The owner of the maquis told me that he could no longer praise us that he had learned that Stéphane was homosexual and that he was a Christian good the usual blahs. He sends me the rent that we had paid at the beginning of the month I bring in my employees and I pay them 3 months salary I go see the neighbor to tell him about the closure. I help him with 200 miles and go home. I who still doubted what I was going to do I see myself pushing more and more towards Yayi Lee. My uncles as if they had forgotten what they had done to me the day before ask me the rent. I had already seen the bills in the morning before going to Yayi's. I open my bag and place my share in my uncle Joseph's hand.
Joseph: Hey you forgot the rest.
Ashley: No uncle electricity divide by 3, water divide by 3, the rest is none of my business. Uncle, I have to feed Idriss.
Eliane: Look at the ingratitude of this girl.
Ashley: Auntie the insurance money you stole there, get the electricity in there.
My uncle Joseph can't speak I was going with the little one
Amandine: Ashley, I don't like what's going on here, it's still your uncles.
Ashley: I know mami that's why I haven't involved the police in this case yet.
Eliane: Police? Ashley, you've grown wings.
Ashley: Éliane they both saw my life and my studies collapsed here when they had my parents' insurance money in their pockets. They let me go to sell morning noon night to make do with Idriss as if that was not enough they had the audacity to try to steal the inheritance that my parents left me. Éliane, I have spread my wings thanks to you.
Rodrigue: Listen to this money is in an account for you good.
Ashley: Let's go to the bank now. You're going to transfer it to our accounts.
Rodrigue: Well, we had to sort out a few things but ..
Ashley: Stop lying, I'm letting you know I'm going to rent daddy's plot.
Joseph: Never. No foreigner will ever set foot here.
Ashley: I have the documents that give me the rights to do whatever I want from daddy. That's why you searched my room after the funeral to steal the documents, you even dared to share the funeral envelopes with me rubbish.
Amandine: Don't let someone from abroad put these things in your parents' house, Ashley, sorry. And what is this Ashley legacy story? You don't tell me anything more, my daughter.
Ashley: Mom and Dad left a legacy for me and Idriss. The lawyer came here several times and they tried to steal this too.
Amandine: Joseph Hey, you two have always been bad but so far that's beyond me.
Joseph: Listen, he's our brother and we have all the rights. And what is it that they left for you we have the right to know
Ashley: Yeah but and your brother's kids have more than you. Aren't you even a little ashamed?
Eliane: We must not exaggerate either, it's not as if we were responsible for the madness of your little brother either. Your dad only had to be careful while driving
Ashley: One, Idriss is not crazy; he's in shock that's all. Could he get over it or not get over it? And then if my father knew that his own brothers were going to try to destroy the lives of his children if he died, he would have been more careful.
Rodrigue: It's okay tell us what you inherited from my brother because you talked about the notary so he came and talked to you.
Eva: You see I told you that it was suspicious that the lawyer did not come back you told me that I watch too many films, that's it!
Ashley: It's me I'm here and I'm listening to you. Mami I'm going to live in Calavi next Monday. I will take Idriss with me if anyone touches my father's plot I will forget any family ties.
I lift Idriss and go with him. His pain au chocolat in his hand this little one does not understand anything I hope that when he is old enough, he will understand what happened today at the same time I never want to see him around these parasites again.
In my room I start to tidy up some things the little one was not hungry his face all full of chocolate he bombards me with questions.
Idriss: Mom, where are you going?
Ashley: We're leaving here. Your school ends on Thursday so we're going to live in another house, baby. Don't speak while eating my heart.
Idriss: Okay, is it far mom?
Ashley: Yeah, honey, but where we're going, there's a swimming pool.
Idriss: Could I play in it?
Ashley: Yes if you learn to swim but as I know Uncle Stéphane it won't be a problem my love.
Idriss: Mum of love darling of my heart
Ashley: Hmmm teddy bear from my soul what do you want?
Idriss: What's a fool?
Ashley: He's a person who does weird things because he has a headache. My blanket, why are you asking me these questions?
Idriss: Tati she said I was crazy so I'm weird too.
Ashley: No sweetheart the weird one is her. She is very mean you are my most beautiful boy in the world. She's just jealous of your pain au chocolat, don't give it to her.
Idriss: I already knew that.
Ashley: What did you know my little prince?
Idriss: That she wanted my pain au chocolat, she's jealous I'm not crazy.
I notice the little moments of lucidity that Idriss' psychologist had talked about. So he understood when Eliane spoke about the little brother that it was him that it is about my heart was calm I finally knew that he was going to overcome his shock even if he does not overcome it I did not care I had been his mother for two years it is not a problem but a blessing.
