*This story is a sequel to 'No Good Deed.'* "Give yourself to me Casey. You wanted me before. You want me now. I could ...
My body is past exhaustion. Pain rolls over me in waves like the ripples of warm water from the tub jets. I weakly flail over the edge and vomit, my body contracting so violently that even the water I stole from melting ice cubes cane back up. I viscously dry heave. Shaking my body out and suckling more ice to rid myself of the taste, I lean back into the water and breathe. You can do this. You CAN do this. You will meet your babies today woman! Today. Excitment now edging me on I focus on riding out my contractions and the two men in the tub cheering me on. I faintly smile at them.
We just recently decided on a house, in Morren. Thirty minutes from my hometown and family. We decided to both in Warren, where Evans's hospital is located. I had no clue he was a doctor until the gender scan at Simon's, let alone that he actually owned and ran a hospital alongside Dobrev. Incredible men really. Holden and Daddy H are in swim trunks alongside me. They have worked the past hour we've been here massaging and pampering me, trying to ease the pain of labor. I am 6 centimeters dilated, when Evans checked a while ago and the pressure is unreal. It squeezes between my legs and along my lower back, hips and abdomen. Sometimes so strongly I nearly lose my breath. I regret denying all medicines now. After all I'd been through though with being injected with shit against my will, I can't stand the thought of unnecessary needles or meds. So I feel everything, without a buffer. I'm some type of masochist. Or I'm completely, utterly stupid. Fuck. Me. Oh God! The pressure tripled and I produce a low whine as a soft noise fills the air and the pressure halts.
"H-Holden. M-My water just broke!!!" I mutter.
"It's alright baby. It will be over soon. Water broke. Halfway there. Think about it like that." He kisses my forehead and pulls me into him. Daddy H pulls into my other side and runs his hands through my hair. I look up to see the call button flashing. He must've slipped off to hit the button. Dobrev, Evans and Elaine rush in. As they check me over, Elaine brags and makes over me. I hug her loosely, not to get her and her little bump wet. The guys were against it at first, but Elaine is wanting to natural birth too and is terrified. I'm basically letting her observe me so she can have an understanding and pick up any tips I stumble into. So far I just have: sex can kickstart labor, walking the halls is great but becomes impossible quickly, jacuzzi is much more relieving than the bed or bouncing on that freaking ball, and distractions are your best friend. When I keep focus on the excitement of my boys, talking to my big boys and friends, or calling my mom(who's on her way) I don't succumb to the physical aspects of laboring as much.
"Alright. Are you ready Cia? Your contractions are back to back now, water is certainly broken, you are fully dilated. Do you feel the pressure? Like you need to push yet?"
"Y-yes. For m-minutes now." I barely pant out.
"You can begin to push whenever you feel it. Dont force it, just focus on your breathing, find a comfortable position and push when you feel your body naturally contract. Work with your body, not against it mommy!" He beams. I feel more in control of my pushing on my side, so I move to the shallow side of the giant tub pool. Daddy H quickly snatches me up and moves me to my intended spot. Holden dashing before us and sitting down. With the guys now sitting side by side, me across their laps side lying, I began to push. The doctors are below us, feeling my sides and watching intently. I feel such pressure. That's the only accurate description. Pressure. Pressure. Pressure. I'm thirsty, hungry, and despite the intense agony, I am so tired. My eyes start to flutter on their own.
"Stay awake dear, you are doing so wonderful! No medicine, and you have hardly made a peep. Our girl is so tough." Daddy H coos rubbing my back. Holden supports my head, kissing and whispering little flirts that despite everything going on make me blush.
"Don't you go to sleep sis. I didn't get this cute and come out here not to have those peepers on me." Elaine giggles. I hear Dobrev laugh at her statement.
"Y-you c-could...just...g-get naked to-too. Might...ughhh...like that...better. Oh..." I try to tease her but i can hardly speak now from my strain. They all laugh as Elaine's dark cheeks tint and she playfully swats in my direction. I stop responding and save my voice, it's hard to breathe and banter. It won't be long now. It hasn't been long anyways, but the exhaustion makes it feel like I've pushed a whole year already. My stomach is rock hard and one continuous contraction that has not released, I count my breaths and I out everything in me into the push gripping to Holden's big hands for dear life. I can't do this. Tears rolls. It hurts so bad. I'm so hot and so worn out. I don't think I can do this. I force on in spite, body trembling.
