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Her room was peaceful and quiet and she loved it that way. She was lying in bed in her negligee and tried to read the story in the magazine. Playgirl was not exactly her kind of thing, but it gave her some ideas and she liked them. She remembered the older edition with Brad Pitt's face on the cover of the magazine that got her hooked on reading it every so often. It was her occasional escape and she enjoyed it.

She scanned the faces of few of the boys and she made couple of mental notes. 'I wouldn't mind this guy. He's quite the animal. He looks the part. Authentically. Authenticity is sexy, no matter what it looks like,' she commented out loud.

Her thoughts were getting more profound about sex and she began to wonder about guys. Men. Men who could take her body and do something with it! Something she liked and wanted.

'Really, sometimes guys fail to see the very thing under their own noses. Don't they understand that girls want orgasms, too? That we are just like them but...just a little different? If they only knew about our fantasies! We can dream an orgasm and have it at the same time and it's one of the best I've ever had! Oh, gosh, that is soooo true!'

Slowly, her eyelids got heavy and the magazine slipped out of her hand. Softly, she fell asleep.

She came across an abandoned mountain guesthouse and didn't see a soul in sight. There were nothing but trees and rocks around the house. The thin see-through satin dress proved too much in the heat of the day. The house seemed like an inviting quick get-away from the summer heat and she opened the front door.

Suddenly someone grabbed her from behind and covered her head with a linen. She couldn't see anything and she could hardly struggle. The hands that touched seemed amazingly soft and gave her a sense of security.

She felt dragged somewhere and finally the linen came off her head. The room around her sported a fireplace and she spotted a beautiful blonde woman in a corner. Her confidence faltered a little and she felt a tinge of wetness arousing in her groin as she looked at the woman's breasts.

"What do you want with me? Why are you doing this?" she asked. The beautiful woman walked slowly to her and put her right index to her lips.

"Ssh," she said and lowered her head to kiss her lips. She tried to move her head, but a handsome naked man appeared from nowhere and grabbed a hold of her head to stop it from turning. She was shocked by his hugely erected cock.

"You're under our spells now," the man said and then turned to the beautiful woman.

"Play with her," he said to the woman.

The beautiful woman smiled at the man and her right hand went up underneath her nightie slowly and when she reached her pussy, she smiled even more at how wet she found it.

Their beauty was mesmerizing and the man began stroking his cock. The beautiful woman played with her clit so well that she let out a moan and began to drip wet on her thighs.

The woman untied her hands and put her on the table where she and the man began caressing and kissing her body. They kissed her collarbone, nipples, breasts and stomach. The woman smiled at her as she spread her legs on the table and the man positioned his body there.

With a smooth move he lowered himself inside her legs and entered inside her. She gasped with pleasure as her body was climbing to full ecstasy and pleasure. She bit her lower lip and her face seemed to entice the man even more, because his thrusts got faster and the rhythm harder. She felt his erection playing her inner depths with lovely finesse, and his fuckthrusts made her curl her toes.

The woman kept kissing the sides of her body as the handsome man was thrusting her more and more. Her breaths increased and soon she was moaning out loud. Her body trembled as she climaxed from the slidings of his cock and that seem to give him even more impetus. A few seconds later, he cried out as orgasmed deep inside her and with his last remaining strength he pulled out. The beautiful woman kneeled before him and generously offered her breasts for the river of jizz that ejaculated from his cock. Her right hand stroke her clit while her left index played with his sperm. She took a little of it in her mouth and smiled, then leaned over for a kiss and a swap.

Her body shuddered awake from her multiple sleepgasms and she looked around. Her bed was empty and she was soaked and the sweat dripped from her brow. She felt hot and a torrent of heat waves engulfed her body. There seemed to be no relief from the heat and she finally decided to take a shower. 'Oh, gosh, what a dream. I'd masturbate to it every day. I'll go crazy if I have more dreams like this. One of them must become reality soon. And guys think we can't have an orgasm in our sleep. 'Poor them,' she reflected to herself.


