Melanie shook her head at Bella not amused of the laughter. The group looked at the light which turned into a green twirling tunnel. Bella and her friends looked at each other. Wanting to know who will be going first into the portal. Max and Kenneth looked at each other and walked down the tunnel feeling a warmth feeling as they closed their eyes from the bright light. Austin and Bella then went second. When Melanie watched them go inside of the portal she grabbed everyone's journal and followed everyone inside. Once everyone was in the portal it closed right after.
Feeling cold air the group had opened their eyes to see themselves in a town where autumn leaf's falling on the ground. The town they were in had black houses and a street of bricks lined up like it was a fairytale. This area made everyone become confused. Once the group had arrived in the town they seen students walk near a castle. This made Bella and Melanie confused. Until they seen their journal's glow a gold like color with their pages. Confused by what was happening Melanie stayed silent. The journal then written the words.
The New School Location One.
The group of friends looked ahead as teenagers were lined up with teachers and peers. Bella and Max had an excited look but the others were confused and worried. Max had walked forward curious. Kenneth had followed Max as the others stayed back for a moment looking around. The town had shops full of writing supplies and notebooks even maps. Shops were opened to younger kids who would walk there grabbing the latest book or folder for school. Kenneth looked to his left and seen the older kids walking to the same place Max was heading. The school was very far and they knew they would have no choice but to attend. Trying to find a way to make it to school Bella had pointed at the that kids were boarding on. The others nodded as the girls went on first then the boys standing up.
A male had looked at the group confused.
“I've never seen you five before, but let me guess poor transfer students. Wait until Miss Fancy hears about you all I bet she'll kick you all out with a snap of a finger.” A teenage boy named Henry said to them all.
“Well I have never seen you either? And what color is your journal? Gold or Silver?” Melanie asked tempting the bully.
A gold journal means you have been invited into the school as a teacher free. Silver was you going to the school and paying a price of 50 doules. Which meant in America was fifty thousand dollars after you graduate here.
“That depends on my mother she is the one who works at the school. She gets half off my tuition.” Henry says looking at the group.
“It sounds like you're spoiled. You really need a life check.” Bella said as the group laughed.
“It seems like you all had already met a new friend.” a girl named Ash smiled at her younger brother Henry.
Ash had her white hair in a braid bun. And wearing a uniform already. She looked at her younger brother annoyed. She told him to be quiet and stop bragging about money. The siblings then went at the top of the stairs listening to the teacher again. Everyone was heading to their dorms. Bella and the others had walked into the group dorms. The dorms consisted of four beds all bunk beds. Four desks, four quilts and paper stationary. And pets for each one of them. Bella had received a white puppy. Melanie received a raven with a heart on its beak. Kenneth had a gray cat with white hair on its stomach. Max had a brown rabbit which was jumping up and down on its bed.
Once the group had settled down they had decided to explore the castle. Bella and Melanie were the first to leave the their rooms. They walked around the place holding their journals. Bella walked up the stairs and Melanie walked near the classrooms. Naming all of the classes.
Racial Rights- Classes for every race in the school. Learning the meaning of their race and history.
Applied Symbolic Scrolls- Learning English, Spanish, and other languages in the school.
Complex Symbolism- A class that teaches you about expanded symbols.
Stellar Curses- A class that teaches you to defend yourself when it comes to using your journal.
Ethical Healing- Teaches the students how to heal their wounds with their journal.
Temporal Writings- To advance the students writings in their journals.
The classes that were listed on the groups schedule made them excited. And Bella was the first to talk about hers. In the middle of talking she heard someone walk to their rooms. The group began to hide in not being visible in the eyes of a person. They all decided to write in their eyes to be invisible. And it worked the person opened the door. Miss Fancy revealed herself looking around in the room. Everyone who was invisible remained silent.
“Fancy why are you in the student dorms? You're supposed to be making sure that breakfast is made.” Rea asked looking at her.
“I was making sure no one who doesn't belong here is here in the dorms. It may be humans in this room and I do not want any of them.” Fancy mentions.
After Rea and Miss Fancy had left the room the group immediately revealed themselves. The group had sweat on their foreheads. Melanie and Max had a bit of a panic. What if they were almost caught what would've happened to them. Bella and Kenneth sighed as they opened the room door seeing no one in the hallway. They looked at the others.
“Anyone else hungry for food? It is morning after all.” Bella asked as the others nodded.
The group had walked to a map blinking many times trying to understand where each place is. Max had opened her journal and wrote inside of it asking to find a way in the castle to the dining hall. The journal was silent as the group sighed until the journal revealed the map of the castle. They walked along the hallways to find the dining hall. Finally after searching down the hallways Kenneth immediately went in front of everyone as the students had their color journals on the table. They had no food facing them as all of the professors smiled at them as the doors closed behind Bella and the others.
