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*Holden's POV! I'm writing this as I stand in line to vote at this dumpster fire. ??‍♀️??*

I wake up alone, once again. House smells of coffee, breakfast and I can tell she has already cleaned. Despite the fresh clean blankets, I slept like shit. It's hard sleeping alone after all those months of snuggling a soft warm body. She barely speaks to me. I dress and brush up then head down to get something to eat. This has been routine the past month.

"Morning son." Dad greets from the table, playpen to his side with two wiggling boys kicking around in there.

"Morning. Morning little guys. How's daddy's boys?" They perk up and watch me.

"They are doing good! Bellies full, bathed and well rested. Getting plenty of mommy's attention. I'd say doing better than you Holden. Mind to explain to me why you did what you did?"

"They are doing much better than me. I don't fucking know. She just wanted to take over. She was so adamant about trying to turn over the camera footage to authorities and letting them handle it. I guess I thought she was protecting him and in lost it. I never ended things with her. I didn't. I said some foolish shit and I tried to take it back that night, but she shut me out. She told me that I blew my last chance. She moved my things out the room, got a job and her own money, got her car from her mom. Tried to unsend the lingerie photo when she realized it sent into our group message. I told her I no longer wanted her, and she withdrew from me entirely. "

"You should never put your hands on a woman unless it's self defense Holden. What you said correlated to what you did, so she believed it. She wasn't protecting Ben. She is far far over Ben. She has been wanting to lay low and legal. Worried about her babies. She has talked to me about this and was wanting to talk to you about it too. She's grieved herself in worry that one of us could be arrested and our family split. She doesn't want the babies to grow up without us. She rarely causes any fuss or ever goes against us, and the one time she stands up for something she's passionate about you clock her in the face and tell her you dont want her. She wants to be independent now so she can support herself and soften the blow of rejection. She's slightly pulled from me too. She plans to leave. She thinks in her mind that she ruined our bond and that we will eventually force her out. I've overheard her calls and seen her phone. You are about to cost us both here." I sigh in frustration and pinch between my eyes to thwart my oncoming headache.

"She's definitely been independent. Working now. Got her car back. Dressing different. She push mowed the yard yesterday with her babies in the carrier on her back when the sun went down. Wouldn't even ask me to watch them. Just yesterday I watched her back her ass into the storm door and push the handle in just so she wouldn't have to ask me to get the door. I think she really meant it when she told me there was no coming back from this." Dad chuckles.

"Such an amazing woman, yet amazingly petty. I did see the door scene yesterday! I'm still amazed at the things that ass and those feet can do, I'll admit..." He leans back and grins. I glower at him in jealousy. I've recieved none of her talents or attention lately. I'm starved out. "You know, I keep having to tell you how to get yourself out of sticky situations. I've practically orchestrated every successful move you've had with our girl. It's time to take the training wheels off son. You can figure this one out, if you want her." He scoops up the boys and a big blanket. "We are going to do some tummy time outside in the sun. These big guys like the great outdoors, just like mama. Ace wiggled off the blanket yesterday and was plucking at a big yellow dandelion. You should've seen his eyes. I'll send you that picture." Dad beams as he takes his prized possessions outside with him.

I watch as he takes his foot to arrange the blanket and then eases the boys down on their tummies. He plops down on his side. Both boys flailing around. He pats their butts and tickles them as they smile and holler. They look up and around with wide eyes soaking everything in. Acacia is also so observant of the outdoors. I get an idea. I grab my cell and dash outside to them, forcing them all into a group photo with me as dad groans. Once we get a decent photo I bolt to the SUV and head into town. I get the photo printed and framed and I head off in search of candies and flowers. I settle for yellow tulips. I don't know what she wants, and I'm better with terrorizing women than romancing them if I'm being honest. Typically women always tried to romance me and I just let it happen. I've never much had to try. This is fucking ridiculous. I now have a picture, a bouquet, and a small gift bag of junk food.

I check out and get in the car. I could just go home and wait for her. Or. Or I could just go full balls to the wall with this and show up at her work. Yeah. That's what desperate dudes in chick flicks do. And I'm pretty desperate. Plus, it would be nice to see her up there working. Dad said she was offered nights now but she's still too nervous to move from days. I head to Southern Belles intent on fixing my fuckups. I near the parking lot and I slow down. There is a black jeep on the street before you reach Belles, and it looks like the one Ben was in the night he popped in at Cia's parents. I pull into the lot and collect my peace offerings. I walk in and all eyes are on me. It phases me the least as I scan the room in search of Cia. I find her, in a shiny purple set. I saunter on towards the bar and sit in the corner just out of her sight to watch her perform. She's incredible. Damn. The lights overheard make her snowy skin glow and her freckles stand out in the sea of tan bodies on stage. She climbs effortlessly and leans back, hands on the bar below her. Her feet wrap around the bar overheard and she slowly turns and winds down to the bottom letting her hands go then gripping overhead. Her body turning and spinning. Thighs clasp the pole as she remains upright, upper body free and leaning away as she runs her hands through her coppery mane. Strong legs holding her with such ease her body does not even tremble. She continues on and I'm entranced. I can't even be angry with the group of men surrounding her and offering their hard earned money. Eventually she is off the stage and to the other end of the bar, with a tray of drinks to a table of men in suits. She struts to them in a fluid gait, heels making little sound as she bends at the waist to set the tray on their table. Hungry eyes take her in as the men complement and flirt. She smiles and turns away and back to the bar and I'm already on my feet to greet her.