Carl was concentrating on the new project in his office when Lisa walked in. All perky and dressed in a blue shirt with a rather short skirt tight on her ass, she invoked every bit of a woman's presence in the otherwise all-male world around her. He could smell her perfume and pick up her scent from his desk. He leaned back against his reclining chair and was ready to greet her.

"Ah, Carl, I need to talk to you."

"Sure," he agreed a little taken aback by her forceful words. "What's up?"

"I know you don't really deal with these issues, but I've been looking at a rather odd thing lately."

"I'm all ears."

"The thing started with a former BP subsidiary. BP allowed a license take-over for the Southern Slope and they allowed it to no other than Halliburton."

"So what's so odd about it? That happens all the time!"

"Well, it wouldn't be so odd if it didn't involve the risk-inheritance that came with their contractual obligations. In other words, BP relinquished the license with the condition that Halliburton also takes over any environmental damage claims that might come about in the future due to BP's drilling in the Southern Slope."

Carl nodded an ok and looked over the skyline of Los Angeles. Lisa was right; that was unusual and in fact it was almost suspect. Why would any oil company agree to take over the potential environmental baggage of another, license or no license?

"How much is Halliburton stand to gain from this?" he asked.

"There is no telling, because I don't know how long they'll hang on to this open-end lease, but the wells are certified for several billions of barrels."

"So, that may very well be your answer," he said winking at her. Lisa turned around and closed the door, desiring both his undivided attention and privacy from his secretary in the hallway.

"Carl, don't be an ass. I know you know I can see behind that."

For once Lisa trumped Carl, or at least he felt so.

"I really have no clue what you mean!" he defended himself vehemently. She raised her brows and rolled her eyes in disbelief. 'Is he playing games with me?' she asked herself.

"I really do not understand," he insisted, almost as if he read her mind.

"Ok. Yes, Halliburton can stand to profit from it, but only given that no environmental suits or other issues come out of their drilling. And that includes the past. In other words, if there were any issues in the past in that area, they will surely represent a constant risk of being renewed. In other words, they can come back and they can quickly eat into any profits they hope to make," she added.

"What makes you think there were any problems in the past? Do you know anything about it?"

"No, but then why would BP insert such a clause in their contract?"

Carl felt like a complete idiot. He failed to see that aspect and kicked himself for it. Ever the sport, Lisa felt his impotency and reached out to him.

"Don't feel bad. I failed at this on the first try, too."

Carl's ego got hurt easily but he recovered just as fast. He came early in life to the conclusion that spending too much time on an insulted ego would be a waste of time and resources. Pick up the pieces of your shattered ego and move on, he would say. His mind moved on to more important things.

"That is interesting, Lisa. Would you give me a little time to think about it? In fact, how about we talk about it over dinner tonight?"

Lisa's face glittered with sexual innuendo and she couldn't help herself taking a prod or two at him.

"Is this all you want to do over dinner, big boy?"

"Hmmm. That depends on what's for dinner," he answered just as provocatively.

"Ahhhhh. Let me think. Let me see what I can come up with. Meanwhile, see to it that you come up, too."

"Come up or go up?" he asked as he winked at her again.

"Both," she said as she walked out of his office proud of her manhandling experience. She knew she was good, but not this good. Little did she know he was about to teach her much more.


It was simply too late in the night to wake him up for a quickie. Monica struggled to fall asleep, but just couldn't. She tossed, turned, kicked and even counted to ten about fifteen times, but all to no avail. Sleep just didn't want to come to her beautiful eyes and she worried about them. 'I must sleep,' she said angrily to herself.

She knew that a good orgasm might just do the trick. A deep orgasm. One that would take all that damn energy from her. An orgasmic outcome that would simply knock her out. 'Man, how great it would be if doctors could come up with a pill that'd give us an orgasm to sleep!' she muttered to herself.

