Bella looked at the light as it flown pass her. She followed it as her friends followed her. Melanie was confused wondering why Bella was following the light.
Melanie looked at the others also worried about where this light can lead them. What if they get caught in a world they aren't supposed to be in?
“Guys I think we should just explore the school. You have no idea what this place is, and it might be perilous.” Melanie mentioned.
Bella and Max began to think. Until Austin had looked at the group. Saying something to ease the moment.
“What if we all decide to figure out what is happening in this world and maybe we can explore it more?” Alex asks.
The others had looked at Alex like he was crazy. What if someone catches them and they get caught as strangers in this world. It was very risky and stupid yet Melanie would have to explain to Rea why she's back so soon. A vote was casted the first option was to explore the world more. The second option was the group splits up and the ones who did not want to be here goes back home. The winner was everyone goes back home. Bella groaned really wanting to see what this world is about. On their way to the train everyone talked about wanting to explore more further when their classes were done in the original world then they would all come back home afterwards. Bella thanked everyone as she boarded the train also.
“Hey Bella where are you going?!” Melanie asked her friend watching Bella walk away from her friends.
“I'm going to get breakfast I'll see you in a bit alright?” Bella smiled heading to the English room shutting the door. She locked herself inside of there thinking about how that world seemed so familiar in her head. Bella wanted to go and learn why it felt so recognizable.
Later on, Max texted Bella asking if she wanted to have some hot chocolate in town. Bella replied with a yes as she grabbed her coat and walked out of her dorm locking the door. Bella passed the boy's hallway to get quicker to the train. Until she came across a boy wearing a black suit. At first Bella paid no attention to him until she accidentally bumped him.
This made the boy look at her annoyed.
“Mind I ask what you are doing here?” The who's name is Henry asked crossing his arms.
“Why would you like to know? Henry you ever heard the phrase watch where you are walking?” Bella looked at him.
“Ah you act like I had no idea you were coming my way Bella Lodge.” Henry grinned.
Bella looked at him with a confused look by how he would know her name. Bella just shrugged wanting this conversation to be over with. She looked at Henry waiting for him to finish with his brown hair and dark brown eyes.
“You must not be such a talker huh Lodge? I will let you slide this time. Just make sure that you watch where you are going next time.”
Bella just starred at him and smiled seeing her phone light up with Melanie's name in it.
“Bella are you on your way or not we're trying to hold a seat for you.”
Henry saw the text as he crossed his arms.
“You know Melanie James don't you? Surprising she doesn't talk to girls like you.”
Henry looked at Bella annoyed. That's when Bella rolled her eyes and walked out the school's entrance. She started to run for the train she made it quickly and sat next to her friends. The group finally arrived in their original town Bella immediately starred at the lights and colors. The town had beautiful Christmas lights when it was around Christmas Eve. Melanie was the first to leave the train and look around the town soon after the others joined her. The town had fake snowflakes on the ground but no real ones were in the air. The smell of hot chocolate scent was near every corner and gingerbread cupcakes flood the streets.
Soon then when the group had checked their phones Miss Fancy sent every student of hers a homework assignment explaining their next assignment. The topic of the assignment was to have a partner and explore a place you have never been before in town. The group of friends smiled as they split up. Of course, Melanie stayed with Bella.
Melanie and Bella made their way to a library shop up ahead. They looked around everywhere inside. But no one was on the clock it seemed like someone was making noise in the backroom. The shop's clocks chimed when Melanie and Bella entered. A small elf ran coming around the corner with the nametag Cosmo.
“I'm so sorry for the lateness my name is Cosmo. Cosmo the Christmas library elf. And what may I do for you, two young ladies?” Cosmo smiles.
“Me and my friend Bella are looking for amazing places to write about in our journal for an assignment. And we were wondering if you have any places in mind? Our group is somewhere else writing theirs. And we want to be the first ones done.” Melanie smiles as Bella looked around the shop.
“Oh, hm. There is a planetarium up ahead it's ancient it doesn't work anymore but it is many things to write about inside of there. Maybe you can find something captivating in there. Anything else I can help you with?” Cosmo asks now reading a book. In response, both girls shook their heads no.
“Thank you Cosmo I hope to see you soon!” Melanie said leaving the shop.
Cosmo took a few seconds staring at the door.
“Was that Miss Jones? She's back after years before?” Cosmo scratched his chin then walked in the back of the shop again.
Bella grabbed Melanie's hands and walked away out of the store to the planetarium. Melody admired the streets and food. Bella noticed Melanie was hungry so she stopped at the diner. The diner had the name Jolly's Grub. Melanie shook Bella's hand. Telling her that they should eat here later after their assignment was completed. When the girls entered the planetarium Melanie and Bella had looked around for anything to write down in their journals. The planetarium was massive and connected to a dome. But it had no power left. So Melanie began to look for a power cord. Bella found a source of light as she plugged in an outlet making the lights switch on. That's when the girls found the cord. Bella plugged the cord into the power socket, and Melanie turned on the switch for the lights.
