The next morning, I decided to head to the park with Jayson. I believe that some fresh air would do him just right.
Mum was taking a long sleep and I knew she had a dinner party with her best friends tonight.
" c'mon jay jay lets go out, "I said strapping him into his pushchair.
He found the roof of the pram to be very interesting to him.
I walked for ten minutes to the nearest park. As soon as I arrived little girls came running over instantly recognising Jayson.
He's a hit what can I say.
" Oh, Lizzy look at him he's holding my pinky," a girl says laughing. I looked over and rightly so Jayson was tightly holding onto this girls finger for dear life.
" clearly he misses you," I said to her.
A group of young girls were all looking at Jayson. They loved him and I knew when they were older they would be great candidates for babysitters. Maybe I should start getting contacts numbers.
I sat back and watched as they fussed around with Jayson. Jay being the ladies man welcomed the attention and loved it.
He's going to be trouble when he's older I swear.
I thought that I would be at peace her in the park surrounded by children. The only problems they would have is wondering who's turn it was on the slide.
If only my life was that simple.
My eyes narrowed in on an oddly familiar figure. Standing leaning against a black Mercedes. When he knew that I saw him he made his way over. The mothers of the other kids watched him as he marched across the park.
" how did you find me, " I said as Leon sat beside me, a little too close for my liking.
Jayson was already wiggling around in his seat when his eyes met Leon's. Clearly, he missed his dad.
"Go ahead," I said motioning for Leon to hold his son.
I watched him pick up Leon and hold him in his arms. He waved Jayson's arms around and made funny faces.
It hurt to see them like that. Knowing that we can never be that once happy family again.
" what are you doing here," I asked him as he placed Jayson back down.
He glances at me. " well if you're not going to answer me calls I'm going to have to find another way to get to see my family"
He's using this family word a lot recently. Seemed to have slipped his mind when he was cheating on me.
" well, you've seen him. We will work an agreement on when you can see him" I said to him bluntly.
I know he wasn't happy with that outcome.
" it's not just him I'm here to see," he said turning to me. I moved away when he made a motion to touch me.
Don't give In I almost said to myself.
" Leon it's over. Now you're a free man you can do whatever you want" surely he would welcome that opportunity because now that I'm out of the picture he can do as he pleases.
" you think I want that. If I didn't want you I would have ended this." he blurted, grabbing my arm. not in a hurtful way but more like a way to just keep me there.
Oh, this is too good.
Now I turned to him finally facing the man.
" you didn't want me Leon. That's why you fucked her. That's why you flirted with her at all your functions. Feeding this bullshit that I didn't need to come. Oh I wouldn't enjoy it, it's too long and tiring"
He was now glaring at me.
" lower your voice," he said watching Jayson carefully.
He was right I shouldn't be shouting in public like this. Not in front of our son.
" what would we tell him when he's older. That we didn't fight for our family" that's it guilt trip me into it. That's all he ever did. Make it seem like it's my fault.
I moved to get up and start getting ready to go. I only wanted to be out for a little while.
If Leon is here his followers aren't far behind. We're bound to be pictured together pretty soon.
" I'll tell him you ruined us. That you didn't have the decency to leave me before getting in bed with another woman. That you didn't think about your sons wellbeing"
I turned Jayson head to face to the front instead of at his father.
" First you threaten me by trying to take my baby away. Next, you make me feel guilty even though you're the one at fault. What kind of man are you" I said glaring at him.
The pain in his eyes didn't make me feel sorry for him. He deserved this because it was all his fault.
I walked away from him. Wiping the stupid tear that had fallen in my moment on weakness.
I loved that man and this is what he does to me.
When I arrived at home I unpacked everything and sat Jayson down to play with his toys.
I let my tears fall as I registered how my life had changed drastically. Maybe I should get back to writing. it was kind of my outlet even before I met Leon.
Deciding to have the rest of the day to spend the time with my son and relax and enjoy a book that I had bought quite a long time ago. It took a lot of self-motivation to transfer my mind away from Leon.
I even sent a few emails to my lawyer. we originally had a family lawyer but that was mainly for Leon with any problems he had with the business.
Thinking about it an old friend of mine was a lawyer. Maybe I could confide in her and get her to help me out with payment of course.
I posted on my social media and liked a few pictures on Instagram to make the time pass by. It wasn't long before it was time to feed Jayson and I would also need to get out of mums way since she was preparing for her friends around.
I do love mum's best friends but they do have a habit of getting involved in my life just too much. There are only certain things I want to share and I just know that they are going to want to know all about me and Leon.
I decided to have a sleepover with Jess. Jess was never one to complain about having both me and Jayson over. she didn't have a boyfriend, husband or anything she lived alone.
After resting Jayson down on his bed I proceeded to pack a small bag with everything we would both need.
I said a quick hello to my mum's closest friend before packing everything into a car and leaving mum to have a fun night with her girlfriends.
Driving to her house didn't take that much time. Now living at moms I was actually closer to her which I'm sure she enjoyed in comparison to the horrible hour drive it takes to get there from Leon's place.
As soon as the engine was cut off it was my job to carry in the bags from the back as my son was carried inside by his auntie Jess.
That boy gets way too much attention for his own good I swear.
As I was carrying everything into the house I all of the sudden received a phone call from Leon. I had tried to ignore his calls all through the day since seeing him earlier but the guy was persistent.
"stop calling me Leon, I'm busy," I said before immediately hanging up and probably leaving him fuming. if there's one thing I know about my ex is that you should never hang up on him.
As well as it being rude altogether he just finds it disrespectful and if I were anything else he would be Absolutely livid.
He didn't call back.
But there were constant vibrations coming from the phone as I placed it face down on the table and went to go check up on my son.
Leon's POV
I stood there staring at my phone. I was surprised she even picked up so the fact that she hung up on me didn't catch me off guard at all.
Louise my assistant was staring at me through the glass door attempting to look like she was working but I knew for a fact that she was trying to see what I was doing and maybe even hear.
The mood in the office has dropped and there is an intense atmosphere going around in all areas. whether it be the office, canteen or the lobby.
I had seriously fucked up big time. Not only did i go behind her back i had lied to her about it and one thing i learnt from the many years shared with Charlize.
she hates lying with the passion.
I slammed my office doors shut and locked it means I didn't want to be disturbed unless it was an emergency.
Emily had been keeping her distance from me ever since Liz came in and humiliated her in front of her staff.
Emily was my partner. when I become the CFO of this company two years ago I was looking for someone to help me run it, keep it successful and bring fresh new ideas. That's what I liked about her she had real confidence about her, motivation and most importantly talent.
Her flirting was always something i was used to but i had managed to keep my distance. Or so I thought.
That was until Jayson was born. Liz was constantly caring for the baby and i loved her for that but that also meant that there was less time for me and i already was working long days nearly every night of the week.
Those long nights I spent with Emily in the office, at bars and fancy restaurants I felt extreme guilt knowing that Charlize was alone at home waiting for me.
But now I've lost her and i have ruined everything i worked so hard for. when i was younger and i had just met Liz her father wasn't a big fan of me. He called me a playboy and we just didn't get along.
Over the next year, we worked hard to be together to prove to her father that we loved and cherished each other. That we weren't throwing our life away. I guess you could say my brand new promotion was like the icing on the cake.
He loved that shit.
But as I stared at the photo frame of me and Liz as I held her hand in the hospital room right before she gave birth to my very first child. I knew that letting her go was out of the option.
That would be the biggest mistake of my life and even if it killed me I would do everything in my power to get my Charlize and Jayson back.
whatever it takes.