I arrive at Yayi's office and I see the secretary getting yelled at by her boss. She had made a mistake and I notice that Mr. Yayi was a tyrant. I hear an employee say to her colleague.
Employee: Today's day is dead. God help us.
A few minutes later, I am in front of the office and I wonder if I should go home or wait for it to calm down! I take a deep breath and knock on the door. He was sitting in front of his laptop. He doesn't look at me for a second. I prepare the table all of a sudden I feel a hand around my waist and he walks over to the other side telling me in a dry voice.
Yayi: So you already have an idea of the dish you are going to prepare?
Ashley: Yeah, I already know.
Yayi: It's good, but dinner is for the day after tomorrow. The secretary made a mistake in the appointments. Make sure you're ready around 6 a.m. so I can pick you up.
Ashley: Hey that won't be possible sir.
Yayi: Why not?
Ashley: I couldn't explain this to my family. I had planned something else but here you put me in front of a fait accompli.
Yayi: And was that what you had planned?
Ashley: My family will never let me go to Abomey Calavi with you like this for 3 days. If Stéphane came with us, they would be quieter but there, sorry.
Yayi: It's not a problem. Stéphane and you must be on time at 5:30 am in front of my house then.
Ashley: Ok I'll tell him about it but I'm not promising you anything yet.
Yayi: Let me know what to do.
I explain everything to Stéphane once in the car
Stéphane: I don't like this story. One thing is clear I'm not going to let you go there on your own.
When I got home, I told my grandmother that Stéphane and I had a big contract with Abomey Calavi and I showed him the check, luckily it was the management of the company who had signed the check and not Mr. Yayi otherwise it was dead. In the morning, my baby Idriss was asleep at the point of closing a kiss and I go upstairs with Stéphane. We meet in front of Yayi Lee's house. The latter had already left but the driver was waiting for us with his second car. We then took the route to Abomey Calavi and our heads almost fell.
The rich and the poor had three continents that separated them. This house was gigantic, our things are taken to the employees' pavilion. Shit his lodge doesn't even look like the house I dreamed of building; he was twelve times more beautiful and taller. From the pavilion, you could see the main house separated by a pretty swimming pool. I was too tired to move. I go to see Stéphane in his room but the latter was already in bed I don't want to wake him up. I go to the large kitchen to see where and how I am going to work the next day.
I was wondering what is going on. Are Stéphane and I alone in the house because since our arrival, no trace of Mr. Yayi. While I was putting the vegetables and fruit in the fridge, his wife came into the kitchen.
Isabelle: Give me a glass of water.
I give him his glass of water without flinching. I didn't like the tone but I'm here to make some money. I swallow my pride.
Isabelle: Okay, listen to me, I know my husband if you think I'm going to leave you alone here with him, you're wrong.
Ashley: Madam Yayi I'm here to work if you want I can leave and you cook yourself.
Isabelle: Don't play cool, did you understand me correctly? Stay away from my husband and you will be fine.
Ashley: Madam Yayi good evening.
I let her stand there, I go to my room to take the money that her husband paid me and I will give it to her in the kitchen. I wake up Stéphane so that we can leave. I don't want to get into this kind of story. It always ends very badly. We were the same evening seated at the Bus station. Stéphane keeps talking about the softness of this bed. He ends up getting up to go buy a bottle of water. After a few minutes I feel a hand brush my shoulder I turn around he was there Yayi Lee he sits next to me.
Yayi: I'm sorry. My wife can't control herself let alone cook. If you leave, I'll be screwed up.
Ashley: Mr. Yayi, why did you choose me I can cook but not as well for all these astronomical sums.
Ashley: Come home please! We'll talk after dinner if you're okay with it.
Ashley: I don't know sir but your wife doesn't seem to enjoy seeing me working for you which is why I prefer to walk away.
Yayi: Ashley I didn't think you were that kind of girl.
Ashley: What kind of girl do you think I am?
Yayi: A strong girl that you give up so quickly is weird.
Ashley: You know, I might be strong but not dumb. I am a poor girl who knows her place well, Mr. Yayi.
He smiles a little and shows me the car. When Stéphane arrives we get back in the car. My friend in front, me and Daniel behind. His way of speaking to me had changed. He had always called me familiar but this time he called me by my first name. Because it is here in Abomey Calavi that all my life as a woman will begin.