When the lights had made the planetarium stars glow music played in the planetarium. It planetarium music was soothing and calm to the girls. Melanie looked around seeing the constellations glow in the dark noticing the lights began to light up one by one in the room. Melanie looked over at Bella as she sat up in her seat.
“I think it's time to see the other's” Melanie smiled.
So Bella made her way to the lights then opened the Planetarium's doors. Bella looked above her and saw the planetarium stars still shining on the ceiling Melanie enjoyed the feeling of seeing her star sign circling. Bella leaned on the wall yawning being exhausted from today waiting for Melanie to come to the door. Melanie admired the stars as she went to Bella finishing then grabbed her hands.
“Come on we have to meet up with the other's at the diner remember?” Melanie said pulling Bella ahead having them both walk together holding hands.
Once the group members arrived at the diner they sat in a booth.
“So are we going to talk about our date,” Austin asked his friends.
Bella almost spits out the root beer cherry. Melody had looked the other way of looking at the menu. The table was silent again as everyone was uncomfortable. Then the waiter came as Bella ordered carrot cake, for Austin he wanted a regular milkshake, Melanie ordered soup and hot chocolate. Max asked for a sandwich, Kendrick ordered tacos. The waiter took the menus as the group began to talk again.
“So what did everyone find?” Austin asked.
“Nothing besides a planetarium, and odd-looking shop with a brief man” Melanie shrugs as Bella nods.
“Kendrick and I found an old abandoned mansion. I was thinking about checking it out?” he mentioned crossing his arms.
Bella and Melanie looked at each other and began to think. What if they did go? Will it be worth it? Unlucky curfew was only ten minutes away. So the group had to head home. Melanie looked at the window. She saw a cottage besides manors or mansions. Melanie would imagine her and Bella there together. After the group was finished they boarded the train again on their way back to the school. Austin looked at the railroads as it began to move.
“How far is it from school?” Austin asked.
“I think thirty minutes?” Bella responded.
“I'm taking a nap then,” Austin said leaning his head the other way on the window having his hand under his chin.
The others agreed that maybe sleeping was the better way of passing time. Yet Bella and Melody stayed up during the train ride.
Bella struck up a conversation about what might happen at the shop. Melody thought about what would happen also. Right before the girls went deep into conversation the train came to a sudden stop. The other members of the group immediately awakened.
“What happened?!” Austin asks with widened eyes looking around his surroundings.
“The train stopped just great.” Max crosses her arms.
“Now we're going to be late, and miss curfew” Justin groaned.
Once the group had waited for an hour the train finally was back on and continued to ride down the tracks. Since the wait was so long the train owner had given everyone free hot chocolate. Melody had written this in her journal about what happened today with her and Bella.
The smallest things that happens in Melanie's life goes into her journal yet she never shares it with anyone. The group was wide awake drinking hot chocolate to keep them warm. It was a boring ride because their stop was the last one. When the train reached the school the group left the bus. When they looked back no one was sitting in the train seats. Bella and her friends felt a weird vibe around the train. When the group made it to the school the group of friends walked inside. Bella noticed no one was out of the dorms or in the courtyard this was normal for the school. Bella ignored it as her friends said it might just have been a usual feeling. Bella then realized they went through another portal and came back home.
“That place was real after all.” Max said as Bella nodded shocked.
So they decided to write in their journals about the trip on the train. That's when Bella and Max decided that the group should stay in their original school only for a bit. The friends went along with the plan and went into the library as Melanie had opened her journal writing about the experienced she had. Finally they arrived in the library. Max leaned on the bookshelves as she looked at the rows of books in the shelves. She remembered the book Bella pulled. And it was still in the same place.
“I guess we won't be free roaming for a bit.” Kenneth pushing the book out of the shelf.
A green swirling portal was activated as their journals started glowing a bright yellow inside of the pages.
The group had opened their journals looking at each other. They needed to get back home eventually. So Bella and the others opened their journals writing about their original school. Once the portal opened they all walked outside in their normal attires. Miss Fancy in her office looking through papers.
“Alright new students had visited the town that should be fun for them.” Fancy says.
Bella and the others were already back in their normal dorms. Secretive about the night they had. Could it really be another school and why was their journals glowing inside of their pages? Max looked over at Bella wondering what she was thinking about. And Melanie was talking to Kenneth about the planetarium. The group took a moment to decide that everything was amazing where they were. And would want to visit again as soon as they can.
Melanie shook her head at this trying to keep the other world prepping for the group.
“I think we should wait a bit don't you think this is a bit to much to handle.” Melanie said.
Kenneth smiled as he looked at the girls.
“Maybe we should just rest for now. That place was amazingly fun. I know this is weird but did anyone notice that we came back from that portal?” Kenneth asked.
“Yeah that is weird.” Bella said as she looked at sky.
“I think we should investigate later on its getting late.” Max said as she walked inside of the school.
The others agreed as they all followed her. Splitting up going into their dorms.
Melanie went on the top bunk an hour later seeing Bella asleep as she messaged Rea from her journal.
“Everyone is trying to figure out about the other world what should I do?” Melanie asks.
“Let them.” Rea responded.