The others hurried and sat down on the chairs as the dining hall was like a palace hall. But this dining hall was blue as silverware as lined along plates and chairs having blue satin on them. There was no food court or waiters.
“Now students I will teach you how to receive food in this world. First you must lift your menu and ask your journal to reveal the options with your mind.” Rea says as the kids were confused.
Many of the teenagers had tried summoning the menu. They opened their journals and put their pens on the paper to reveal a large variety of food choices. After a few minutes had passed the students all had done it. They ordered writing down what they wanted. Melanie had looked at the menu herself thinking of the meals she could try. The menu had everything written down in its own menu prompt.
The special of today is: Mythical Hero Braised Dove Stew- the stew had a white dove which was rice and the stew contained tomatoes, potatoes, and curry.
The Appetizers: Mango Salad- which had mango, lettuce, and eggs with a strawberry mango dressing.
Sour Anchovy Rice Balls- that comes with soy sauce. And Parsnip Soup- a healthy soup for stomach aches.
The Soups: Creamy Pungent Partridge Curry- a curry that is like mushroom soup but a bit sweeter. Savory Heavy Sweetcorn Curry- A curry with white sauce and sweetcorn added.
Meats: Lemon stake- a stake with lemon essence on top with butter. Baked Lemon Chicken- Chicken with lemon tingly flavor.
Fish: Braised Tilapia on Rosemary Rice, and Boiled Anchovy.
The Desserts: Syrup Naptime Coffee Ice cream Sundae. Professor Hazel's Coffee Ice cream Sundae. Sweet Lily Coffee Ice cream Cake.
Teas: Deluxe Earl Grey Milk Tea. Fancy Brown Sugar Black Tea. Sweet Chocolate Green Tea.
Once the group was done scanning the menus they written in their journals of the order they wanted to receive. Bella and Max looked at the outside seeing fire works. This made many of the students become scared and screamed. Some of the students laughed as the teaches and professors calmed everyone down saying that the fireworks were for later. The group had sighed relaxed as Fancy had run into the room.
“Headmasters there was an explosion in the lower hall of the library. Most of the journals had disappeared!” Fancy says worried with a terrified voice.
The students had looked up at the doors more terrified. When the group seen what was the cause of the explosion they seen a teachers cloak smoking a bit. Once the teacher noticed that Bella was watching her she stomped out her cloak. Once the situation was handled the group had came back into their rooms thinking about the situation. Melanie closed the door and sat on her bed.
“I don't think it was an accident I think it was on purpose!” Bella said as Max had looked at Bella confused.
“With what proof?” she asked making Bella think again.
“Whatever I can find, it can't be to hard.” Bella whispered as the others began to think about it.
When the plan was situated they went and opened their journals writing making their plates vanish into the kitchen. The teachers were the first to stand and leave. Then were the students, but Bella and Melanie had looked around the banquet hall. Max tried looking for clues near Miss Fancy's chair. Kenneth started looking under the teachers table. Austin searched for clues on the path Miss Fancy had left. There was no evidence that Fancy had let the fireworks out so early. The group had no other ideas as they walked around the castle. Bella looked at the hallway and followed the footsteps Miss Fancy had left. The group was right behind her.
Slowly coming down the stairs peaking in a keyhole there was Miss Fancy furious.
“How could they find this place?! Its been sealed off for years! When I find those kids I will be making sure they forget everything.” Fancy said walking on the other side of the room.
Bella and the others slowly walked upstairs and ran upstairs to their dorm and closed the door locking it.
“What now?” Max asked Bella as the others looked at each member with a worried look.
Bella looked at Melanie. Melanie said nothing since she had no idea what was Miss Fancy's plan. But it was not a part of Rea's Melanie exhaled as she made her way to her bed not wanting to think about what happened.
“No ideas?” Kendrick asked as Alex shook his head no.
The girls said nothing also. Bella looked around at everyone thinking about something. She thought about how they came here in the first place. Bella gasped following with a surprised face. She told everyone if Miss Fancy was here in two worlds at the same time. If she wasn't she wouldn't had cared so much. Melanie finally moved from off the bed and laid down on the floor trying to become colder. Alex and Kendrick went into their beds also going underneath the covers trying to fall asleep. Bella couldn't close her eyes but what else could she do. Everyone was asleep including Melanie.
Bella went out of the dorm door being extremely cautious. Bella made her way into the dance room. At at the end of it she gasped seeing something fly past her. And whatever it was she was going to find out.