"Acacia!" I call and she looks to me wide eyed and startled. She quickly crosses her arms and tells the bartender something. I look up to the man who looks to me with horror and bolts. She fucking works with Chance? I watch him retreat with his phone in hand and I glare at him till he vanishes.

"Are the babies ok? Why are you here?" She asks.

"I...I..." I fish for words and try to keep a blank face. "Babies are having a blast with their grandpa. I am here because I wanted to see you." She remains closed off, a defensive brow raised. "I miss you little deer. I miss those big eyes looking at me with emotions other than disgust. I know you can't stand me. I lied. I DO want you. I do need you. I'm a miserable mother fucker. I hardly sleep." She softens but quickly pulls it back. I hand her the gifts and she looks at me like I've shot ten people. "For you. You can hold them. I can set them on the counter and step away if you don't trust me." She won't even take them from my hands. No doubt because of how I tricked her into coming to me and hit her last time. Her eyes reflect her apprehension as she looks to me with furrowed brows. No trust in me. We are back at square one. I mask my disappointment as she takes everything from the counter. "I'm sorry Acacia."

"Thanks." She says, holding the picture out to admire, she locks onto my face in it.

"You can cut me out if you want." She considers this and reaches into her bra to adjust the top. I look back at her face not to be rude and my hand stings. I look down and the little key knife has stabbed by my knuckles. I step back hand throbbing and confused.

"I'd rather just cut you than ruin my picture. More satisfying. Now, I have to be getting back to work..."

"No. You need to come home."

"Why, can you not find your socks or is it the waffle maker again?" I ignore her jabs.

"No. You work with Chance, who conspired to kill you. And I'm pretty sure lover boy's jeep is parked up the street." She seems offputt by this.

"Is he in here? I've not seen him if he is. Let me go find Randy and see if he can let me go. It's been a slow day, so it shouldn't be problematic." She drones and turns defeated to find her boss. I see Chance from the half opened side door for bar employees. He looks to be talking to someone in person. Phone no longer in hand. I walk towards the door, dodging tables and men standing to mingle. I get just close enough to see a man in front of Chance and my suspicion is confirmed. Ben is here, it was his jeep. He's talking to Chance. No doubt in my mind what about. I sneak a photo with my flash off and zoom it in. I go back the way I came to collect Cia.

"Let's go." I grab her hand and lead her to the far side hoping to stay out of view. "I'll walk you to your car and follow you home. Don't leave till I'm I'm behind you."

"I don't understand..."

"Ben is here. Talking to Chance. I'll show you the photo when we are home. " She clutches my gifts to her chest with one hand as I lead her out. I realize I've given her no opportunity to go change as she tries to cover once outside. She moves to go up street instead of to the lot. "What are you doing?"

"You'll see." She takes off full speed and I follow her trying to get my shirt over her to hide her bouncing goods from the passing cars. She's a sight for sore eyes and see can only imagine the photos that will circulate soon as I see a few flashes from car windows and growl. She's made it to Ben's jeep, key knife in hand as she stabs the tire in broad daylight and skips back to me.

"Are you fucking crazy? With all these witnesses?" I grab her arm.

"Well now he won't follow us. What will he do, turn me in? I got footage burned of him dumping a dead Laura off on us." She frees herself and quickly finds her car. The enginevroars to life and I go to my SUV and pull up, waiting for her to back out. We ride home and I see her cellphone in her ear as I trail her in. We park and she pops out and through the yard to Dad and boys. I sneak into the house and make a few sandwiches and grab some chips. I run outside to join them all on the blanket.

"Picnic mademoiselle?" I ask and do a little bow while holding the tray of food. Dad cackles and Cia finally gives me a genuine laugh. We eat and play with the babies between us. "I'm really sorry to both of you. I should never have hit my doe eyed beauty. Or my own father. I should listen when you have concerns. Dad is right, you have given me more than I deserve. My life is dramatically better thanks to you and the sacrifices you make for us. Permission to approach?" I ask tentatively. I try to scoot closer to her side.

"Permission denied." She pulls her knees up and looks between me and Dad.

"Permission to hand you a sandwich?"

"Granted." Dad senses my move and scoops his best friends out of the way. I lean in to hand her the sandwich and pounce on her. She squeaks and the babies coo and kick at the sound, amused. She struggles beneath me and then headbutted, but I block her. I've learned to expect the unexpected and underhanded with her. I smile and nuzzle her neck.

"Holden! Get off!" She bucks to try to tilt me away. I only enjoy her efforts.

"I'm trying to. Just hold still. It's been a while." Dad covers his face and groans. Cia gags.

"Eww! Gross. I don't even know you." We belt out harder, dad's eyes watering.

"If you don't know him, how'd you get pregnant?" He winks at me and I know he's proud of my attempt to make things right.

"I must've sat in something." She counters and Dad's eyes twinkle, he's got her.

"More like you sat ON something." He smirks and she groans now and accepts her fate. Lying limp beneath me.

"Wanna sit on something tonight? I'll beg if need be." I plead. At least let me sleep in the bed.

"Only thing I plan on sitting on is my ass, and spending time with babies."

"What a nice ass to sit on." Dad comments. Suddenly realizing her attire Cia tries to jolt up. I keep her arm but finally move off of her. We feed her while she feeds our babies with the sun shining down on us, still in her purple lingerie set. Light breeze carries her hair. I immediately snap a photo.

"I talked to Colton on my way home. He brought up Laura's disappearance and said that Laura had been blackmailing Ben. Ben played him the recording. Ben apparently was under investigation and he sold his house and relocated. Could he have moved to our area?"

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