'How did Lisa and Carl ever get together? She never liked his sorry ass,' wondered Monica all alone.
'More importantly, how do I get a hold of that drive and all the copies she might have of them? There's got to be a way to do that.'
Her thoughts raced at all the options she could think of. Then, her hand reached for her cell and dialed her office.
"Brent, do you happen to know that new intern down at the news desk?" she asked of her secretary.
"Ahhh, which one? We have about several new ones down there."
"I think her name is Jennifer."
"Let me look at the roster." Monica waited impatiently while Brent was doing the search. She hired hm because he was efficient in his work. She wasn't wrong.
"Monica, do you mean Jennifer Lawson? In fact, she's the only Jennifer we have among the interns."
"That's her. Can you give me her number, please?"
"Sure. Be glad to."
Armed with the number, Monica contemplated on her plan a little more. 'Fire can only be fought with fire,' she quipped to herself. Her fingers dialed Jennifer's number quickly.
"Hello?" Jennifer's voice came across the line just like Monica imagined. The girl missed no opportunity to flirt on all levels that she could. She certainly knew how to advertise herself.
"This is she."
"This is Monica Schaeffer at the News Desk. I understand you are new with us and I'd like to take the opportunity to meet with you and share some ideas on a new investigation. Would you be available to meet some time later today?"
Indeed, Jennifer never missed any opportunity and her answer reflected her eagerness.
"Absolutely no problem! Would you like me to come to your office?"
"Ah, no," Monica answered quickly. "There is a Starbucks across the street from the Eldorf. Can you meet me there around 3 pm?"
"Deal. See you there! And thanks!"
"Don't mention it. See ya there."
The Starbucks was packed with people of all ages, but it seemed most of them were not CNN employees. Monica liked that.
"Oh, yes! Now I remember you!" quipped Jennifer. "You run the News Desk, don't you? I wasn't sure when I heard your voice over the phone."
"Yes, I do! What a good memory! That is good for a reporter!" Monica tried her hand at some cheap flattering method. To her surprise, the pneumatic blonde in front of her didn't seem to buy into it.
"I've always wanted to meet you, Ms. Schaeffer! You've been my..."
"Please call me Monica," she interrupted firmly. 'I am really not in the mood for PR bologna at this time of the day,' she thought to herself. "So, how do you like it at CNN?"
"Oh, I absolutely love it! I am looking forward to working here full time!"
"Well, as you probably know, that takes a lot of work. And you must prove yourself, just like we've all done it."
"I have no problem with either one of these things. They're part of life. We all do it."
Monica measured her quietly and wondered what she meant. Perhaps this was not a bad idea after all.
"I am glad to hear that. So, what do you like most, besides work?" Jennifer took a full minute to reflect on her answer.
"To uncover things."
"Yes. To get to the bottom of things that affect people. They're important to all of us."
"How do you mean?"
"Well, we all know that deals must be made behind close doors sometimes. That's no secret and it's really not a big deal. It's just human nature. What's interesting is how these deals happen behind close doors and how these people think while they do them."
"Please be more specific," insisted Monica.
"For example, we all know that Halliburton's gonna explore soon on the Southern slope of Alaska. That's no secret. And it's also no secret that the licensing of this is contingent upon the EPA. That, too, is no secret. What we need to know now is not the 'why' and the 'when', because those things are easy to answer. We'd do good to understand the 'how' of all that. We really need to know how this whole thing works."
Monica's patience was clearly challenged. She didn't think this little girl would be able to think 'big' but there she was making perfect sense. If one could tell how things are shaped up by people, one may just be able to predict their actions in the future. It was kind like a chess game in which one of the opponents knew the other's actions based on how they thought.
"Good point. Do continue, please."
"So, if we can tell how things happen between people under different forms of stress, then every time we come across that person under that particular form of stress, well, we can tell what they'll do - most likely."
"I see," agreed Monica. "That's very interesting. Very interesting, indeed. Do you think this is true for everybody in all walks of life?"
"I am not sure I understand the question."
Monica wondered if the woman was patronizing her or she really didn't get it.
"I mean, do you think this is true for relations between two people, as well?"
"Sure. That's why I like to get close to people and spend time with them. The more time I spend with them, the more I get to understand the 'how' of their thinking."
"Even on personal basis?"
"Especially on personal basis! This thing called 'professionalism' is nothing but an identity crisis for most of us."
"What?" Jennifer's words gathered every bit of Monica's attention. Rarely did she focus so much on such a little thing like this, but this was more than just interesting.
