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I get up early, despite my lack of good sleep and I shower and bath my boys. Boys are fed, and in cute outfits. I start breakfast and cleaning the house of all signs of chaos that played out last night. I whip up a special cocktail to bring the blood from the carpet and I keep the ice pack on my face. Everyone eats and I speak not a word to Holden, despite he and Daddy making small talk at the table. I already asked Daddy to watch my boys and I have enough milk pumped to feed them 2 bottles each should I be later than expected coming in. I have anxiety flaring at the thought of leaving my boys, so I lay down law to daddy about answering his cell for me.

I rush the stairs to get dressed and spruced. I grab a navy pencil skirt, flats, dark panty hose, a cream blouse and navy blazer. Light natural makeup and half up hair, smooth and light waves. Pearl earrings for a more formal touch. I must myself with perfume and curse as I sorsy my own eyes. Shit. Why am I even allowed to have anything that sprays? I grab the eye drops and flush my eyes. That's better. I don't look high now. I'm not digging the clothes, but I'm trying for a nice interview look. I need Colton's help, but he'd notice my throat. Shit. I grab for a thin leopard print scarf. There. Throat covered. Looks less stuffy with a fun print too. I grab my cell, purse and Daddy's keys as I come through the kitchen.

"You look fantastic dear. Be careful. I love you. " Daddy checks me out and nods in approval. I flush.

"Thank you. I will. The boys have plenty of milk in the fridge, put the bottle in warm water to warm it. No microwave. Swirl NOT shake. I love you too." I hug him tightly.

"Where are you going Cia?" I turn to Holden and raise my chin.

"Job interviews in town."

"They won't hire you. Your name was slandered in the paper before the truth came out. You won't make enough at these places to support a family of three. Just stay here."

"Someone will hire me. And if I budget right I'm certain I will do well. I'm not staying here another day while you both keep me up. I am a mother, I need to be self sufficient." I take put the door before he can further damage my self esteem. I will get a job. I am a great worker.

I jump in the car and make my way into town. I try a few banks, they all tell me they recently hired. So I go walking the streets checking out businesses as I go. I see a few clothing shops and stop there. Two have already hired, and another flat out denied me based on my outfit. I turn and leave, head high. I had no business working around fashionable boutiques anyhow. I see a auto detail shop ahead, other side if the street and I dash to it with determination. I enter the dingy shop and immediately pick up the hiring flyer on the table of the lobby. I take it to the counter with me.

"Hello." I smile and great. The man at the counter grins.

"Hello miss. How are you today? May I help you?"

"I am great. How are you? Yes, actually I was needing an application. I noticed you guys were hiring and I have experience in auto detailing." I beam. Customers would often specially request me for the interior work and headlights. I can stand and buff a headlight back to factory standards. He smiles.

"You want to work here?"

"Yes! I have done this type of work before and I was highly recommended by customers. I could even show you my work if you'd like."

"More goes into this ma'am than just picking up trash and wiping a window." He deadpans. I raise my brow and lean in the service window face to face with him.

"Sir. I have scrubbed blood out of seats from car accidents. I have completely dismantled interiors to pull seats and pack them back in. I have reupholstered headliners, sanded and buffed headlights. I have removed paint overspray. I have sanded huge runs in clear coat that have barely had enough product to even sand without nicking the paint and I have done it. I know this line of work. I'm good at this, please. " I try to defend myself.

"We wear baggy uniforms here and we get dirty. This is not the place for hundred pound ladies to parade around in. I'm sure you got plenty of attention in your old workplace but it ain't how we do here."

"Obviously. I can see the difference in how you do here. That car that's pulling out now has a white haze in it's tire shine and the side window has a streak when the light hits it. You should always pull them up to double check in sunlight what you cannot see in shop light. It will save you customer complaints. You have the eveno6you deserve." I turn and leave him. I walk back out to the street and sit down at a bench. No luck. No luck. How can this be? Until the last shop I have been courteous and I practiced the questions and etiquette I found online just to be sure I was professional enough. If I go home now I'll be a failure. Holden will get too much joy out of his being right. It's petty, but I HAVE to prove him wrong. I have to do this. I need this. My kids need this. I continue walking and turn up another street. I see a few lingerie and clothing shops, a few restaurants and a strip club. "Southern Belles". Oh. They are hiring. That could be great money. I look down at my outfit and tuck into a lingerie shop.

