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Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Canada growled rushing forward at the titan. He could tell this wasn't a normal titan, it skipped along towards him. He quickly hooked into a tree getting into the air. The ugly giant saw him coming and tried to swat him away. He reeled out of the way of the hand and slashed through its fingers. The titan whined and he swapped blades. He swept low cutting through its ankles. Matthew reeled back up as the ugly giant started to fall. He stayed in the air for a moment before hooking into and slashing through its nape.

The Canadian jumped off the body sheathing his blades. He quickly ran back to where Aerrow was. He half expected him to not be there, but he was. He peaked out hearing him coming. The blond sighed in relief seeing he was okay. The red head looked at little nervous and put off.

"You killed it." The Sky Knight said surprised. "What was that thing?"

"We call them titans." Matthew said quickly. He knew Aerrow's view on killing, but he didn't have time to explain himself right now. He whistled for Glacies and he came right away. "Do you think the others are here?"

"Maybe. I don't know." Aerrow said looking at the horse. Canada realized he'd probably never seen one before. He put a hand on Glacies neck to calm him. "What is that?"

"This is Glacies. He's a horse." Matthew said with a small smile. He was still very aware of the situation they were in, but wanted Aerrow to feel comfortable. "He's kind of like a living skimmer."

"He's pretty." The red head said reaching a hand out to pet him. Canada gave the horse a warning look and Glacies begrudgingly let him pet him.

"We need to move. It's dangerous out here." Matthew said quickly. He mounted the horse and offered Aerrow a hand. He looked a little apprehensive, but took it anyways trusting the nation. He easily pulled him up. Glacies stomped adjusting to the new weight. "Hold on like your doubling on a skimmer."

The red head nodded and held on to him tightly. Canada started the horse into a canter. He was scanning the trees looking for any of the other Storm Hawks or for titans. He spotted a flash of blue and steered his horse towards it. He smiled seeing Radarr. The blue lemur thing spotted them and quickly ran over. He leaned down letting him climb up his arm. Radarr hugged his face and he laughed lightly. The lemur chirped happily and crawled over his shoulder to Aerrow.

"Birdie!" Matthew's head snapped up hearing the call. He quickly urged Glacies into a gallop towards his voice. They quickly made it into a clearing. He spotted Prussia just finishing off a titan with a terrified wallop close by. Aerrow immediately jumped off the horse and rushed towards his squad mate. Canada quickly went over to Gilbert and checked him over for injuries. "Friend of jours?" He asked gesturing to Junko.

"Yeah." The Canadian said suddenly being hug tackled by the wallop.

"Mattie!" Junko said spinning him around. He laughed as he was set back down. "I missed you!"

"I missed you guys too." Matthew said with a small smile. Glacies nudged his side reminding him where they were. He turned to Prussia. "We need to get them into a tree and find the others."

"Who's left?" Gilbert asked worriedly.

"Piper, Stork and Finn." Canada said. The albino nodded. He could barely remember their faces from photos Matthew had shown him centuries ago.

"Okay, ve'll split up to find them." Prussia said and the blond nodded. Canada gestured for the pair of Storm Hawks to follow them. They went to the tree line and picked the tallest tree.

"We're going to get you three up there and go find the others." Matthew quickly explained.

"We can help look." Junko said and Canada shook his head.

"Not in this case. It's very dangerous out here, the titans will eat you." He said slowly.

The pair looked nervous and nodded. They could tell the Canadian was stressed. Matthew sighed in relief. He picked up Junko while Gilbert helped Aerrow. They seemed to already trust the albino since he did. They quickly pulled them into the tree way away from any titans reach.

"Stay here. We'll come and get you." Canada said and they nodded. The couple hopped out of the tree.

"How's jour gas?" Gilbert asked once they were on the ground. He quickly checked and frowned.

"Low, but not the worst." Matthew sighed and the Prussian bit his lip. "I'll be okay." He said reassuringly.

"Sei vorsichtig, Vogel." Prussia warned.

"Je sais, je serai." The blond said climbing back on Glacies. Gilbert sighed and nodded whistling for his horse. Matthew leaned down and kissed his cheek before riding off into the forest. He started calling their names hoping they'd recognize his voice and yell back. He heard a shrill scream and immediately rode towards it. The Canadian spotted a titan with a familiar blond it its hand.

"Hey! Put me down you ugly thing!" Finn yelled at the titan.

"Finn, I don't think it's listening!" Stork yelled up at him.

"I can see that!" Finn yelled nervously back as the ugly giant looked at him. "Look dude, I don't have any money if that's what you're looking for!"

Matthew stood up and jumped off Glacies immediately hooking into the titan’s neck. He quickly reeled in and sliced through its neck. It let go of Finn, but the body started to fall forward towards Stork. The merb was to busy catching his friend to notice the danger. Canada twisted thinking quickly. He kept one hook in the titan's back and the other into a tree keeping the body from falling. Stork finally realized the shadow looming over him and ran out of the way with Finn in his arms.

The Canadian unhooked and swung over to them. "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly knowing the titan could have squished him.

"Matthew?" Finn asked surprised wiggling out of Stork's arms. He quickly pulled him into a hug. The nation hugged back. "We're both okay."

"Good." Canada sighed in relief. He could hear more titans’ footsteps all around then. He hoped his and Stork's scents would cover Finn's. He wondered if a titan would even try to eat a merb or wallop. He didn't really want to find out. Matthew whistled for Glacies. "Have you seen Piper?"

"No we haven't." Stork said. "We just got here then Finn was grabbed by that thing!"

"Have to watch out for those things." Finn said. He smirked. "It's uglier than you Stork."

Canada snorted rolling his eyes. He quickly whistled again for his horse. Glacies came trotting up to him. He took the horses reins and pet him. The blond took a sugar cube out of his pocket and fed it too him. He was hoping to distract the horse from the fact it wasn't him that was going to be riding him.

"Climb on." Matthew said. The pair looked a little confused, but nodded. Stork still looked apprehensive. He helped boosting them onto the horse's back. Glacies snorted and stomped. He put a hand on the horse’s neck calming him. "Treat him kind of like a skimmer." He said giving the reins to Finn. "He'll follow me, you don't need to steer. Just hold on."

"Where are we going?" Stork asked.

"To Aerrow and Junko." The Canadian said and the pair nodded. He waved another sugar cube in front of Glacies nose. The horse tried to snatch it out of his hand, but he wasn't quick enough. Matthew started to move and he followed him. He hooked into a tree and slowly swung through the forest. He only used his momentum to keep going; he wasn't using any gas. He knew he didn't have much left.

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