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'Ah! The benefits of sex! They're so great! You clear your mind and relax your body! Your entire being is overwhelmed by the velvet heat of orgasmic ripples if the guy knows what the hell he's doing. And if he doesn't, well... he shouldn't wonder why we relegate him as nothing sperm donor and ATM machines sometimes.

Men still don't understand that happiness begets sex, not the other way around but once you get there, well, you need to put out, boy! You need to do it and you need to do it often, well and like a job your living depends on!

I want my man to be, well, I don't know how to put it in words... I want him to be mine, in the sense that I'd know I can do certain things with him. But I want him confident and assertive, as well. He can't just be my toy. Hmmmm. Maybe a playful toy at it, if any. One that will do what I ask it to do when I ask it! That would be great! I mean, an erection is like a carnal carnival that renders useless all restraints, and I need that!

Like, sometimes I want him to take me! Take me and fucking ravish me, asshole! Do it! Quit playing around with all the bullshit. I am not made of glass and I am not gonna break! So, take me with all the assertive force that you can muster, rip my clothing off me and fuck me! You'll get more orgasms out of me that way and they won't be so elusive. So, grow some balls and fuck me!

And leave that goddamned job of yours at work! Don't bring it home! It's part of the problem! Your problem, not mine! Keep it that way!

Ignite my pleasure and take me in ways I have never been taken before! Be a little more creative! You got to my bed and that took quite a bit of creativity on your part. So, I know you can do it. Do it!

Don't tell me not to do it 'like that' in bed! Don't tell me my skills are subpar when I am trying to get pleasure out of you! Stop putting me under pressure by asking me if I got off yet! You'll be the first one to know if I had a climax or not and you should be able to tell it on my face and body. Don't tell me you gotta be outta here by 3 and whatever you do, please don't tell me what your ex did in bed! Keep me happy and I'll give you what you need! And remember something. Quantity will never trump quality. Get it right, man!'

Jennifer's thoughts took over her office work and there was plenty of that to go around, but she just couldn't disconnect her thoughts from more important things. She was happy as always, but something was eating away at her happiness. Something had the audacity of troubling her happiness, but she didn't know what. She concluded that it must be men's fault. It usually is. When they do something, it's generally wrong. And if they do nothing, it's just as wrong. Ignoring a woman is the worse thing a man could do.

Her dreams were suddenly interrupted when Carl made his way in her little office. Dressed in navy blue pants with an unbuttoned white shirt, Carl seemed surprisingly attractive to her.

"Is your phone turned off?" he demanded to know.

Jennifer tried to disengage both her mind and body from the lusty world of the past half an hour, but her efforts didn't seem too successful.

"Ah, no! I don't believe so," she answered as she checked her cell.

"I've called you three times in the last hour."

"Oh, Carl, I am sorry. I had it on silence as I was working on this paper."

"Ok. Never mind that. There is an social innovation conference up in Sacramento tomorrow and I need you to go with me. Monica Schaeffer's coming, too. It will only be the three of us. You can make it, right?"

"Sure. How long will it last?"

"We'll be there for three days. I'll let you know what hotel we're going to stay in."

"Ok. No problem. Is there something in particular I need to prep for it?"

Carl paused for a minute.

"Let me get back to you on that later today," he answered her curtly and walked out of her office just as fast as he came in.


Craig was looking forward to his evening with Monica. It's been a long time since they spent the night together all to themselves at home and he liked that intimacy with her. It wasn't all about sex, although sex was great when it came about. He remember someone saying that sex twice or three times a week was the sign of a healthy relationship. Monica gave him sex at least once a day. Their relationship was great so far or until recently, anyway.

He didn't think her love for him changed or sunsetted somehow, but he couldn't understand why she would tease him sexually so much lately. She knew damn well he wanted her body and he proved it every day. Yet she would arouse every sexual cell in him, she would bring him to the edges of splendid climatic orgasms and then...then she would just stop. She would let him cool off for a few minutes, then she'd work him over for another hour just to do it all over again. And she knew how to do it with an almost diabolic accuracy. Once, she brought him into the start of an orgasm just to squeeze his testicles as he was about to come. It didn't hurt but it felt extraordinarily unpleasant and she knew every bit of it.