"You see, there is no way to 'teach' professionalism. A guy learns it because society's rules around him say what he should do and when. But that's all OJT. It has nothing to do with learning 'professionalism'. It has everything to do with learning the rules of the environment he has to function in."
"Please make it clearer for me!"
"Ok. Here it is. The way a person's brought up to think and act at home is not the same way as at work. He can be whatever he wants at home, but most of the time that's not the same thing that he must be at work. Hence, he has to be two different people. He has to be a 'professional' at work and a casual man at home. The two require two different attitudes, two different looks and even different clothing! So, there you have two different men, even though both may be embodied in the same person. In other words, the man serves two masters and must be a different individual for each of them. The two identities that he takes on are very different from one another. And that's where you have an 'identity crisis'. We never really know which man we deal with, so we must know how they think. We must know what 'identity' they take under what conditions, so to say."
Monica was stunned and she looked it.
"Think about it," Jennifer tried to clear things up a little more for her. "These things are so rooted in our world that we've got so used to them we don't even pay attention to them any more, but they are true! Look at how we dress at home and how we dress for work! We're two completely different people! Would you want your man to come home and treat you the same way he treats his fellow workers? Most likely not!"
"Ah, no," admitted Monica sheepishly, without thinking that doing so would give Jennifer the upper hand. Just because you agree with someone, doesn't mean you have to let them know. And you never want to let them know that you sweat.
"Right! He has to be a different person at home than he is at work!"
"Are you saying we should drop 'professionalism' altogether?" Monica asked, finally regaining herself.
"No! I am not! I am just pointing out that we don't need to be so hypocrite about it. We don't need to pretend to be this or that kind of great person, when in fact we're just like everybody else."
"Ah, I see. But we must maintain some line between our personal and professional life, Jennifer. Don't you think so?"
"How do mean that?"
"Well, since you've mentioned 'my man', let's use that for example. I wouldn't want to make love to him in public."
Jennifer stopped and looked at her intensely. Her look almost intimidated Monica.
"Love or sex?"
"Love, to be sure!"
"Well, that must be a little better defined. Let's say you're too busy to go out for lunch and 'your man' brings you food at your office. Or even better, he brings you food and flowers! Wouldn't you give him a kiss for that, even if it was in public?"
"And isn't that a form of 'love'?"
"Yes, it is," answered Monica a little puzzled.
"Well, then you just 'made' love to him at your office and in public!"
"Jennifer, that's completely different now...!"
"Is it, really?" interrupted Jennifer brazenly. Monica began to admire her guts and eloquence.
"By making love to 'my man' I meant sleeping with him," she let out quickly, without much consideration for the appropriateness of the subject with an intern.
"Ah! If sleeping with him is what you mean, then yes, that should be kept away from the 'professional' life."
"And from the public, wouldn't you agree?"
"Not necessarily. That depends on the two people engaging in that affair."
Monica recalled that in the past she felt the same. There were even some short flicks she made while in college that attested to that past. But this was in the past and it proved too much for her tastes now.
"Excuse me, are you saying that making love, ah no, having sex should be a thing of public display?"
"Dancing is one form of sexual display and affection, but people have no problem with doing it public. It's not as intimate as sex, but that's only a difference of degree, not of kind - it's still a display of sexual affection, among other things."
"That, too, is quite a bit different!"
"It's 'different' only because we were trained to believe that! People decided that 'dancing' in public is a lot more acceptable than having sex in public. And then we can also get into some dances that borderline sex - and they too become unacceptable all of the sudden! So, it's all just as hypocrite as the 'professionalism' thing."
"Ah, whoa! That is something else!"
"I hope I haven't gone too far," said Jennifer apologetically as her demeanor changed suddenly.
"Not at all. Please do continue."
"Think about all these triple x places down on Hollywood boulevard. People know what kind of movies are shown there. So, people who go in there know what to expect. Why don't we have a similar place where people can have sex in public and be watched by others? A place where people would know well in advance what to expect when they go there?"
"That is a quite 'unorthodox' way of thinking, Jennifer." quipped Monica. 'The girl is brazen, but that's what it takes these days,' she then added to herself.
"Monica, I bet you that if any one of these green energy companies around here figured out a way to power cars with energy from public sex displays, we'd be showered with fuck-parks all over the place! And people would be more than glad to suspend these so-called morals when their pocketbook would come in play. Hell, we could even tax these shag-flags!"
