It was over the next morning I wake up with a big headache but nothing that paracetamol could not fix. I turn to wake Idriss. I touch him but he was so calm so peaceful. I take it I will give it a shower but my peace of mind was short-lived.
Joseph: Sonia, Monique, Ashley come here.
Rodrigue: Listen to me, all three of you. We have decided to no longer accept certain behaviors in this house. Mainly from you two Monique and Sonia.
Sonia: Uncle Rodrigue, it's not fair. When it's us, you speak, but when it's us, you say nothing.
Joseph: It's you speaking or it's my hands that will be added to your imbecile cheek.
Eliane: She's right. Ashley is younger but you don't speak.
Rodrigue: She works unlike those two lazy people.
Eliane: You two talk to each other as if working is easy. They are still too young to work.
Joseph: Ashley, they're going to work with you in the bush.
Ashley: No uncle sorry she will be more of a problem than help, I can't work and watch them at the same time plus you know them I don't want to be accused of anything tomorrow.
Eliane: You even see she doesn't want to give them a job.
Ashley: Auntie don't lie to us. Your daughters don't want to do anything and I can't handle their fuss over there. In addition we do not get along and I do not want that is all.
Joseph: Brief discussion they start with you tomorrow.
Sonia: I will not accept a salary far from 200 thousand
Ashley: You you don't know how to cook you forget the water on the fire you want 200 miles? Sorry have to stay home. 200 miles, don't make me laugh you know how many clients we have to serve for this?
Rodrigue: You will be paid like everyone else there.
Ashley: Uncle their wages will depend on how they work. If they become a problem, I empty them.
Joseph: I agree so it's decided.
Ashley: No it's not decided. Stéphane has his words to say, he is the owner of the maquis.
Joseph: I'll talk to him myself.
Stéphane put them to the test they did not last three days. On the fourth day, Stéphane brings 60 miles to my uncle Joseph to free them from their ordeal of work. My uncle gave them 15 miles each, the remaining thirty thousand were for himself. Every evening, my uncle Rodrigue and Joseph came to eat and drink with their friends in the bush without ever paying. Stéphane told me that it was the price of freedom. My grandmother and Idriss stayed in the office where we had put a small bed. Time had run out when suddenly my phone rang it was Mr. Yayi and by the time I answer, Stéphane gives me a little nod, I turn around and he is sitting with his group of friends his presence does not have escaped my uncles.
Seeing these rich young boys far from their world had fascinated them. I do the service.
Yayi: I came back yesterday. You will deliver as usual on Tuesday. Today is Sunday and tomorrow I will not be at the office.
Ashley: Okay sir no problem.
When I return to the kitchen, Stéphane, upset, comes to see me.
Stéphane: Okay, are you crazy?
Ashley: My Uncle Joseph's eyes were square on us.
Stéphane: He did it on purpose, he knew you couldn't refuse.
Ashley: What I got into.
Stéphane: Tomorrow you will speak to him be clear.
Here I am the next morning at the company I had barely set foot in his office when he had already pushed me against the door. The secretary had fled lord why she left.?
Yayi: Stop struggling, I want to check something.
He said by putting his finger in my vagina he smiles and lets go of me saying.
Yayi: I understand everything now you're a virgin. With you I hit the jackpot. Listen, I'm tripling the price but I'll be the only one I already told you I don't like to share.
Ashley: No, I'm never going to come back here again.
I run to the door and as I leave I notice him smiling. For him it was just a game I go back to shock the car. Three months later I am the only one to take care of the maquis. Stéphane had gone to join Marc in Calavi with his car. My uncle comes to see me at the Marquis while I was taking stock with one of the waitresses.
Rodrigue: Listen, manage to be home at 5 p.m., we're going to have a very important visit, don't be late.
Ashley: Alright uncle I'll be there.
Rodrigue: Ah give me the keys to the moped, I have to do a quick race, you take it home. You have had your fill I hope '
Nia: Yes this morning.
Rodrigue: Give me 20 miles to your place over there.
I give him he takes he leaves as if he had never come. Around 11 o'clock I take a Taxi to pick up Idriss from school I arrive at the house everyone is kind to me starting with Eliane. Since when? Something is brewing I ask my grandmother, too, is just as surprised as I am.
Around 5 p.m. I am feeding Idriss when my uncle Joseph asks me in his living room. I go there and I see my grandmother's face crumpling, I would even say annoying.
Joseph: Tell me Ashley do you know this gentleman?
Ashley: It's Mr. Diallo, the shopkeeper from the neighborhood next door.
Rodrigue: He came to ask for your hand. He's a good man, he only has two wives and would like to make you his third.
Ashley: No out of the question I'm not interested.
Joseph: I know it's a bit direct your aunt Éliane didn't prepare you. She told me she forgot to tell you about it.
Ashley: The answer is always no. I'm 18 and I'm not going to be the third wife of a man who may be a grandfather's age. I'm sorry, Mr. Diallo.
I take Idriss and leave the living room. I head to my father's plot followed by everyone, Rodrigue's wife tells me.
Eva: My darling thoughtful. He will pay for the studies of Idriss and ..
Ashley: I said no and it's no.
Eliane: Why is the child here so stubborn? You don't know how lucky you are. Monsieur Diallo is a good man and ....
Ashley: I don't care if he's as good as you say my aunt has to give him your daughters they're older than me period.
Eliane: Are you sick?
Ashley: Uncle, if my father was alive would you have brought Mr. Diallo back here? Where is it his death that brings all this?
Eva: My darling, your uncles cannot support you all their lives. We also have children.
Ashley: So because you, you have children destroy my life to feed them is that it? And then what are you talking about since when one of you provided for me in this house?
Amandine: Ashley calm down, don't get angry. Rodrigue have you fallen to this point? Mr. Diallo there will be no alliance here.
Diallo: So wait and the $ 3 million I paid?
Ashley: Mister Diallo here they go get your money. I don't know of anything. I'm not going to marry you.
Eliane: You are ungrateful, eh.
Ashley: Ok I'm ungrateful so from today not a single fr will fall out of my pocket. The invoices will be divided by 3.
In my head I said to myself