She knew the man's body but especially his body all too well and he knew that. He recalled the endless nights they spent together in college, both naked in his room with an anatomy book in their lap and a porn movie on their TV, studying the human reproductive system and explaining to each other how to best get the most out of each other's orgasms. He recalled the first time she swallowed his sperm and the joy of satisfaction on her face. He recalled how he satisfied her one night by licking her clit until she screamed so loud that the campus police got called on them. He remembered all these things about her and he knew she was dissatisfied with something. He just didn't know what and couldn't put his finger on it.

The lock turned and the door opened and Monica made her way in his apartment. She sported a bottle of his preferred Gentleman Jack and he understood her message well. It was going to be a hot night. 'I just hope she'll also take me down, not just build me up,' he commented to himself.

"Well, hello darling! I see you're more than ready for me," she exclaimed happily.

"I am always ready for you, dear, but you know that already. How was your day?"

"It wasn't bad. We have a conference tomorrow in Sacramento and I have to go."

"For how long?"

"About three days. Do you want to come with me? You know, if you come you might just get to cum," she smiled provocatively at him.

"We'll see," he answered softly.

He looked at her hands and admired her feminine fingers. The nails were as impeccable as always and she maintained a light red shade of polish that she knew it would drive him crazy. She knew his tastes and she knew everything there was to be known about him. If his life was an open book to her, then his most inner wishes were the library she read with great desire. His world was an universe she enjoyed traveling each day and his thoughts were like planets she liked to visit then and again.

She wanted him to go with her to Sacramento for several reasons, most of which she didn't care for him to know in advance.

"I think you should come, baby. I know you've said you don't have to go to the office this week, because you'll have to work on those oil projects. You can do that in the hotel room when I'm in the conference in daytime. You'll be all alone."

His eyes rested firmly on her fingers as she sat next to him on the couch. She silenced the TV and turned to him.

"Did you hear a single word I said, darling?"

He seemed suddenly awakened from his dreams.

"Hm? Oh, yeah, darling. We'll see," he reiterated as he gently placed his index on her right hand and caressed it slowly, working his way to her fingers.

"Oh, yeah, right. We'll leave here at 10 am. The conference is not until 2 pm there and we have plenty of time to drive."

"Drive?" he asked suddenly as the question seemingly surprised him. "You know I don't like to ride in the car unless I drive."

"But baby! You can drive! In fact, you can drive me, too and you know what I mean!" she said as she leaned over and kissed his neck. His body suddenly remembered she took him to the edge of ecstasy a night before, just to let him 'suffer' the pits of sexual denial and disappointment in the end. He did everything he could to have her finish him off short of begging her, but to no avail. She put him to sleep by taking him into her arms and holding him with love. Yes, he needed her love but he also needed her to take care of his masculine needs, just as he was taking care of her. She signed up for that carnal obligation when she started dating him.

"Are you going to drive me mindless with orgasmic wishes like you did last night?" he asked protectively.

"Hmmm. Did you not like it? Not everything must end with my face, mouth, ass, or hand full of your sperm, darling. There are other ways to pleasure.'

"Some guys would call that cruel femdom, you know...' he objected weakly, but as he did so, her hand already pulled down his shorts and was working his cock.

"Perhaps, but it's worth the while. You'll see," she answered as she took all his meat in her mouth. Soon he was hard as an oak and felt the blood in his veins boil over like a river of hot lava flowing on the sides of a volcano.

She took her time to taste him, making sure he didn't get too far.

"I'd love to see your eyes while you do that," he whispered to her.

She knew exactly what he was doing, because she knew he loved her eyes. He loved to see her face while her mouth was full of his cock and she remembered she finished him off many times that way.

Her head lifted gently from his cock and she let her right hand take over it. Slowly, her right index started working the head of his cock while she looked deeply into his eyes. Craig closed his eyes briefly and she knew this was a good time for her to slow down. He opened his eyes again and was about to object, when she put her left index on his lips.

"Let me be a woman tonight, baby!"

"I never stop you from being just that, do I?"

"No, you do not. But I want to be the woman tonight. I want to be the one who runs this show and there's no room for a second boss here," she said to him while looking in his eyes. She grabbed the base of his cock with her left hand while licking her right finger and then put it in his mouth.

He sucked on it hungrily and felt the impulse of taking her body and just fucking it. She read his mind better than he cared for it.

"Don't even think about raising your arms. Just.... take it like a man. I want your cock tonight. Let me have it. Let me have it without resistance, darling."