"Ok, I must ask! How would you tax sex?" Monica's curiosity got the best of her.
"Oh, well, we just hire some Democrats. They're good at this sort of thing. But these days any politician would do."
They both laughed.
"And how would you convince the city hall to issue them a permit?"
"That is easier than you might think. All you need is a politician like Bill Clinton to tell people such parks are a way for people to express their views - like freedom of expression! And you're done! But seriously now, how would it be any different than drive-through theaters? You could easily put a drive-through a park like that and charge a fee for each car driving in! Think of the money that would come from it! The place would be full of teenagers and folks over eighteen and that would be one hell of a sex education course! Young guys would learn how to please their girlfriends in vivo without knocking them up the first time they bed them!"
The meeting obviously was not what Monica expected, but she was in for even more surprises.
"And that's not all! Imagine that some lady - perhaps even you - have a problem with the way 'your man' pleases you. A park like that would offer couples a great opportunity to teach their partners what they really want in bed, or how to satisfy a woman."
Monica felt a little uncomfortable about her last words but then realized that Jennifer was right; it would be disingenuous to hide her passions.
"Wouldn't porn do just that?"
"Not really, because porn is rather 'static'. Millions watch it, but a few can ever interact with the 'actors'. People would be able to interact with the actors in a park like that. The learning couple could pick up a few good motions and vibes from the performing couple. It would be a great exchange of ideas. And the teaching couples don't really need to be porn stars. They can just be every day folks who do better in bed than others."
"How would you know that a 'performing couple' is the one you'd want your partner to learn from?"
"Every couple on every stage in the park would have their own facebook and their act marketed on the main theme facebook. In fact, the whole park would be a theme park in a sense, with sex as the main attraction so to say. It would have its own facebook and its own site. After all, if people can sell guns on facebook, why not a public-benefiting live sex theater?"
"Stage? What would they be doing on that 'stage'?
"How detailed can we go?"
"Come on, Jennifer! We're at CNN here. We allow free thinking!"
"I see nothing wrong with different sexual takes. The couples on stages would have a full freedom of their expression. I see nothing wrong with them having oral or even anal sex. Nothing wrong with it so long as both 'actors' agree."
"I guess you'll be wanting to sell dope on facebook next, heh?" Monica cracked a joke.
"And why not? There are no shootings on facebook that I've heard of! And let's think about the socio-economics of a park like that! There would be vendors who'd go bananas to be able to sell their products on the stands around each performing couple! Education, promotions, marketing, money!"
"Ha! It all goes back to money!"
"Well, isn't it why we go to work every day? And no, it's not all about money, but about that, too."
"How would you be able to keep the working girls out of it? Or prostitution period?"
"Things are simpler than that. The performing couples would take care of all that by themselves."
"How do you figure?"
"Why would any man go to a prostitute? To get pleasure, right? To have a quicky that more often than not, is 'off the menu' or because the man just can't get any laid anywhere otherwise. That means he'd be on that stage for a very short while, if you know what I mean. That's not what their partners would want, even if they were prostitutes. The working girls want the money, not the show. Besides, the whole idea is to display the passion of sex. The couples there would have real sexual passion for each other. That would not be the case with prostitution."
"I guess it goes without saying that guys would love your kind of park..."
"But girls would, too! Bachelorette parties would be a prime example! And there will be women who can only dream of their fellow workers now, but would love to see how good they are in bed. So, these women may be too shy to ask the man to bed, or too concerned with their image if they slept with him, but if he was 'good enough' in bed they'd do it. The only way for them to find that out is to see with their own eyes whether his testosterone 'output' is as great as his looks!"
Monica felt the passion of her words and her mind went to Craig. Suddenly, she felt the urge to take him and to show the world what she could do to his body.
Jennifer continued as if she read her mind.
"And there's the biggest thing of all! The ego! Men and women alike! We all like to brag about how good we are and this would be the best opportunity to show the world."
"You certainly have some very progressive ideas, Jennifer."
"I just call things like I see them. But! I digressed so much! I am sure that's not why you want it to meet," she admitted shyly.
Monica sat there thinking for a second. 'Perhaps this girl is a little too smart for what I need her to do. We'll see. Let's try, anyway.'
"So, would there be any partner-swapping in this park of yours?"
"You mean like swingers?"
"Yeah. Something like that. If the partners don't mind, which it seems to me they would."
"Why do you think they'd mind?" asked Jennifer.
"Well, because people don't like to 'share' their partners most of the time."