She knew how to give herself some of the best orgasms she ever had, but she had to be in the right mood for it. She needed stimulation and her mind began to search in her sexual memories. Soon, though, she realized that thoughts, 'dirty' or not, wouldn't be enough. She needed more. She needed to see, to hear an orgasm.

She reached for her cell and the ear set and plugged them together. A little on-mute porn may do the trick, but soon even that proved to be a problem. 'What do I want to watch? Foursomes, couples, orgies? Oh, hell, who am I kidding? A good anal flick might just do it.' She was grateful for once that Craig was a somewhat of a deep sleeper and as ironic as things might have been, the late hour worked to her advantage, too. The later the hour the more sound he slept.

She turned on to the first anal pod she saw and tapped play. As the movie played, she realized she needed some extra help and reached for the banana vibrator by her nightstand. He bought that for her sometime ago as a joke, but soon realized it was more than that. He was only too happy to make her happy.

She placed it against her clit as she watched the movie. She felt a tinge in her clit, but realized she may soon get too loud. That would've been bad. It would've been bad both because it might disturb his sleep and because she wouldn't get the best out of her orgasm. The more quiet she stayed, the better orgasm she'd get. Her experience told her that.

She turned on her tummy and positioned the vibrator between her thighs in her clit. With the cell in her hand and the ear set on, her hips began jiving in circles around the vibrator. The mattress beneath added to the vibrations in her clitoris and she began to bite the pillow.

The woman in the movie pressed her ass against the man's cock and Monica's body responded almost unconsciously by pressing her hips against the mattress. She felt the pleasure going higher and higher through her body and she groaned as quiet as she could.

She felt her body needing more and she took her left index and penetrated her anus. A little in the beginning, then a little more and soon she had her entire anus deeply finger-fucked. Her motion and groaning increased, but she believed she could master them without too much noise.

Soon her entire body felt a pre-orgasmic stage and her abdomen, thighs and hips got more rigid in expectation for the much desired nocturnal ecstasy.

Suddenly, she felt him on the top of her and his cock almost in her ass. It all happened so fast that she let out a short scream. He caressed her hair and whispered in her ear.

'Don't stop watching it," and pushed his cock deep into her ass. He felt her tight muscles stretching to welcome his cock and her body convulsed at the sheer thought of the pleasure. Anticipating it, she started moaning and groaning out loud, not worrying about a damn thing anymore. The pleasure was great and was about to get much greater.

She gripped the sheets with both of her hands and cried in the pillow as loud as she could. His width and length felt majestically ecstatic and she could barely muster enough breath to beg him.

"Please push my head into the pillow as you thrust me! Pleease. And don't stop!"

She dropped the cell and had no idea of the ear set as it came off her head. She couldn't watch it any longer anyway, as her brow was dripping sweat in her eyes. She managed to keep the vibrator in her clitoris, knowing that it will bring her the sexual finale she was looking for.

His thrusts met with the resistance of her ass that bounced off the mattress and every one of them made her feel his fullness in her. There wasn't a single muscle in her body that didn't tighten in expectation of an orgasm and the build-up grew stronger with each of his strokes.

Her things were dripping wet, her clitoris was aching with the pleasure given by the vibrator and she felt the first orgasmic spasm. Monica's lungs muster all the air she needed and she let out a scream and writhed under Craig as the first wave of the orgasm hit her body.

Her muscles suddenly relaxed and her entire body went limp. He felt her turn soft and almost unresponsive. He guessed it was good for her and he expected her to turn over, but he was soon disappointed. She attempted a few words of love to him, but the pillow captured all of them and he decided they could wait until morning.

As Monica drifted asleep, she felt his warm jizz on her ass and only then realized he, too, came.


The whole day proved boring, but the meeting with Carl sounded promising. He had brains aside from other things and Jennifer liked that in him. She closed her laptop and went to his office.

"Hi, Carl. How goes it?"

"Excellent! How is your day?"

