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Chapter Five

Chapter Five

"Do you think the time difference is still a thing?" Aerrow asked.

"I have no idea." Matthew said shaking his head. "I know just as much as you do." The group sat around and talked for a little while longer until the Canadian looked out the window noticing it was getting later in the afternoon. "We better get going. I don't want to have to wake up Shadis."

The Storm Hawks nodded and they all stood up. They went back to the paddock and called for their horses. Mondi came right away, but Matthew had to go in to get Glacies.

"His horse seems grumpy." Piper commented as they watched the Canadian finally manage to clip the lead on his halter.

"Glacies is very stubborn and temperamental." Gilbert said petting Mondi. "He only really lets Birdie ride him."

"Birdie?" Finn asked.

"It's a nickname I use for him." Prussia explained with a small smile watching Matthew. He was leading Glacies back over to them. He loved him so much.

"That so cute!" Junko said with a bright smile.

Prussia blushed slightly as Canada finally made it to the gate with Glacies. He opened the gate for his fiancé. Matthew noticed the blush and smiled at him. He closed the gate behind him and the couple lead their horses back into the stables. Gilbert went to grab the harnesses while the blond quickly checked over their horses. He noticed Mondi had a rock stuck in his foot. He easily cleaned it out petting him after. Glacies was jealous and nudged his side with a small whine. Matthew sighed and pet him too.

The Prussian came back with the harnesses. He handed one set to Canada. He let Glacies sniff it before starting to put it on. All of the Scouts horses were trained to pull a cart as well just encase it was ever needed.

"So many buckles." Finn commented.

"Yeah, it's so it'll fit most horses well." Matthew explained tightening the girth. Glacies looked back at him annoyed and he waited. He knew the horse was holding his breath so the strap would be loose later. Glacies finally let it out and he tightened the strap to the proper place.

"Does it hurt them?" Aerrow asked watching the Scouts tightened the straps.

"No, not at all." Canada said tightening the last strap and petting Glacies. "The harnesses are made specifically for them to be comfortable while pulling. If they're left on for a long time they'll get sores though."

"Jou'll learn how to care for a horse as part of the training." Gilbert said and the Storm Hawks bounced with excitement.

The pair led their horses to the same cart they had brought in and carefully backed them in. Matthew went through and attached them so Prussia wouldn't get bit. Glacies had been getting better around him, but he still snapped at the albino occasionally. He finished and helped the Storm Hawks into the wagon. They finally set off. The Storm Hawks were talking quietly among each other before starting a game of Chinese chop sticks.

Canada leaned into Gilbert's side. He sighed and put an arm around his waist using one hand to steer. The horses were following the path and he wasn't to worried. The blond yawned loudly and Prussia smiled.

"Tired already? It's not even that long after supper!" The albino teased. He just rolled his eyes.

"Hey, I got up early this morning." Matthew said defensively. Gilbert smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Nap time?" The Prussia asked as he yawned again.

"Then I won't sleep tonight, then I won't get up tomorrow." Canada grumbled.

"I'd get jou up."Prussia said rolling his eyes.

"Oh I know, but I don't want to be too grumpy." Matthew said with a small smile. They stayed quiet for a while until they got close to the training grounds. He turned around to face the Storm Hawks. "Just a bit of a warning." He started. They looked nervous. "Shadis is pretty intense. Its the 'in between season,' so hopefully he'll be a bit more mellow. He's a good man and means well, but he is a bit scary."

"He probably can't be any worse at training than Argyn." Piper said and Canada shrugged.

"It is military training, but it will be the best and quickest way to learn. We won't really bother with a lot of the class work, just focus on the hands on stuff." Matthew explained. "How to ride and care for a horse, how to use and repair the 3dmg and how to kill a titan. Hopefully you won't have too, we'll be there, but it's good to know."

"Yeah." Aerrow said and the others nodded. They finally made it to the training grounds and he spotted Shadis sitting out side on the porch reading. He looked up hearing the wagon and smiled. He stood up and walked towards them.

"Matthew! Gilbert!" Shadis greeted loudly and the couple hopped off the wagon. The Storm Hawks got out behind them. "Still looking the same as always. Finally tied the knot?"

"Not yet." Gilbert said with a smile. "Ve've got all the time in the vorld."

"Still too busy, huh?" Shadis teased. The couple sighed in unison and he laughed. He noticed the Storm Hawks and looked them over critically. "What have you brought?"

Matthew quickly explain who they were and what was going on. Shadis listened and kept shooting glances at the teens. He had noticed that three of them weren't exactly human, but didn't bother asking. He looked a bit sceptical, but still believed the nations.

"I'll train them if you cook." The man said crossing his arms. Gilbert looked a little eager too. Canada sighed.

"Deal, but breakfast is after ten am." The Canadian said extending his hand. Shadis narrowed his eyes, but took and shook it.

"We have a deal." Shadis smiled. "I expect pancakes."

"Oh! Pancakes!" The Storm Hawks said in unison. Matthew smiled.

"I'll leave you to settle in. Use what ever cabin you want." Shadis said. "Be up and ready after ten am." He said with a small smile.

The couple nodded and Shadis went back to his book. They gestured for the Storm Hawks to follow them and lead them to one of the bigger cabins. They pushed inside seeing it was spotless and clean.

"Pick where ever you want." Canada said. The Storm Hawks smiled and went to pick their bunks. He turned to Prussia. "Sharing?"

"Ja." The albino hummed and kissed his nose making him laugh. It had been so long since they had slept apart. It was weird for him to think about it. The pair picked a bed that was pushed up against the wall. It was small just like all the others, but at least only one of them had a chance of falling out.

Matthew looked around to see all the Storm Hawks had all picked at top bunk except for Stork. He went over and showed them were the bathrooms were and where the kitchen was. Just encase they got hungry at night. They went back and went to bed. They were exhausted from the day's events.

Canada went back to Prussia who was already in bed. He smiled taking

his equipment and cape off. The albino opened the covers letting him in. He hummed happily slipping in and curling up.

"Ich liebe dich, Birdie." Gilbert said kissing him gently.

"He t'aime aussi." Matthew said as they broke apart. He tucked his head under the Prussian's chin as he wrapped his arms around his waist. The pair fell asleep almost instantly.

AN: Been playing a lot of Attack on Titan Tribute game lately again. May not be to into aot, but I still love that game. I am TallPoppy if you see me.

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