Leon had agreed to stay with Jayson as I needed to calm my own mothers heart. What was supposed to be a quiet visit to my moms turned into a full-blown media frenzy.
"It's like they don't have a life" George says as he peeks outside from the window at mom's house. I didn't think it would be this bad but seems like they wanted to know what happened so they could be the first to report on it. A lot of people wanted to know why I was with Leon and I get that 100%
This is why it's already the evening and I am still here.
"This is fucking rich" I mutter scrolling through Instagram and finding a video. George quickly ran over grabbing my phone.
It was a video of Emily commenting on what she thought about everything. Her usual black blazer with her high ponytail as she walked from her car and into a restaurant.
"I only wish the best for Leon and his family in this time. Nobody deserves that and I hope Charlize gets all the support, but I think we all know she is one strong woman" I scoffed hearing her voice. Like she's a fucking saint.
She seemed to finally use her brain over the last few months and stayed away from Leon, not like I cared anyway we were over he could have her. But she was clever enough to realise she was only a side piece to Leon.
There's been lots of speculation to whether they actually had sex, I even had no idea and frankly I don't want to know. Does cheating only count if you've had sex or is it the flirting, the texts and the kissing because they definitely did that.
"Are you still working with Leon?" someone asked her. From my space on the sofa my ears perked up. "Yes, but I haven't had direct communication with him and that's understandable. He loves his family and wants to build that again. That's all I will say, thank you" I can see why people liked her.
She had a way with words I'll give her that and if she hadn't gone after Leon when she knew he was engaged I would have probably tried being friends with her.
"what a bitch" I heard mom mutter as she painted her nails at the table.
"mom!" Both me and George shouted at her. She just rolled her eyes and carried on.
I can see that it hurt her, it's clear that she wanted Leon all to herself and she had that for a little time, but Leon truly had distanced himself and I'm proud that he is spending a lot of time with jay and its clear to a lot of people that he's creating a relationship with him.
I would like to get out of the house but at the same time I think it's good that Leon and jay spend as much time together.
"I don't care what time it is, you call me okay" Mom said wrapping her arms around me. I smiled knowing that mom would more than likely be worrying about me forever now.
"I love you mom" I said placing a small kiss to her cheek.
I left with George as he agreed to drop me off at the house on his way home.
When we arrived at home, I noticed a few of the lights were on. George dropped me off before heading home as well.
I walked up to the door and pushed my key through. As soon as I walked inside, I was instantly met with the smell of cooking. It smelt like pasta and I would be lying if I said I want salivating right now.
Leon had a few recipe's that he learnt from his family. I may have hated his father, but the man was a great cook. I still remember the time I met his parents for the first time.
His mother was lovely, but Leon's dad obviously didn't think I was good for his son and made that obvious from our first meeting.
Leon was a clever boy growing up, he had confidence, talent and he was destined for greatness and with that destiny I was not included according to his father. I was a distraction and wasn't worth it. But Leon didn't care, he showed his interest in me from the very beginning and even though it started as a friends thing it transformed into late night talks, hanging out and even spending nights together.
When Leon moved that really tested our relationship. Its sad to know that we went through all of that and then now is when things fall apart.
I walked into the house and found Leon in the kitchen sipping from a glass of wine, he normally did this when he was stressed that along with cooking. It was kind of his therapy.
"hi" I said standing by the door. The sound of my voice made him turn around, seeing him in sweats reminded me of a young Leon. One that hated wearing fancy suits and hated the mere sight of a tie.
He nodded over at me before turning back to the stove.
I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt.
Deciding that he wasn't in the mood to talk and carried myself upstairs to check on Jayson. It was only 8 so he wasn't asleep yet, he was in his room playing with some toys. Jean who was our added help when jay was born was sitting quietly on her phone in the corner.
"no trouble I hope" I said coming over and kissing little Jayson on the cheek. Jean sat up noticing me.
I felt bad, I haven't really spoken to her since everything happened.
"A breeze" she said smiling at Jayson who was playing with his toy cars whilst a movie played on the tv screen. Jean was a lovely Asian lady who previously was a nurse, now she helps out a lot with Jayson. Leon pays her so its obvious she would stay here with Leon.
We sat down for a while before she was hugging me.
"how are you honey" she asked me pulling away. I sighed, I honestly don't know how I am. I actually feel empty and I haven't felt like this is a long time.
When I was younger, I was a quiet girl and often found myself depressed. Leon's interest In me helped a lot and he brought me into a space that built my confidence and brought me many friends.
"I feel lost "I told her simply.
She held onto my hand "that's understandable honey, you've gone through a lot these past few weeks and nobody expects you to be completely strong and move past it. Just know you have me; your family and Leon and we all love and want you to be happy"
I glanced at her when she said Leon. "that man loves you Liz, you have to realise that. I know how hard it is to be betrayed like that, but he's worked hard to gain your trust again" she tells me.
Jean was always a mother figure to me, and I respected her. I knew she wasn't siding with anyone she was merely speaking from her heart.
"I just think about it all the time, wondering if I was never enough for him" I even let a tear go at those words. A man can make you feel so special but then he can make you feel worthless.
Jean wrapped me in her arms again. "now wipe those tears and go talk to him. You two aren't in school anymore you need to talk it through and stop avoiding the obvious" she says as she goes to pick up Jayson as a yawn made its way through. Poor baby.
"the obvious being?" I asked her. She smiled facing me "you two love each other of course" she said it so simply.
Is that what people saw.
Jean offered to get Jayson ready for bed so after removing my shoes and coat I made my way downstairs. When I walked into the kitchen, I found Leon sat at the kitchen bar with a plate of pasta. He wasn't eating though he was kind of just staring at his phone, mindlessly scrolling through.
I spotted a plate of pasta on the seat next to him. My heart started to pump rapidly in my chest. Mustering up the courage I decided to pull out the seat and eat with him.
I slightly brushed his shoulder as I got inside. I pushed his plate closer to him." It's getting cold" I said referring to his untouched food.
My heart beats fast when I saw the smile on his lips. That smile could melt any girl.
He slowly twirled the pasta and started to eat. There wasn't any talking, but it was peaceful.
"I've missed this" he said after taking a sip off his wine. I stopped eating altogether. I didn't have the courage to look at him because those eyes are my weakness. If he missed this why the hell did, he fuck it up in the first place.
"just don't" I warned him.
Things were going so well.
"no, I will. I fucked up Liz I know that. I ruined everything and I will forever deal with that guilt, but I have missed this, and I won't stop telling you how much I fucking miss you" now he completely abandoned his food and turned to face me.
So much for the peaceful night.
"what's to say you won't do it again, when you realise, I'm too boring, plain not like them" I wouldn't normally refer to myself as boring, but this is what he does to me. he lifted my spirits up for many years only to knock me down in one go.
He's ruined me. Where is my confidence.
"I never thought that Liz, do you know how fucking amazing you are. None of this was your fault it was all my doing and I'm an idiot for not showing you that" yes you're a fucking idiot.
I can't cry in front of him he will take my weakness and use it against me.
Now I had lost all my appetite.
"I can't do this" I said finally making a move, I stood up from my seat moving around him. I wasn't even surprised when he grabbed my arm and brought me close.
His eyes pierced into mine. "I'm not giving up on us Liz" he whispers gently in my ear. I took one look at regretted it. I knew that look in his eyes. He was determined and I knew that when he is determined he normally gets it. But this isn't some business deal this is something more than that.
He knows that.