She smiled openly at him and admitted honestly.

"Better now. Much better."

"Oh? How's that?"

"You want the truth or some bullshit story?"

"What do you think?"

Jennifer smiled again, this time because she managed to cross that bridge with Carl. She wanted to get to know him and know him in more ways than one. And it seemed he was willing to open the door to his heart. Perhaps he could also open the door to his manhood.

"Ok. Because I like the way your brain looks."

"My brain?" he asked with natural curiosity.

"Yes. Your brain. It's one of the best things about you. That's perhaps why you're in that chair today." Carl never did well with brown-nosing, but Jennifer didn't do that and he knew it.

"But not all good-looking things are good," he went fishing.

"Looks are important. In fact, they are critical."

"Is that so?"

"Yes and here's why. Looks are the first things we see about anything in this world and we love to look at good-looking things. Looks matter. Appearances matter."

"I am sure you've heard that saying, 'looks are not everything'. Right?"

"Right, they are not. They're just the most of it."

"I am not sure I agree with you."

"Well. Ok, do you ever look at an ugly woman?"

"Yes, I do!"

Jennifer frowned a little.

"Do you really?"

"Sure. How else would I be able to tell she's ugly if I don't look at her?"

"Well, ok. But you know what I mean."

"Ah. You mean do I like ugly-looking women? No, to be honest."

"See? That's just it. And nobody does. And whoever says they do, they're lying!"

"I guess I see your point."

"For example, do you like looking at my body?" She decided to chance it.

Carl was taken completely by surprise. This was a work meeting and they'd both cross the line if he went there. Yet, he was sure she wasn't setting him up.

"What if I told you I do?"

"I'd believe you!"

"Then what of all this?"

"My point is we like nice looking things."

"True enough, but how useful is that?"

"It's very useful if we do wisely," she persisted.

"What do you mean?"

"Wouldn't you like to have something nice, something good-looking in your kitchen for example? Or your bedroom?"

"Like what?"

"Like a flower. Or like a nice bottle of champagne. They're both very useful."

Carl sensed she insinuated something but couldn't quite tell what. In either case, he decided they needed to focus on their work, but before he could say anything, Jennifer took the lead.

"There is a beautiful spot up in the mountains, about four hours from here. It's an old mining town called Groveland and it's got some of the most beautiful scenery in California. It is the quintessence of 'good-looking' things all natural. I wonder if you've ever seen it. Anyway, it's the perfect park for our project and we really need to consider it."

"Ah, no. I can't say that I have."

She let a minute pass by, opened her laptop and thought about it. 'It's worth the try,' she decided. Jennifer liked Carl. Tall, slender and with a natural 'I don't give a shit' attitude, he was as close to a man as she desired. She wanted him.

'Perhaps we can look at it together for our project," she said almost whisperingly.

He tried to focus on his work and acted as if he didn't hear her, but she knew better.

"So, let's take a look at the first stage of this and see if we can conclude it today. It's taking a little too long." he said, hoping that she will take the hint. 'I'd love to go with you there, Jenny and I'd love to do more than that with you there. But where do you come from, being so forth with this proposal?' he asked himself. There was no way he could concentrate on the work anymore and she knew it. Something had to change. Someone had to break the silence, else nothing would get done.


Her bed was still soaked from the early morning's passion, but she didn't mind. It was only when she got up that she remember he got off as well. His jizz was all over her ass and the sheets and she was suddenly irritated by that.

It wasn't that she had to clean it up, but that she hoped to keep him orgasm-free for a few days. Craig did best when he didn't come as often, because his drive was higher. She knew that the more he desired to cum, the better lover he was and the better lover he was, the better cum she'd get from him.

Yet that wasn't her only reason. Monica had her agenda and his early morning ejaculation was not part of it. There was a lot more to her plan and she had to control Craig. He was a part of it and an important part, even if he didn't know it yet. She wanted to keep it that way.