"Oh. Oh. Oh boy! Here we go!!! Crowning!" Dobrev and Evans call out as they watch and wait as a unit. Daddy H holds my leg up for them to anticipate the first baby. It's hard him for him I know, as I contract and accidentally push against them. Holden and Daddy H are both holding their breath with me and I see Daddy turning shades. If I weren't physically in suffering right now I would crack up at the sight. Dobrev switches spots with Daddy H, who goes under up to my head. Holden, who has told me he wants to catch the babies with Evans's guidance and cut the cord when it's time, kisses me passionately then runs into place. He continues to coach me, as Daddy kneads my scalp and shoulders, affirmations never ceasing from his lips. Elaine's beautiful eyes water and she praises me in awe. I continue to bear down.+
"Baby!" Holden cries out. "He's almost out love! Give me one more push. God, you are so fucking amazing!" Our first boy is now out and whining. Holden's voice quivers as he takes him in, then hesitantly hands him to Evans. I continue to push with everything I have. Probably fifteen minutes later, our second boy is pushed into the world and into his daddy's giddy arms. Daddy H's tears drop onto my head as he embraces me tightly, and Dobrev pets me as we wait for the placenta. Holden cuts the cords after giving them several minutes. I told him weeks ago it was best to let them be for a few minutes for the blood and nutrient flow. I grin at him and our beautiful boys.
After everything is officially over, I'm stitched and quickly I clean up to get out and nurse the boys. I get out gingerly, and with plenty of helpers. I'm so sore and exhausted. Once into bed, with a Holden on either side, I nurse my little boys taking in their ever feature and cooing at them. Elaine comes over to huge and kiss my cheek, and I lean my head into her. "Thank you so much Elaine! You are the best coach! You will do great! I would love to come coach you too if you'd like." I smile.
"Yes please! I feel better knowing what to expect now, but I'm scared shitless girl!" We say goodbye and she leaves to find Dobrev. My boys are pink all over and hair jet black, staticky hair standing up all over. They have full lips like their father's, and his nose shape. My pointed ears, and curved pinky fingers. One has a birthmark on his foot. One has hazel eyes like his grandpa H, and one has grey eyes like his parents. They suckle until they are full. One passing out at the breast, the other looking up at me. Just like his dad! Holden. I look to daddy and grandpa.
"Thank you guys. For everything." I sigh. "They are so adorable. I can't believe they are ours!"
"We should thank you for giving them to us. You did incredible. I still can't believe it. Are you hungry?" Holden asks. Daddy H is speechless as he stares proudly at these little boys.
"I'm so cold. And I'm starving. Thirsty." I lean to his face and kiss him on his cheeks. "I love you so much Holden." I turn to Daddy H. "I love you too daddy. You guys are the best." My kids start to flutter again.
"We love you too." Daddy replies as Holden grabs his cell and starts to tap with determination.
"Your mom is almost here! I have ordered a couple pizzas for us all and I'll get you your cola." He winks and I grin at the thought of an ice cold cola. I need to keep limiting caffeine, but one shouldn't hurt. "I love you so much mama. I'm going to go get you some grub mama bear. Evans will be here in a moment to get length and weight on our boys and check them over. They won't be gone long, he promised." He kisses me and leaves.
"Is there anything you need dear? Are you comfortable?" Daddy H asks. I'm terribly cold now, and I can't stop shivering. It's harder to stay awake. Is it the adrenaline wearing off?
"I'm freezing daddy." I reply weakly. "Can I have a hot bath and my robe?"
"I'll ask about the bath, you will at least get a hot shower. Your robe is coming up. I'll check the thermostat." He hits the call button and we wait. I'm now convulsing uncontrollably and I can't still myself. "Case! Case!" Daddy yelps trying to tie the robe and piling blankets around me. He jumps into the bed, call button in hand and cradles me. I continue to flail and my eyes shut, my body feels like ice. I feel like I'll never be warm again. "Acacia please! Please. Please stay with me."
"D-daddy I-I'm sooo...cold. My...babies..." I panic as I think of my babies in the bassinets bedside. I reach towards them before I lose all control and my vision fails again.
"Evans! Dobrev! Nurse. NURSE!!!! CIA STAY WITH ME!" I hear a woman's scream melt into daddy's.