The sunset threw the last rays of the day over the room and they could see each other's face; his was a face of hungry desire for orgasmic pleasure, but not just any pleasure. He wanted pleasure from her, yet his body could only take so much arousal from her. Monica's face gleamed full of ecstatic pleasure as she delivered her man into the throngs of almost unbearable sexual need. It was almost demonic of her, yet she knew what she wanted from her man.

She let her index do the work. His body began to thrust slowly upward and as he did so, her hand would follow the length of his cock. He watched her finger work his head while her other hand caressed his balls. His breath got shorter and his face convulsed with the expectation and desire of a climax.

Slowly, she let her finger caress the length of his cock toward his balls and she massaged his scrotum with both hands.

"You didn't like that at all, did you baby?"

"Pleeease don't tell me you're going to stop here, Monica!" he almost begged of her.

"Everything has a reason, baby."

"Oh, come on!"

"Trust me. Do you trust me?"

He closed his eyes and breathed out heavily.

"I do," he consented and she got up.

"You need a drink. So do I. I'll go fix us one."

He was looking at the ceiling when she came back. His eyes were fixed on a spot and seemed interested in nothing more than that.


"Yes, baby?"

"You know that prohibition stimulates desire, don't you darling?"

Her lips puckered and showed a slight smile.

"I know, darling. I do. Now, drink this. You're going to need it tonight," and as he grabbed for the glass her lips wrapped once again around his cock. He felt a bit like a fool for falling for her trick, but soon his cock was too throbbing to think about anything else. His world was about to change.


Lisa's evening could have been better. With nothing to do in particular, she decided to look a little deeper into the Halliburton purchase of the Southern Slope grounds. It irked her beyond belief that she couldn't get a straight answer to the whole thing. The idea that an oil giant like Halliburton would chance the liabilities of a competitor's subsidiary just for three or four wells didn't jive too good with her. It didn't make economic sense and she smelled a rat from far away.

As she scoured through the docs Lisa realized that the wells must pay a lot more than the liability of the damages done by BP in the area, if there were any. That much was clear to her, but what didn't make sense was the BP's ready willingness to depart with the wells. If the liability risk was less than the pumps would put out, then why would BP lend or lease them out to Halliburton? Why wouldn't they keep them for themselves? Obviously, there was a lot more to the issue than what met the eye.

Lisa remembered that BP lied to Congress about the amount of oil that gushed out of the Deepwater Horizon disaster and the campaign the company mounted to hide those numbers. She knew that Halliburton was not exactly clean-handed either, but the record was much better on the American side.

Carl did all he could to keep Lisa happy and not only in bed. He strived to keep her off his back at work and he figured out the sooner he satisfied her demands, the better off he was. So, to comply with her wishes he produced the documents he obtained from a source of his own earlier in the week. The documents suppose to indicate something amiss but hard as she tried, Lisa just couldn't make out the 'something'. Carl did tell her the documents required engineering knowledge but Lisa, ever the stubborn woman, would not let such little things get in her way.

Time slipped by slowly and with no hopes in sight, Lisa reluctantly and tacitly agreed with Carl. 'This is really above my pay rate. But I will never let him know. Never mind that now. Who could read these damned things for me? Why do these engineers make it so difficult to read a simple document?' she muttered angrily and shut off her computer. She had to find someone who could make sense of them.


Craig made his way out of the bed and walked to the shower. The coffee was brewing in the kitchen and he could hear it all the way across the apartment. He needed the coffee. His mind didn't seem to engage until well caffeinated and his body only followed his mind. No cold shower could set him straight or wake him up to any kind of functional level like coffee would.

He turned on the water and was about to get in the shower when Monica walked in. Naked and with the allure of a goddess, her body looked like she was the 'right stuff' for him. 'This is why life is worth living,' he said to himself as he saw her.

"You don't mind us showering together, baby, do you?" she asked with a big smile on her face.

"Oh. Not at all. Not so long as you don't...'

"Don't what, darling?' she asked looking at him innocently as he decided to brush his teeth first. Handicapped by the brush, he just winked at her and she understood. She walked behind him like a cat and they both looked at each other in the mirror. He didn't have to wait too long to get the answer to his question. Her arms wrapped around him and as she looked into his eyes in the mirror, she took full control of his cock.

"I bet you'd like a 'conclusion' for your cock, wouldn't you?" she said smilingly.

"I wouldn't mind it at all," he mumbled through the toothpaste. "The question is whether you'll deliver, honey."