"Yeeeeah. You see, this would be another good lesson. One in humanity, this time."
"In humanity?" Monica looked really puzzled.
"Yes, because 'sharing' means that we allow the use of something we possess. We don't 'possess' our partners. Slavery days are over with, you know. All that we really possess is ourselves and 'sharing' our bodies is most we can do. So, there is no such thing as 'sharing our partners'."
"Would you visit a park like this?"
"Why not? I would with the right guy! And I would also go to see how some other girl fucks a guy, if I thought she was a challenge to my man. After all, I'd want to know what she could to for my man that I can't!"
"Ha! How is that?"
"I'd want to see what she does that I don't. I'd want to learn from her why she would be able to please my man more than I do. I'd want to know why he'd go to her rather than me."
"Ok. I agree with this. Would you 'perform' on one of these stages?"
Jennifer paused to think. 'I am sure she didn't call me here to talk about my sexual fantasies.'
"I would with the right man."
"What is your take of the 'right man' for something like this? What would make a guy the 'right man'?"
"Obviously, he'd have to be willing to do in public, first and foremost."
"But what about his looks? Aren't those important to you?"
"Sure it would! I am very picky about it."
Monica frowned in her mind. 'That's not what we've heard at the office.'
"How picky? I mean, give me an example of a man you'd 'go public' with, please." Monica insisted.
"Hmm. I don't know that I can point to one right now, right off the top of my head."
Monica saw the opportunity and like always, seized it for herself.
"How about somebody like Carl?"
"Which Carl?"
Jennifer's words puzzled Monica. 'How many Carls do you flirt with, you little heathen?' she thought to herself.
'Carl Warner," clarified Monica.
"Ah! That Carl! Hmmmm. What makes you think he'd be willing to 'perform'?
'That wasn't the question,' thought Monica to herself.
"Let's assume he does," she tried to clear things up for Jennifer.
Jennifer gave a wide smile, showing her perfect teeth.
"Do you know something I don't, Monica?"
"What do you mean?"
"How can we assume that he does want me to begin with, not to mention in public of all things?"
"Well, let's just assume that for the sake of the conversation."
"Ok. I see. Yes. He is cute and sexy. But I'd do him in public under one condition only."
"What's that?"
"No videos of it."
Indeed, Monica was surprised and a little uncomfortable. 'Does she know anything about my past?' she asked herself worrisome.
"What would be the difference?"
"I wouldn't want anyone to record it, because that would take away from the very 'spirit' of the park. The idea is a thing like this should be a live event. Otherwise it would just become porn."
"Ah, I see!"
"It would be interesting to see if Carl would go along with it."
Monica glanced quickly at her perfect hands and fingers. Her nails were impeccably well maintained and sexy. Monica knew enough about Carl to say that he would love the femininity of Jennifer's hands. She could see Carl day dreaming of Jennifer's hands and the things those fingers could do to his cock. 'I wonder how far I can go with this.'
"How about we find out?"
Jennifer sat perplexed for a minute, not knowing what to say.
"Excuse me?"
"What do you say we find out if Carl wants you as well and then whether he would do you in public?"
"Monica, that seems like it's crossing the line a little, even for CNN."
"Normally it would. But you see, we're a big family here and we work together," bullshitted Monica.
Jennifer sipped a bit of her coffee and reflected deeply on Monica's words. Her eyes scouted the people outside of the Starbucks for a few seconds.
"What would I get out of this?" she asked decidedly. Her words took Monica by complete surprise.
"What do you mean 'what you'd get out of this'?"
"I mean, there has to be something in this for everyone. First, what benefit could I gain from this?"
"Hmmm, you'd be 'pleased' by him..."
"Monica, I have a lot of men who can 'please' me, in or out of the public's eye, and all that at the drop of a call," interrupted Jennifer again, seemingly irritated by the words. 'Does this woman think I cannot get a man to screw me to an orgasm? Has she lost her mind or is she really that arrogant?' she asked herself.
"Oh, I am not implying you're not able to! Not at all! I am just saying that's a two-way trip!" Monica back-pedaled a bit.
"I can get three or four-way trips all day long. I still have to get something a little more substantial and, especially, longer-lived than an orgasm or two."
"Come on, Jennifer, help me out a little here. What would you desire in exchange?" asked Monica a little irritated by Jennifer's vagueness.
"This would be a great journalistic opportunity, to tell you the truth."