He strolled lazily in the kitchen and smelled the coffee aroma. Monica knew how to make the coffee just the way he want it.

"Good morning, sunshine," he greeted her.

"Morning," she returned rather coldly. Craig didn't seem to mind. His face was full of joy and he looked a little too peaceful for that time of the day. He was usually a lot more active and ready to go, especially during the week when there was so much work on his plate.

"How are you feeling?" he inquired.

Monica glanced at him, still irritated by her inability to control him. Yet, she knew it wasn't his fault and there was no reason to take it down on him.

"I am great," she perked up suddenly, but he could tell she was hiding something.

"Hm? Something's the matter, darling? Did you not like last night?"

"Ahhhh. Oh, baby, it's not that. That was great, are you kidding me? It's just..." she left it wide open for the lack of words.

"What is it, Monica?" he insisted.

"Well. I...well, I'll tell you tonight when you come back," she said.

"Are you sure? Did I do something wrong?"

"Oh, no! No! You are perfect, darling! And I love you! No, it's not something you did. And really, it's not that big of a deal."

"So, you're not going to work today?" he asked a little surprised.

"I am working, but I'll do it from home. Also, I can't wait for you to come back tonight. Maybe we'll do something special."

Craig glanced at her and he knew she was cooking something, but decided not to push it. He learned this about Monica a long time ago. If there was something eating away at her, she'd let him know in her own time. Pushing would only irritate her more and got them nowhere.

"Ok, baby. I'm gonna jump in the shower," he said and walked to the bathroom.

She looked outside at the cloudy day and reflected. 'Time is running short. I need to fix what I've broken last night. It'll take time, so I better start now.' She put down the coffee mug, walked after Craig and pulled the shower curtain aside. She slowly took off her robe and he watched her hungrily. She grabbed the soap bar out of his hands and started rubbing his chest.

Slowly her hands walked his tummy and took his cock and began to soap it. Gently, she caressed his balls and she could see him getting harder by the second. A few more seconds later, Monica was on her knees in front of him and she could hear him moan through the shower noise. It was just what she wanted.


Nothing made sense to Lisa about the oil industry, except that she had gas in her car. Frustrated and irritated by her lack of understanding, she tried once more to search for something that might shed a light on the whole Halliburton thing.

If the BP contract about the Southern slope was so risky to Halliburton, then why would they've had signed it? Surely, their engineers could tell these things and foresee any potential problems that might occur. There had to be an explanation, but she just could not see it.

'This requires the work of an engineer. I must talk to someone who works in the field. The only trustworthy guy I know is Craig Birch. Not a bad looking guy, either! I wish Monica wouldn't be so fucking possessive about him. He's not the only guy in the world, you know.'

Her thoughts raced for a solution and she struggled to put things together in her mind. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that Craig was the best man for the job. Not only did he work in the oil industry, but his firm dealt with Halliburton. That was a great plus.

'I must get to the bottom of this story if I want Cooper's position,' she remarked to herself. 'I must find a way to get to it.'


"So, how is it for you when I fuck you in the ass, baby? How come you like it?" He asked incredulously. His question could not have come at a better time for Monica. The place, too, was perfect; the shower room was what she had in mind to answer his question.

"Do you really want to know?" she asked so seemingly naive.

"I've wondered about it very often. Yeah, I really do. I mean, what's it like for you?"

She couldn't have been happier about his curiosity. They knew each other for a long time, but she never thought he'd wonder about such things. He worked himself right into her plan and she loved it.

"Would you like to find out?" she asked as she turned him around slowly and began to caress his ass.

"I think I would."

She leaned over to his ear and said loud enough to come over the shower noise.

"Good. You're about to. Spread your legs," she ordered him and before he could say anything, her wet hands reached between his legs and filled his balls.

She reached over to the sink counter, opened a drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube oil. The oil spread over both of her hands and she reached between his legs again.