Around Sunday everything was put away in my father's house. I put my things and Idriss's in the car. My grandmother was sitting on my bed sad I go home I take these things she starts crying.
Ashley: Mami we're going the car is there.
Amandine: Am I coming with you?
Ashley: Ouch did you think I was going to leave you with these people? Sorry Mami get up, let's go! Yesterday evening when you were sleeping I put your things away. Let's not take the road in the evening it's not sure.
The old woman had already left the room sitting in the car I close the door behind me my uncles and their wives were not there. They had done everything to find the documents of ownership of my father's plot but nothing. Sonia she was there when she saw the car that Yayi had sent me.
Sonia: Hey where are you going like that? Who's that car?
Ashley: I'm going to live in Calavi.
Speaking, the driver opens the front door for me. My Idriss was impatient to leave, it's normal he had never traveled. I had heard from over 500 mum we still went on the trip. When I arrive, Stéphane welcomes us with open arms. It was a little late Idriss was asleep. The driver brings in the suitcases and the employees take my things to the master bedroom. My grandmother doesn't speak much she was in shock. Once in her room, she sends for me.
Amandine: Ashley this room is the size of your daddy's plot. Who are we with here?
Ashley: Mami we are going to talk tomorrow morning take a shower I will wash the little one after we eat and we will talk tomorrow sorry mami.
Amandine: Okay, where is your room?
Ashley: A little higher. I believe Idriss' room is next to me. You're two bedrooms away from my bedroom.
In the evening we meet Stéphane and I explain to me what it was like when he arrived in Calavi.
Stéphane: As soon as I arrived I was arrested. This Marc was a policeman.
Ashley: Are you sure that was planned?
Stéphane: You remember last night in the car it was he himself who took the lead if you understand a little.
Ashley: So why this trap I don't understand?
Stéphane: I don't know he came here to apologize my darling, his senses are rotting my darling. Did you accept the request?
Ashley: Yes I wanted to leave the place Stéphane. These people are no longer ashamed at home. Imagine they took my dowry from old Diallo. They really wanted to give me to the old man.
Stéphane: My darling, it's difficult but hey, we'll have to negotiate this side here too. You know you can count on me.
Ashley: Why you think I came here is because I knew you were here. I don't want to look behind anymore I just want to start something new.
Stéphane: Well the Boss if I seem to have after your butt that's all. And if you grab your card right, my darling, you could make a good future for yourself and your son.
The next morning the driver and Yayi Lee's personal right-hand man come to see me and give me the house documents. There was my name written on the paper. The same evening I made an appointment with my father's notary but I couldn't go. Stéphane was going to go there with a copy of the document. It was a real document, this gigantic house was mine.
I take a deep breath and say to myself ok this is a good start I just want to finish my house on my dad's land to be on the right side of the door if one day Yayi Lee gets tired of me. I won't see Yayi Lee's trail for a year. Every end of the month, I got 650 miles in my bank account. Employees were paid directly by their agency. Stéphane and I had decided to go back to school. Evening classes were organized by a state high school not far from the house. One evening gunshots rang out throughout Calavi. We were in an election period, it was nothing strange but still worrying. I, whom politics had never interested in, will find myself in a bad situation. After busy days in Calavi, Stéphane comes home running I was sitting in the living room he wrote to me.
Steph: Baby turn on the RTi TV
I do so on the spot.
I collapse on the living room sofa, I had explained to my grandmother that I had met a man who offered me this new life without going into details. Seeing me collapse my grandmother understands that he was the man I had told her about. She's looking at me
Amandine: What did you get into, my little one?
7 months later my grandmother passed away. A natural death. This funeral will mark the start of my new life. The same day after his funeral, I go to my father's room. Idriss still had to say goodbye to a loved one. He focuses on me I simply tell him that mami had gone to visit dad in paradise.
I never wanted him to face death again, I don't know what consequence it could have on him. I had spent days in Cotonou. Stéphane and I take the opportunity to take a little tour of my site 4 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, shower. All that was missing was electricity and paint. On the way home I take Idriss to his favorite ice cream parlor. A man walks up to me and starts hitting on me, but I gently reject him. On my way home, I receive a message from Yayi Lee, the first in 18 months.
Yayi: Go home immediately.
Ashley: Tomorrow.
Yayi: No today. The funeral has been over for 5 days. Come home the driver will be there at 3 p.m. All three of you should be ready.
I don't talk too much. 3 pm, his henchman was there, I lock the door and I leave. There was only Eva at the house. I warn her of my departure I hear ok points.