Monica's face became serene all of the sudden. 'Here we go. This is it. You want to fuck your way into a permanent position at CNN, you little tramp.' Suddenly, she despised Jennifer.
"Oh, no! It is not what you think," quickly asserted Jennifer as if she read Monica's mind. "What I am saying is that it can make for a great story and people would love it, under our social section. I am convinced of it."
Monica looked at her intensely for a few seconds, while her mind was turning the whole thing over.
"Perhaps you are right. But we're in the business of reporting news, not creating them."
"True enough, but it doesn't have to be reported as a subject that originated from us, or one that we created. Besides, there are other people out there who thought about this and they already have websites, facebook pages and all sorts of things to support their views. All that we'd be doing is report on these things, with a tinge of suggestiveness toward how great of a social, economic, financial and educational thing this would be."
"Well, as it happens, Carl would be the one who would have to ok this idea. What do say I talk to him about it?"
"I see nothing wrong with it. Let's do," agreed Jennifer enthusiastically.
Monica stayed behind with the coffee in front of her, reflecting on what just happened. 'This is better than what I thought! Much better! It may just work!'
Lisa had been thinking of Carl all day long. She wondered why she didn't give him a chance a little sooner. The guy was as good looking as she desired and he was really good in bed. Much better than what she expected. She couldn't get her mind off his spearing tongue that sent tremors and waves of pleasure all over her sexy body. His rippling muscles were a thing to be explored and she wasn't done with them yet. Every man she ever dated had to pass the 'horizontal test', as she called it. She reached for her phone, a little aggravated that he didn't call her for the last couple of days.
"Carl, how are you?"
"Good. You?" He seemed a little cold, but Lisa thought he might just be a little busy. Anderson's departure to New York left a lot of work that Carl had to do.
"Would you like to have a drink over my place tonight?"
"Ah...Sure. Why not?"
"Right. There is no reason why not. How about 7?"
"See you there. Thanks."
She thought a little more about him. 'What the hell did he thank me for? We'll see.'
The Halliburton project was obviously already taking a toll on Craig, but nothing could deter him from Monica. She knew that. Once again, he proved he could satisfy her every need. She got out of his bed while he watched her and gently walked to the shower. Just before to go in, she turned to him.
"Would you like to take a shower together? It's been a while. Or...are you too tired?" she smiled. His face lit up and reciprocated the smile.
"You really think you wore me out, don't you?" he asked her with a smirk on his face.
"Well, darling, you did get one hell of a workout today. Do you realize we've spent over three hours in that bed?"
"And I am ready for three more with you, if you'd offer!" His ego was getting the better of him and she knew it. It wasn't like him to brag, but he splurged a little every once in a while. Nevertheless, he made his way out of the bed and to the shower.
He soaped her back first and then worked his way to her thighs. He loved Monica's thighs and she loved that fact. She let him wash her and then turned to him.
"So, how is the project going?"
"You are my project and you know how that is going."
"Baby! You know what I mean! The exploration stage."
"Yeap. Well, so far so good. I still don't understand how the Feds let Halliburton go on the Southern slope and compete with BP, but I guess everything will come out in good time."
"You know, you don't really have to take on this contract. You have so much to do here already," she tried to sooth his worries. He scrutinized her eyes, trying to figure out why she was going with the idea.
"It is a lot of money and if I am to marry you someday, I must have some green to back me up, hehe," he made light of it.
"Oh, honey. I'd marry you even if you were broke and you know that! I'd take you just as you are right now: naked!"
"Ha! I have a feeling you'd prefer me naked anyway, money or no money. But seriously now, I have to take this contract. There's something intensely interesting about it, not to mention downright mysterious."
"What do you mean by 'mysterious'?" She perked up fast. He knew she loved mysteries and loved to solve them.
"Not that kind of mystery, darling. A different kind. There is something here I can't quite put my finger on. Look at it like this. No one likes to have somebody come in our yard and do as they please. That's what Halliburton's doing to BP. Except that BP simply doesn't mind it. And the Fed, the EPA gave their blessings to this. None of this makes sense, not only because there is so much money at play, but also because prestige is important to BP, especially after Katri..." His words stopped cold in the warm shower.
"Well?" she looked at him inquisitively and confused.
"Katrina! That is it! I bet that's it! That must be it!" he exclaimed as he reached for the towel. "Honey, I have to go to the office right now. Gotta go. See you in about two hours. Ok?"
"You're just gonna leave me here, worked up and in suspense?"
"Baby, please..."