"Hello gorgeous! How may I help you today?" A beautiful Asian woman with burgundy highlights in her hair approaches me. Her aesthetic is smokey and sensual. Her clothing is sexy, but not over the top. She has an effortless sex appeal, and I NEED it.

"Hello! I love your outfit. I was actually needing something similar but I cannot coordinate lingerie and clothing tastefully. You see, I have an interview at Southern Belles and I don't think I look the part. She grins and looks me over.

"Follow me! I have a great idea of what to do." We go towards the back where she takes my coat off and rummages through some racks. "Turn around babe, let me see you. What's your sizes?" I give her my sizes and wait. She moves like a cat, so driven and graceful. I sneak glances at her ass when she's not looking. Wow. I don't know if I want her or want to be her. If I could channel just a quarter of her aura. She returns with an emerald green lacey bustier and matching lace thong. She has an armful of other garments too. She ushers me into a stall and steps in with me. I undress for her and she help me into the green ensemble. I stare in awe. Daddy swallow his heart of he could see me now. I snap a quick selfie and smirk, then send it to Daddy H. I turn around her her as she hands me some sheer grey stockings.

"Yes girl! Perfect. This one was made for your body. Skirt on baby, white blouse, but don't tuck it." She turns the slit to the front and side so it shows my leg. She pulls it up a bit higher on my waist so its above my knees. She ties the bottom of the flowy white blouse, and undoes the top few buttons letting my cleavage and the green lace peek out. She pulls my head down to her chest and I enjoy the moment while she adjusts my hair. She leaves and tells me to stay put. She returns with heels and an eye pencil. I sit down while she darkens and smudges my eyes and I don the heels. I buy everything I have on as well a a handful of the outfits she picked out. She gives me a huge discount for my first time shopping here and after a bit of flirting, I have her number. Her name is Sami. Short and sassy, it suits her. She hugs and wishes me luck as I strut towards Southern Belles. I ditched the blazer and gave it to Sami and now the wind is whipping my blouse and hair around. Sami poofed my roots up in the elastic to give me some good volume. I need to remember this, oh and the eyeliner tricks. I get a few lustful looks as I near the club. Breathe head back, chin up. Square shoulders. A smoking hot chick just gave you her number, you have your own man harem at home. You are sexy. You can do this. They'll want you here. Damn I hope. I grab the flyer from the door and strut in, eyes follow me as I make my way to the bar area.

"Hello." I greet the bartender. He smiles at me.

"Hello gorgeous. Pick your poison?" He gestures to the wall of drink combinations behind him.

"Oh no, I couldn't. I'm nursing. I'm actually here to see if you guys are still hiring."

"Nursing, oh." His eyes find my engorged breasts and I blush. I pump every three hours, if I don't get home soon I'm going to leak. "Hang on, I'll get my manager for you. We did have a few spots open." I eagerly nod and thank him. He leaves and another bartender shuffles around my peripheral vision. I turn and catch the blonde's eye. He immediately gapes at me and stirs a bit uncontrollably.

"Hello Chance." I greet, almost enjoying watching him squirm.

"Hello Acacia. What brings you here?"

"Applying for a job." I reply.

"Trouble in paradise?" He snorts and I laugh.

"Not trouble. Natural disaster. Paradise is burnt. In flames." I groan.

"He's a fucking asshole."

"He's the whole ass. Listen, Chance. I know that you were worried about me. You have nothing to worry about. I won't say anything. I never even mentioned the other guys either. Or what happened from there on. You are safe. I was frustrated at Holden's, but now I understand why you did what you did." I go ahead and air it out so we can get over this shit. I have enough people who still hate me.

