Narrated by Amy
After talking to Charles, I thought it was good to do what he said, wait a little longer and not ask for a divorce just yet, I'm not in a hurry to get divorced either, I'm not exactly desperate for it. It doesn't bother me for now.
Albert: -Amy, Amy - the new CFO, who is taking over from Alex, makes my hair stand on end, but I like him.
Amy: -Yes Albert, where is the fire this time!
Yes, because for him everything has to be in a hurry and for yesterday.
Albert: -Amy, my dear, we need all the reinforcements for tomorrow's meeting.
Amy: -But it's only tomorrow Albert, we still have this whole day to think, plan and talk about that blessed meeting.
Albert: -I know, I know - he says behind me as I walk to my office - but Amy, they are very important clients.
Amy: -And not all of them - I say annoyed and entering Caroline's room which is right before mine.
Amy: -Good morning Caroline - and now he will stop, just look at my beautiful secretary lol.
Albert: -Well, well, very good morning dear Caroline, how have you been since yesterday - Albert melts completely every time he sets eyes on Caroline, she pretends she doesn't understand, that she doesn't want to, but I know she gets all melted too, but doesn't show it, she's a complete professional and always keeps her distance with him, at least in front of me.
Caroline: -Good morning Mr Albert, I'm fine, thank you very much - and continues typing on his computer without giving him any more conversation.
He gets sad, says goodbye and leaves.
Amy: -Dear Caroline, I think Albert is in love with you!
She looks at me expectantly in her eyes, but soon that look is gone.
Caroline: -What an idea Ms. Amy, he does this just for fun, he has nothing else to do - she says, turning her attention back to the keyboard.
Amy: -Yes I know - I say laughing and heading to my office.
I go in and once again I see a gift box on my desk, it has been like this since I turned 30, 5 months ago, that every now and then, a package appears with a sweet sweet aroma, a beautiful red bow and always with a very expensive gift.
There is a knock on the door and Caroline enters.
Caroline: -Well, Mrs. Amy, another present - she says when heading to my desk and leaving some papers there - how many presents like this have arrived?
Amy: -This is the third one, and the worst part is that I have no idea who it is - I say, moving the box.
I take off the red bow and open it, it's a beautiful pin with a beautiful red and pink Sapphire, another exquisite and wonderful piece.
Caroline: "Wow Miss Amy, what a beautiful pin," Caroline says with her mouth open.
Amy: - Yeah, it's really beautiful.
Caroline: -Your secret admirer is a very tasteful person, and he doesn't go to any lengths to please him.
Caroline is right, whoever she is, she's a person who doesn't even go to great lengths to impress me, and look how hard it is to leave me that way, really impressed.
The first gift that came was on my birthday and it was a beautiful necklace with my name on it, the second was a bracelet to match the necklace, but without the name and now this pin.
What does this admirer want with all these expensive gifts?
Who will be?
Narrated by Amy
Amy: -Come on Matt, hurry up with this - I yell at him to move the chairs.
He grunts as he passes me with the chairs in his arms.
Matt: -Come on Matt, hurry up Matt, come on Matt, hurry up Matt, fuck, you only know how to give orders.
Meg and Meg laugh and he gets even more furious lol.
They are moving to the new house, it seems that he has finally come to his senses and is going to settle down and they decided to put together the rags. Of course, in the process, he left a lot of hearts broken, but he fell head over heels in love with Meg and thankfully, if there's anyone who can change Matt, it's definitely Meg. They don't want to get married, at least for the time being, and they do well, marry for what? I have nothing against marriage, but I'm too suspicious to talk about it, right?
Megan: -Ahhh, what a beautiful pin you have there - Meg runs her finger through my new pin.
Amy: "It was my secret admirer," I say.
Megan: -Well, that admirer of yours opens his wallet wide for you.
We laugh.
Matt walks past us muttering one more time.
Matt: -Carry Matt, like a workhorse, while they're here talking and laughing. slapstick.
We laughed more and went to help the poor guy.
When I get close to my cell phone I get a call from an unknown number, it has also happened a few times. When I answer I know someone is on the other end, but nothing says, when I answer and speak, two seconds later they hang up. I've already thought if it's not the secret admirer, it's possible, but there's no way to know.
Is it some psychopath?
I've wondered if it wouldn't be Giovanni, but it's not like him, but I don't know.
It even crossed my mind if it wasn't Alex, but that's completely impossible. Alex has returned to his old life, where he has the women he wants, wherever he wants, whenever he wants, just like he once told me.