He felt the warmth of her hands and the oily stuff spreading all over his scrotum and nut sack and loved it. She worked her way between his ass cheeks and pressed gently against his puckered hole. He groaned with pleasure and felt his cock straining to get hard.

As her left middle finger entered him slowly, her right hand stroked his cock ever so slowly. She worked his head gently, making sure to cover it in oil as well. Waves of pleasure took over his body and his knees began to get weaker. He leaned his head against the shower wall and mustered enough lung to beg her.

"Whatever you do, please don't stop," he muttered against the wall. The shower room was all steamed up from the hot water and he felt exalted.

"I know you like this." she commented softly.

"You know right," he agreed.

"I love ass-fingering you, baby. We should've done this before." He agreed tacitly and couldn't believe the pleasure she was delivering him with one finger, going deeper and deeper inside of him.

Suddenly but gently, she pulled her finger out of him and he was about to turn around.

'Don't. Stay here." He heard her reaching for the sink cabinet again and soon he knew the reason. He felt the strapon dildo going inside him, as she reached for his cock again.

"This is what feels like, darling and I know you like it!"

She stroke his meat assuredly and continuously while pumping his ass from behind until his body shook with pleasure. His breath got heavier and she just knew he was about to scream. She reached around him and covered his mouth with her left hand, while riding his ass and handling his cock.

"Don't scream," she whispered in his ear. You'll be amazed how much better you'll feel."

Her divine work sent shivers of pleasure over his body and he did all he could to stand up. His knees were about to give out when her strokes increased. Each thrust she put inside him was doubled up by an equally pleasant cock-stroke. There was nothing intellectual left of him and he felt the greatness of being a pure animal in an bodily ecstasy.

She picked up the pace and his moans turned to cries and he was about to cum when all of the sudden she slowed down the cock work to a complete stop. Her hips were still pumping his ass but soon that too came to an unwelcome halt. The let down was too much and he just couldn't believe it.

She stayed inside him for a few more minutes and massaged his back, trying to relax him.

"Remember, baby! You need to trust me and now that we've crossed this bridge, we need to visit this side more often," she said as she pulled out. He was hard as a rock and his cock was screaming for a jizzy cum, but he complied with her. After all, he trusted and loved her, no matter what the cost.


The Groveland Hotel was a little on the expensive side, but Carl didn't mind. It seemed it was all worth the while and Jennifer was right. The scenery was gorgeous.

His only concern was with how did she manage to talk him into it. They came by separate cars and that was his choice, but he wasn't sure why he came to begin with. She seemed to possess some magic control over him and he didn't feel comfortable with it. It wasn't so much that he went alone with her wishes, but that he did it so easily. All it took was a little effort on her part and not much at it, either.

Sure he liked her, but he also liked Lisa. And for that matter he still liked Monica.

'Liked' perhaps wasn't the right term. He found only natural that he desired their bodies and he didn't understand why he shouldn't. As he parked his car he remembered that someone once told him that women are different flavors of the same cake. He couldn't disagree more. They are all so different!

Anyway, this was suppose to be a semi-professional meeting, or so he understood from Jennifer. The town's surroundings sure seemed perfectly suited for a sex theme park, but that remained to be seen in more details.

He waited in the car for Jennifer as they agreed. She thought it was better to check in together and he agreed. He didn't have to wait too long. Her car pulled in the parking lot and he stepped out.

"It is indeed beautiful," he admitted.

"Yeap, it is. It's an old mining town. The hotel is more of a pension with a b&b and good dinner. There's a bar right next door and we should be all right."

They checked in and shortly thereafter dined in the lobby. Carl was ready for a drink and was about to say so, when Jennifer interrupted his thoughts.

"So, you want to go upstairs?"

Her question took him by complete surprise and he looked at her hesitantly.

"To look over the project plans again," she clarified quickly.

"Ah. Well, Jenny, we can do that in the morning. We got plenty of time. Let's walk to the bar and have a few drinks."

"Sure, I'm game," she agreed.