"Hmmm, well, let me see. I'll tell you in a few minutes," she answered with a smirk on her face. His cock was already throbbing in her hand and she was stroking it with confidence. "Perhaps she'll have mercy on me this morning,' he quipped to himself as his breath was getting heavier. He dropped the brush in the sink and put his arms behind him to embrace her. She let him enjoy her body with natural ease and she kissed his neck, then his right shoulder, then his ear.

Craig seemed to melt in her hands and didn't know how much more he could stand up. He felt the energy slowly going out of his body and quietly hoped she would just finish him. It had been four days since his last orgasm and she knew it.

"Ah, no, no, no, no, baby! Not yet! Remember! Trust me!' Her words had the effect of a cold shower on him and as she slowed her stroke, he turned around, picked her up, put her on the sink and spread her legs. She watched his tightening face as he did so and let his head just slightly penetrate her clit. She gasped for air and wanted to let him go all the way in and let him have his way with her, but she remembered her plan. With a gentle move and much regret, she pushed him back out of her.

"I don't want you to cum yet, baby. Not yet. Not now. Especially now, darling."

Craig heeded her wish and his head rested on her right shoulder.

"Honey, I can't take it much more," he begged. "I am almost hurting. I need an orgasm. Please!"

"I know, darling and you'll get it soon. I promise," she whispered in his ear as she hugged him. She took his head by the cheeks in both of her palms and looked into his eyes.

"Now, be a good boy and go down on me. Do it like you mean it!"

"Who am I to say 'no'?" He asked mostly for himself and started voraciously sucking on her breasts on his way down to her clit. Monica moaned under the power of his tongue and her body started to shake with pleasure. He was the only man she ever knew to give her such immense pleasure. His spearing tongue penetrated her flesh and her depths reveled delightfully at his twitches. She wished she could let him drown his meat in her volcanic midriff and could hardly resist it. Yet his tongue made sure she needed not worry anymore. He cupped his hands on her ass and buried his face in her pussy while pressing against her pulsing flesh. Her mind was long clouded by his addictive licks and her clitoris climbed new heights of avid pleasure. She growl a couple of orgasms and let loose a flow of her warm juices over his face. Her head jerked back and she thought for a second how weak and vulnerable to him she was right then. If he'd only knew it, he could have gotten himself off right then as her orgasmic stage drained her of energy. It was the Monica he knew.

The coffee cup steamed under his nostrils and Craig took his time smelling it. It was one of his few great enjoyments in life and he loved it.

Monica made her way in the kitchen and her dress was impeccable. The blue knee-long dress with a white collared shirt and medium heels gave the sense of a woman who knew and meant business while her sensual side permeated through her entire being.

"Here you go, honey." He handed her coffee, fixed just the way she liked it. A teaspoon of whole milk with a touch of hazelnut.

"Thanks, baby. Sooooo.... I will make sure to take good care of you today, but you must come with me to Sacramento. That's not negotiable. So, go get dressed as soon as you finish your coffee, please."

Craig's body needed her more than ever, but his love for her wielded far more power over him and he made her wishes his commands. She was careful not to ask too many of them but when she did, he followed them obediently.

"Yes, Ma'am," he agreed, sipped a bit more of his coffee and walked in the bedroom. Soon they were on the Interstate.


Jennifer and Carl were already at the hotel when Monica made her way into the lobby. The front desk checked them into their room and Craig settled in a lazy chair with his laptop in front of him.

"Baby, look. The conference starts about 2 pm and I've gotta go downstairs to meet Carl and his intern beforehand. So, you do what you need to do and I'll come and get you about 7 pm after the conference. We'll have a small party after it and I want you to come."

"Ok, angel," he agreed as obediently as he could and settled into his thoughts. Monica closed the door behind her, but Craig was already too absorbed in his work to have paid attention to it.

His entire education was built around his character and it was in his very character to be an engineer. He was one of the best consulting and proving engineers in the oil business and his experience was vast despite his young age. Craig was driven by the need to know and he knew he needed to know. It wasn't just the job. It was his natural curiosity about things and it was his desire to know the 'temporarily unexplained', as he would call things that were not yet clear to others or even himself.

So, it was a lot more strange to him than to others to find an oil company give up a perfectly good proven ground and all that on a swap, nonetheless. It just didn't add up.