"I appreciate that, and I'm sorry for all you went through. I really did little to deflect that." He stops as he takes I'm something behind me, I turn to see the bartender and manager approach. He winks and leaves.

"Hello there! I'm Randy, pleasure to meet you." He has yet to find my face. I smile regardless abdvshake his hand.

"Acacia. Nice to meet you as well."

"I hear you are looking for work?"

"Yes sir! I was actually hoping to get on here."

"We have two positions open, but they are both for female entertainers. Would you be fine with stripping?" Right to the point I see.

"I would clean toilets here I it gets me hired. I am a mommy to twins, I need work. I'm not picky. I would need part time though, as I nurse my boys and can't be away too often or my supply likes to drop."

"Great. Stripper it is then! You'll make us a fortune. You have a great body. Come by tomorrow around noon and we will get you set up and a little training. Days are a bit slow, so the girls will have ample time to show you the ropes. That outfit is hella sexy by the way. Pile that hair up one night, bring some reading glasses." He clicks his tongue. "Mmm. Would be perfect." I thank him and the bartender profusely and skip away. I spot Chance with his cellphone out and I wave him goodbye. His camera flashes at me and I raise a brow at him as he quickly moves away. The fuck was that for? I call Daddy H in the car.

"How are my boys?"

"Perfect! Besides trying to search me for a titty, perfect." I laugh.

"I'm so glad. Gosh I've missed them! I got a job Daddy!!!" I brag.

"Congratulations baby girl!" He coos and I'm so proud. I hope I can make good money for my family. I've never been a sexy type, so I have so much to learn. I'm gonna die. Gonna trip, fall, bust my ass another crack. I'm gonna die. Maybe they'll send the boys a sympathy check if i die. Either way, I'll make something. I fly home and run inside to see the babies. Everyone is in the livingroom.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Holden asks.

"I got a job. Nowhere would hire me, so I ducked into a store and got a makeover. I walked into Southern Belles. I have a job now."

"Stripping?" He asks incredulously.

"No. I stand at the door and take coats. Of course I'm stripping. The job practically fell in my lap. And with any luck I'll make good money." I head after my boys to see if the will nurse. I pop the front of my garments open and sit down to feed the babies. I thought I was going to die. Never going over my three hours again. I hear a phone ping and my cell says it sent message. It should've sent ages ago. I grab my phone and try to slam it into airplane mode but it's too late. It sent to Holden and Daddy where I always kept them in group text. I clicked into the wrong message.

"Nobody fucking open that yet." I demand and Holden rolls his eyes. "Do not open that! Stop!" He opens it anyways and I fume. Daddy pulls up his phone and follows suit. Both shamelessly lusting after the photo.

"What's wrong that I shouldn't have opened this?" Holden sneers at me and I know he's enjoying having opened it before I could try to get rid of it. I sneer back.

"It wasn't meant for you is why." I head upstairs with the boys and change clothes. The boys are back to napping out their full tummies. I change and lotion them then position them comfortably with a kiss on their heads. I flop onto the bed and just close my eyes.

"You looked lovely dear. I love that picture. You should wear that for me. I would eat you alive in it. Do you mind if I order you more?"

"Thank you. I'm so glad you did. I can wear it for you, and you may order what you'd like."

"Why do you seem so down hearted? Is there anything I can do?"

"You do more than enough for me. I guess I'm just dealing with my deflated ego. I've taken some good shots lately. I get turned down for a thousand jobs, a man mocks my background in detail work, the manager at Belles obviously only hired me because of my titties and the father of my children beat me last night and implied he wanted me out of his life after demeaning me and my role in the babies lives. Then Laura. I'm pretty sure Ben killed her just to fuck with me. I'm likely the reason she died. I caused tensions between you and Holden. I only wanted to do the right thing. Why is everything so hard?" I'm not crying, but I I sniffle. "If I didn't have you I don't think I could handle any of this. You are my person. No matter what fuckery I cause you never fold on me."

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