Monica wrapped her arms around his neck and then down his back. She knew his body liked her breasts and she knew how he'd respond. Her hands grabbed his ass and hung on to it firmly. With smoothness, they made their way toward his hips and soon they were holding his cock. She began working it slow with her left hand, while the right reached for the massage oil. She knew he loved a nuru massage and it never failed to gather his entire attention. She leaned over to his right ear and whispered in it.
"The oil on that slope can wait... it ain't going anywhere. This one can't wait..." He was all hers and he knew that the quickest way to his office was to take care of her first. He was all hers and at her command and nothing could change that. She commanded his body, his thoughts, his actions, all through his heart. Her presence in his life was everything, even if he had to put out as much as she asked. It was a small price to pay for her presence in his life, in his heart.
"Hi, Carl. How was your day?"
"It was all right. Yours?"
"It was great. And it can get even greater," she tried to allure him with a direct innuendo.
"How do you see that happening?" he responded with a sarcastic smile.
"Let's start with the first thing first. How about you fix me a drink? A margarita on the strong side, but very little salt."
He walked to the bar, made the drink quietly and handed it to her.
"You're not going to have one?"
"Ah, oh, yeah. But not margarita." He reached for the Jack Daniels bottle and poured a generous shot over the ice cubes. Then turned to her.
"So, where were we?"
"You were about to kiss my neck..." her words dissipated as he didn't wait for her to finish. He kissed her gently at first, feeling every bit of her lips. Carl always liked Lisa's lips and he thought they were a lot more inviting than her breasts. He broke away from the kiss, sipped a little more of his bourbon and put it down. With a gentle but firm move he took the drink out of her hand, put it down on the bar and wrapped his arms around her back. Lisa felt his body and she also felt his cock getting invitingly harder.
"What are you waiting for, Carl?" she whispered a little impatiently.
"I wonder that myself. I'm going to come in my fucking pants if I wait anymore," he quipped.
He reached for her dress and in a few seconds they were both almost naked. He took his time in undressing her but then, to her surprise, he stopped with her bra and panties. She reached for her hips to take them off, but his hands stopped her before she could do so.
"Don't you want me naked?" she asked softly.
"I do, but in my own time."
"It leaves a lot to the imagination, baby. It should."
He let his lips play a symphony of pleasure on her thighs and she let him. She enjoyed every touch he laid on her and her mind was soon disconnected from the world. Pleasure - his pleasing kisses and touches, were all she could think of. She wished for his body, not just any body and she wished for all of it. There was no way of getting enough of it and her brain couldn't fathom anything except the ecstasy he could deliver her.
His teeth grabbed her panties and dragged them off her slowly, while stopping along the way to lay more kisses on her inner thighs. Lisa couldn't take it anymore.
"Get your ass on the top of me and penetrate me now, man!" she demanded of him.
He needed no further incentive and soon his entire length was inside her. She let out a growl of pleasure and submitted to his thrusts. He felt like an energized fucking machine and she lifted her knees higher to make it easier for him. His erection took over her body and she clamped her legs around him to make sure he'd go nowhere. His seductive pounding and sexy face soon spiraled her mind into an exquisite rapture of ecstatic climax. He felt her midriff pouring fluids over his cock like a warm honey from a comb.
"Oh, gosh! Carl! Please! Fuck me silly, man!" she screamed at him.
"I intend to," he assured her.
"That's it! Fuuuuck! Do it like you mean it! Quit playing around and get to fucking me! You owe it to yourself! Oh, yes, that's it! That," she let out with rasping voice between her heavy breaths as his cock orgasmed her out. She panted heavily and rested her arms on him.
"O-h, my g-o-s-h! You are amazing!" she complimented him as she coiled from the pulsating orgasm given by his lovely meat.
Lisa thought of her feelings for Carl as they laid in bed looking at the ceiling. She wondered what was going on with her heart and couldn't put her finger on it. Soon, he broke the silence and brought her back to reality.
"Do you still want to know about that Halliburton licensing, dear?"
Craig opened his laptop as quick as he could and searched for the Katrina file. He knew that BP delivered a load of Texas crude to a subsidiary of Halliburton right before Katrina. It was as part of an exchange between the two companies, something that happened routinely. An oil company would lease the license over a certain proven area to another company, usually a subsidiary. The subsidiary would then drill the area and turn a percentage of the oil over to the oil company.
The search didn't take long. Soon Craig was looking at the subsidiary and began connecting points. This was no coincidence and he knew it.