His sense told him there was something at play that didn't correspond to 'business as usual' and the more he looked at the contract, the more curious he became. He felt the answer had to rest with some new discovery, something that he was missing.

'Perhaps BP discovered the ground to be a lot less rich than it was first thought. But then they'd have to disclose that in the swap contract, if indeed that was the case. Man, I just don't know,' he wondered alone.

He scribbled a note on a piece of paper, put a question mark by it and was about to go on to another file when his cell buzzed on the desk.

"Hey, Craig! How are you?"

"Oh, hello Lisa! Gooood! Very good! How about you?"

"I am wonderful, thanks! Craig, listen, I am looking at some documents that were birthed by some engineer somewhere and I can assure you I don't know what the hell I am looking for. It might as well be Chinese for all that matters. Can you please help me read these things?"

Craig, always the rational man, could not make sense of her demand. Yet he knew Lisa was Monica's coworker and he even offered his expertise to CNN a few times before. He began to regret both.

"Well, first, what are you looking for in this documents, Lisa? In other words, what exactly are you searching for, or why are you trying to read them?" He tried to spare her any embarrassing scenario and protect her professional feelings at once.

"Well, hmmm, you got a point there. It's nothing in particular that I am looking for, but I'd know it if I saw it."

"Well, ok, if you want me to, I can take a look at the docs and kind of 'translate' them for you. Go ahead and email them to me, please."

"Oh, unfortunately I can't do that, Craig, because if I do I'd be revealing their source. That wouldn't be right and I am sure you understand."

'So, you want me to help you read something without being able to read it myself,' he muttered to himself, but maintained his composure.

"I understand. However, I am not really sure how to help then."

"Well, yeah you are right. I got an idea. I guess this would help. What the hell is a 2-butoxyy... ethan..? Hell, I can't even pronounce it! What is this stuff, anyway?"

"You mean 2-Butoxy Ethanol?"

"Riiiight, Craig! What is this stuff?"

"In the oil industry the 2-BE is the main component in Corexit, which is an oil dispersant. It's also highly carcinogenic and you should not be around it."

"Corexit! I remember seeing that name couple of times in some other documents from the same source! What kind of oil dispersion are we talking about here? I mean, how big of an area?"

"It's not so much the 'area' as it is what kind of area. Corexit was used during the Deepwater Horizon spill to control the flow of the gushing oil, for example. It's bad stuff. Stay away from it."

"I see! That makes a lot more sense. Thanks, Craig!"

"Don't mention it. See ya soon."


The party idea was all Carl's. It wasn't an actual party as it was a small get-together, but since most of the folks lived in Sacramento nobody wanted to stay too long after the conference. After all, they'd have to be back at it in the morning. Soon, Carl, Jennifer, Craig and Monica were the only four left from the party and Carl suggested they might as well enjoy the indoor jacuzzi. As the conference proved very lucrative, the hotel made sure there were plenty of drinks serviced by the jacuzzi.

"Ok, then, guys, I am going to go to my room to change," Jennifer quipped.

"Yeah, we all need to go change. The night's too young to waste it in a hotel room," agreed Monica. "Let's meet down here in about 20 minutes." She glanced at Craig, wishing to make sure he was ok with it. She knew the shape he was in, but had no doubts he could handle it. He seemed ok and she smiled at him.

"Ok, guys, it's a game-plan then. See you shortly," agreed Carl and followed Jennifer. His room was conveniently right next to her, although he didn't arrange it that way. He wondered how that happened, but he trusted Jennifer's ability to handle the logistics of the rooms.

Monica emerged from the bathroom in the two-piece bath suit Craig got for her some time before. It fit her just as perfectly now as it did back then. She looked at his face, then at his body and wondered how all that beauty of a manhood be so shy and so timid at times with his own 'stuff'.

"Are you ready? You think you can handle it?" she asked him as she embraced him for a quick kiss.

"I may not handle it that well if you keep rubbing against me like this. After all, you can't tell me you've forgotten the last four nights."

"Oh, yes, I know dear," and she pressed herself against him even more. "But you'll be ok. You'll see."

"I hope so. Let's go."

Carl was already in the jacuzzi with a drink in his hand. He seemed serene and at peace with the world and Craig actually thought this might be good. The two of them went back all the way to college and they met through Monica and Craig still remembered that Carl found Monica hot at one time or another. And for a good reason. Yet the guy was a true gentleman; he backed off once Monica started dating Craig and he was forever grateful. The evening was promising after all.