I come back to the house Stéphane and I have a good evening.
Stéphane: Ashley, the rich man is weird. 460 TV channels to do what? There is even a Chinese channel. Tchié my dear let's look for the money oh.
Ashley: In any case, we won't be able to do 460 channels but we will try to do at least 100 channels in 3 years, that's the main thing.
Stéphane: You're right, I almost forgot the môgôr gave me the money.
Ashley: Sorry, have to put it on the table. You do the table decoration and I cook, what do you think?
Stéphane: Ok. I had to think of one thing if you don't feel good about this Yayi affair, we can open a small bush.
Ashley: I love you.
Stéphane: I love you too my darling. Let's go to sleep because tomorrow is a big day for us.
Here we are the day up, struggling to make the preparations. I had taken my mother's recipe book to find my way around. Daughter of a chef, my mother had always made us dream meals. I try my best to cook all these dishes. I ask Stéphane to go take a shower I continue alone. I had the impression that someone was watching me out of the corner of my eye and I saw Mr. Yayi's wife. I hope she had nothing weird behind her head. I will stay in the kitchen watching the dishes until Stéphane returns. Warned, the latter will not lose sight of the meals. On my return Stéphane made me understand that she had done everything to get him out of the kitchen but that he had known how to manage. Stéphane and I taste all the dishes once again before closing everything. Yayi comes to join us in the kitchen to see if everything is progressing. He begins to taste the dishes. Nervous, we look at him impatiently to know what he thinks about it. He just nods and comes out of the kitchen. At the same time, Isabelle's shadow also disappears.
Evening is coming and the guests are making their entrance as well. The evening is going very well. Around 11 p.m., the guests went to the large living room and while we cleared the table, I heard a calm argument between Isabelle and Yayi.
Yayi: You don't have to start over what you had in your head. I will not tolerate your whims around my work.
Isabelle: I don't know what you're talking about baby listen.
Yayi: Stay in your corner when it comes to my business. If by your jealousy you become a brake on my business, I will hurt you very badly and you know what I am capable of.
Yayi leaves Isabelle alone in the hallway and goes to join these guests. The evening lasted all night. The guests are each accommodated in one of the villa's guest rooms.
The next morning I take care of everyone's breakfast. Around 10 o'clock it was finally over in peace. Stéphane and I could finally breathe. The cleaning is done, our suitcases prepared for the road the next morning. Stéphane suggests that I take a tour of Abomey Calavi. We went to make a few small purchases here and there. When we arrive towards a small shoe store, a car stops at our level, a young person gets out of the car and comes towards us. This handsome boy was flirting with Stéphane directly I was a little jealous but I do not show it. I then took his number so as not to draw attention to people. As I said, homophobia was the master in Africa and I was too weak to defend Stéphane from a lynching. The boy Marc slowly climbs back into his car.
In our car I let my jealousy sink.
Ashley: Stéphane yesterday I told you I love you no.
Stéphane: Yes I know.
Ashley: Today I hate you. Pretty baby of his mom like that flirt with you and you leave me.
Stéphane: Hum Ash ...
Ashley: How did he know you were?
Stéphane: We have our little signs and if one is discovered, we change quickly. But hey we'll see. Will you come with me to the meeting?
Ashley: There's no sheet, I want Coke, Fanta and then Sprite.
Stéphane: It's Coke that's going to kill you one day.
Ashley: My friend, there's no shame in bubbling Coke.
We burst out laughing. The same evening I accompany him to his meeting we spend a great evening with the boys. Marc takes us back to the villa. I got out of the car and wait for them in front of the house.
They stay alone chatting for 2 hours in the car, I don't mind. The front of the house had a good place to sit I remain with my eyes wide open as a guard with my phone on my fingers frozen on Stéphane's number just in case. I take this opportunity to take in the fresh evening air and think back to all these last weeks. The next morning around 6 o'clock we set off for the house. On the way we discuss and we make the fools happy about this trip. Until our return, we were in a good mood.
We arrive home happy but my cousins and their mother Eliane had still overstepped the mark. Monique was being beaten up. She would come home completely drunk at 2 am thus frightening her father's anger. I slip into my room to hug my little love baby in my arms. I missed him so much as soon as I hug him, he wakes up clean.