The Miner's Bar proved to be worth their time. Jennifer settled in next to Carl at the bar and crossed her legs. He couldn't help noticing their perfect shape, although that wasn't the first time he glanced at them.

"What would you like, Carl?"

"Ah, some scotch on the rocks would be good right about now. Actually, no! I've changed my mind."

"That's ok. You can do that," she agreed pleasingly.

"I'll take a double Jack on the rocks, please. You?"

"How about a strawberry daiquiri?" she asked the bartender.

With the drinks on the way, his mind could focus on her a little more. 'What exactly does she want from me? She's sure nice to me. Not that I mind.'

"This looks nice," he noted as he looked around. "Good looking things!"

"Yeap. It is nice and not too classy."

The drinks arrived in front of them and they each took a sip. She looked so intensely at him that he almost felt uncomfortable.

"So, you think Cooper's really going to leave for the east coast?" she surprised him once more. Carl expected just about anything but not Cooper's name.

"It sure looks like it."

"Interesting. Anyway, that will open up a spot for Lisa if I am not wrong."

"I think so, but the same spot will be open for Monica as well."

"Who would you prefer taking his spot? Monica or Lisa?"

Her questions seemed a little too intrusive for an intern, but Carl didn't care. He was also very sure she didn't drag him on the top of the mountain to discuss these things. Something else was driving Jennifer. 'Patience, Carl, patience,' he made a mental note.

"To tell you the truth, it really doesn't matter to me," he lied to her. Carl wanted Monica to get the position, mainly because he knew her much better than Lisa. He knew how to deal with her and he knew what she would do. He couldn't say the same for Lisa.

"I see."

"So, just to let you know, I like your sex park idea but I just don't know how that would come about here in California. It's still a nice idea, though."

"It will work if people just get the right meaning of it. It's not just sex."

"But it's really based on sex," he objected.

"True. Too true. But you know it's not limited to that. Think about how much money it would bring in! People would love to pay to see their fantasies at play with their dream actor on the stage."

"Perhaps some people will."

"I believe they all will. We all have somebody we like around us, other than the significant one. And too many people dream wet dreams about screwing that person, or seeing that person fucked."

"Do you?"

"Do you?" she returned his question. Carl wasn't about to get into a childish debate. He downed his glass, ordered another and measured his answer.

"Sure I do. I certainly do," he affirmed out loud.

Jennifer saw the opportunity and decided to run with it.

"And wouldn't you want that 'dream' to come true? Wouldn't you want to fuck the living lights out of that girl, whoever she may be?" Carl let on a smile and grabbed the second drink. It was his chance to get back at her.

"Who said anything about me dreaming about a girl?" he asked testing her.

Jennifer's face froze for a second and he could see disappointment written all over it. 'Aha, now I know what you're after, girl!' he quipped to himself and smiled again. She recovered quickly and smiled back at him.

"Nothing wrong with it, but you don't seem the kind. You just don't. You're too much of a ladies' man and that's a fact, Carl."

He glanced at her, then at the street outside of the bar. It was sure quiet for such a unique highway, he thought. He liked that. The woods were nearby and he thought it would be great if they could go for a brief walk. Deep in the woods. Really deep. As deep as she seemed to want him inside of her. There were no more questions in his mind about it.

"Hmmm. I've been accused of that once or twice before. I believe it to be a true charge - without sounding arrogant, of course."


"And I like my freedom."

"Your freedom?" she asked surprised.

"My sexual freedom, that is. That's what we're talking about here, isn't it?"

Jennifer could hardly hide her delight at his words and was about to answer him, when all of the sudden her body shuddered at their true meaning. 'No way! He is not that, is he?' she tried to argue with herself and was left for want of words. The idea was so enticing to her that she felt a tinge of wetness in her pussy and flushed with a wave of pleasure flying through her body. 'I must find out,' she decided for herself and looked straight into his eyes. Little did she imagine what she was about to find out.

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