Monica and Craig made their way in the jacuzzi when Jennifer walked through the door. Whatever thoughts Craig might have had of a quiet evening, they all dissipated in the steam of the room.

Craig met Jenny before and he remembered her being sexy, but he never envisioned the perfection of her body. She had the curves he desired in a woman and they were just like Monica's except a few years younger. Her blonde long hair flowed over her right shoulder almost to her hips and her walk was divine. Craig couldn't believe his eyes and felt a bit embarrassed as well as aroused by her beauty. It was stunning and he counted his blessings for the steaming water of the jacuzzi he was in.

"Hello, Jenny," Carl broke the ice. Monica glanced smilingly at Craig to his surprise. He felt even more taken aback by her smile and tried to justify it to himself.

"That was a good presentation you made today. Not only it's a good idea, but the folks here liked it, Jennifer," Monica congratulated her.

"Thank you!" Jennifer responded candidly.

"Indeed it was," seconded Carl.

"How did you come up with the idea, Jennifer?"

"Oh, please call me Jenny. Well, I was looking at some European countries and their sexual satisfaction indexes and I wondered why there was such a difference between us and them."

"'Sexual satisfaction indexes'?" asked Craig curiously.

"Yeap. And it just didn't make much sense, so I started putting things together. It was then that I realized we can do these things here."

"What things?" intervened Craig again. "Mind you, I am out of all this. Nobody told me anything." Jennifer looked inquisitively at Monica and was not sure what to say.

"Dear, Jenny has an idea of bringing sex-park festivals to the Bay area," Monica enlightened Craig.

He took a sip from his drink and wondered if he heard her right.

"Sex-park festivals?" he repeated mechanically.

"Yes and it seems like it would catch with some folks around here," intervened Carl.

"Ok, please do explain," asked Craig.

Monica, Jennifer and Carl looked at each other and smiled while Craig looked puzzled.

"Well, ok. People like to have sex. They do and they will, no matter what the conservatives or the church will have you believe. The question here is why not profit from it? We should and it would be a good thing for everyone around."


"First, let's be honest with ourselves. We like more than one partner. We really do. This idea that we are monogamous is nothing more than a concoction society has come up with some long time ago to justify social coexistence in the family life."

"Are you saying family is not important?"

"No, that's not what I am saying at all. I am saying that married or not, we desire more than one sexual partner and in general that's a good thing."

"Please explain that to me." Craig asked intrigued.

"Surely one doesn't need another girl to appreciate the one he has, but another girl would put the first one in a different light, wouldn't you agree?"

"You mean, I'd look at Monica differently if I had a part-time girlfriend?"

"Or a part-time fuck buddy. Yes. I believe so."

"I don't know about all that now," disagreed Craig hesitantly.

Monica held on to her drink and enjoyed the warm water, but didn't miss a single word. She knew Craig to be honest with himself and she knew that if Jennifer made her argument right, he'd concede.

"Consider this," continued Jennifer. "Couples sometimes have disagreements and these disagreements reflect in their sexual lives, unless of course they have some pre-arranged mechanism in place to avoid them. Most people don't."

"Now, I do agree with it. And sometimes these disagreements even start in the bedroom. But what does it have with a sex-park? What is so special about that park that I could do with my sex partner there that I couldn't do home? In other words, if a couple has problems home, they are certainly going to have problems at the park, too!" asked Craig.

"But the park wouldn't necessarily be for the two of you. It would be a place where people would go to solve these problems out in the open with other people who can teach them how to get over them."

Craig was sure he didn't understand.

"What do you mean 'in the open'?"

"Well, the whole park would be a public display of sexual experiences."

"Ah, whoa! That's incredible! You mean, fuck in the open?"

"Yes and here's how," Jennifer agreed and began to explain her idea. Soon, Craig was mesmerized by her words and the drink made things even more appealing. His mind agreed with her more and more and his body certainly didn't deny the need for just that kind of a park. She was right.

"What do you guys say the four of us go to our suite? We can be more relaxed there. This water is getting too much for me," asked Monica.

Carl looked at Jennifer and stretched his hand toward her.

"I agree. Jenny?"

"I am game. How about it, Craig?"

He hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to say. Unsuspecting of anything, he decided there was nothing to loose.

"Sure, why not?" he agreed finally.

The night was about to get a lot more interesting than he could have thought.

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