Idriss: Mom you were where I stayed yesterday here on my own.
Ashley: But my sweetheart there was Mami with you.
Idriss: It's not the same I thought you left like daddy.
Ashley: Hmm baby how can you think that? I'm not going anywhere I'm here with you and I will stay here forever. Come into my arms darling.
I realize that the psychologist was right. Idriss was still traumatized by the death of our parents. He was shaking all over his tiny body. I shouldn't have left like this. He must have been very scared. My grandmother comes in and adds.
Amandine: I see that you have understood yourself. You may never have given birth, but you are a mom now Ashley '
Ashley: Mami I understood sorry '
Amandine: I didn't say anything with the hope that you will notice yourself. Ashley you are 18 years old you want to live your youth to do like your comrades and it is with all your rights.
Ashley: I didn't think it would work like that.
Amandine: Ashley you have a little brother who sees you as his mother. You can live your life very well but tell me do you think these people out there are capable of loving Idriss like you? Your father and your mother are quiet in their grave because they know that you are there. I will die one day maybe tomorrow so beware. Makes food for the child. Since your departure he has eaten with difficulty.
My grandmother was right I had let myself be carried away by the money my God. And there I think back to my parents they must have turned in their graves these last days. I'll wash up and take out all of Idriss's presents. I make him a little rice and feed him. He ate his rice with the pain au chocolat in one hand and the packet of cookies in the other hand.
The day is breaking, Mr. Yayi had given me the day so I could go to the bank, but first Stéphane and I are going to drop the child off at school. Even after 45 minutes of negotiation, Idriss does not move he did not trust me any more, so I go to his school to excuse him until Monday. We go to the bank, I will withdraw Stéphane's share and take 400 miles for me, the rest goes to my account.
Stéphane: I think it's time to close your land, we're going on the constructors' route, you have to beat the iron when it's hot.
Ashley: Do you think this will be enough? you spoke of a marquis too.
Stéphane: Yes, largely, that's enough my darling.
We are going on the road of the constructors. Stéphane had suddenly changed. The effeminate boy had disappeared his voice was more serious very masculine. And I quickly understand why he prefers his feminine side to the masculine side. Stéphane was scared. For the architect I was his sister. We will then go see the premises to rent them. In less than a week, we had a small maquis of our own, a contract signed by both of us, we were the new owners. The neighbor who sold with us at the time, now delivered us with pork skewers. I am continuing my work at Mr. Yayi's.
2 months later ...
I bring Mr. Yayi's meal. The door was open and his visiting friends asked me if I could deliver to him also every lunchtime. I don't refuse and I invoice him. The rich don't gamble. He puts his hand in his pocket and hands me 300 cache miles. After the departure of the guests I find myself suddenly in front of Mr. Yayi not very happy.
Yayi: I thought we had an exclusive you and me contract.
Ashley: Don't worry Mr. Yayi. Stéphane will take care of your friend's delivery.
Yayi: I hope so. I don't like to share. It’s something I hate. You can serve after take your place, let's talk.
I sit down to listen to him. After listening to it, I return to the bush to find my grandmother and Stéphane. Over time, I had a small Mobilette, relieving Stéphane a little when he saw me, he understood that something was wrong. My grandmother was happy for me I was working in a safer place. We were no longer outside indulging in the drunken mood. Our former police clients had come back to us so everything was fine. At a small moment when we are alone I speak with Stéphane about Mr. Yayi's proposal.
Stéphane: Go tell me what's going on?
Ashley: He wants me to sleep with him Stéphane.
Stéphane: That's not new but hey we expected it.
Ashley: And he wants to pay me every time we do it.
Stéphane: What? Wait, he's crazy or what he didn't even play the card of, become my mistress a bit like tralala?
Ashley: He offers me a million every time I spread his legs to him. He is going to travel to Spain tomorrow and on his return he wants an answer. Stéphane, you don't know the worst
Stéphane: Because there is even more worse than this proposition?
Ashley: He wants me to go live in the villa in Abomey Calavi with Idriss and the hurdy-gurdy. Stephane le môgôr knows everything about my life, absolutely everything I tell you.
Stéphane: The boy is serious. I hope you will refuse.
Ashley: I took my legs around my neck. Damn I saw my father's corpse chasing me with a belt to kill me.