the small speaker where music was playing from.
I grabbed it and walked towards her "here" I gave her, her phone which she grabbed.
She always would lose that phone.
I followed behind her as she went to find our son. I smiled to myself when I saw her stare at the doughnuts that sat on the kitchen counter.
I felt proud when I saw a ghost of a smile grace her lips before walking away and crouching down to grab Jayson.
I stood against the door as she cradled the little guy in her arms kissing his little face everywhere.
"Did you have fun with your daddy jay jay" she asked him to place him down on the ground. I tried not to get to affected by her saying "daddy" but being a man, it was very hard.
Pun intended
"see you next week Jay" I said kissing him slightly on his cheek as he sat on the counter with Liz feeding him strawberries.
I let myself out not wanting to intrude in her time. I had business to attend do and I knew that for me to get Liz back I would need to be slow and calculating.
Giving up was not on the cards.