Chapter Ten
Prussia smiled kissing his cheek and going to their closet grabbing their backpack. The couple had made sure the Storm Hawks were settled in before going back to their room. They needed to pack their things. They didn't really keep many items, just really important things. Canada grabbed a couple pairs of pants and shirts for both of them packing them away. He found an old hoodie in the back of their closet and packed it too.
The blond heard Gilbert humming to himself as he walked over to were he was packing. He clipped a necklace around Matthew's neck kissing him behind the ear. He looked down and smiled seeing the iron cross pendant. Prussia smiled wrapping his arms around his waist resting his chin on his shoulder. Canada ran his thumb over the pendant and turned in his arms to kiss him gently.
"I forgot we still had it." Canada said and Prussia smiled. The albino had given it to him on their fiftieth anniversary centuries ago. He knew how much it meant to Prussia and was honoured to have it. The blond had worn it almost every day, but when they became Scouts he stopped. He was scared to lose it and it was dangerous to have jewelry while using the 3dmg.
"Ja. We still have these too." Prussia said opening his hand showing him the two rings in his palm. They were just simple gold bands, nothing fancy. Matthew smiled and picked up the slightly smaller one. He took the albino's hand and slipped it on his finger. Gilbert smiled copying his action before pulling him into a kiss. "Ich liebe dich, Matthew."
"Je t'aime aussi." The Canadian smiled hugging him. The albino bent down and picked him up bridal style carrying him the few steps to bed. He set him down before crawling in next to him. "We should really make it official."
"Ja, it's been like sixty jears." Prussia hummed reaching up and tangling his hands in his hair. Canada hummed happily at his touch. He wrapped his arms around his waist pulling them together. They had always taken things slow, even by nations standards. Neither one of them were in a rush and were just happy to be together. "Vho vill we get to officiate?"
"I have no idea." Matthew shrugged. He smiled. "I don't know why but, I bet Stork knows how."
"He probably vould." Prussia laughed. The Canadian sighed and snuggled closer to him. "Are we going to vear dresses?"
Canada snorted and rolled his eyes. "Yes, totally." He laughed and the albino smiled. "Who's taking who's name? Are we hyphenating them?"
"Hyphenating vould be long. We could combine them?" Gilbert suggested with a smirk. "Like Willschmidt or Beilliams."
"Willschmidt sounds like Will Smith." Matthew said and the albino laughed. "Beilliams just sounds weird. I'll take your name, I don't mind."
"I can take jours. It's easier to spell." Prussia hummed kissing his forehead.
"When are we going to need to spell it?" Canada asked and the Prussian shrugged. "Your name has meaning and a family attached to it. Mine is just something I picked when I had to have a last name."
"Okay." Gilbert agreed with a smile. Matthew couldn't help, but smile back. His smile was contagious.
"You're so awesome Gilly." Canada hummed. "I love you."
"I love jou too, Birdie." Prussia said kissing him slowly.
They rested their foreheads together after they broke apart. The albino hummed happily playing with his hair. He was completely relaxed at his touch. Matthew tried to hide a yawn, but Gilbert noticed.
"Jou're so cute vhen jou're sleepy." The albino said kissing his cheek. Canada smiled and sighed happily. Gilbert rested his head on top of his. "Time to sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow."
AN: Fun fact- Weillschmidt was Prussia's last name, but it fell out of use and was changed to Beilschmidt.
-----❄️"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."❄️-----
The next morning Prussia gently kissed him awake. The Canadian was still half asleep when he wrapped his arms around his shoulders and pulled him back down into the bed. He hummed curling up using him as a teddy bear. Gilbert wiggled trying to get out of the bigger nation’s arms.
"Birdie." He sighed kissing his cheek. "Time to get up."
"Noooo." Matthew whined tiredly. "It's too early. There's no sun."
"It'll be up in an hour." Prussia smiled seeing his violet eyes barely open. He kissed him again unable to resist how cute he was. He sat up pulling Canada up with him. The blond yawned loudly resting his head on his shoulder. He smiled brushing some hair out of his eyes. "Jou get dressed and I'll check if ve've goy everything."
"Okay." Matthew said through another yawn. He took a moment before standing up. He stretched cracking his back with a groan.
Prussia stood up as well making the bed and starting to check through their drawers. The Canadian slowly changed into his uniform. He tucked the necklace under his shirt deciding to leave it on. They had both left their rings on. He went back over to Gilbert and draped himself over him. The albino laughed seeing how sleepy he still was.
"We have time for coffee." The Prussian said.
Canada perked up hearing that. He hummed happily taking his hand as they left their room for the kitchen. The couple made some coffee and found some fruit to snack on. The blond was mostly awake as they went back to their room. The couple finished checking to make sure they had everything and sighed. Prussia picked up their backpack and smiled over at him.
"Ready, Birdie?" Gilbert asked raising an eyebrow. Matthew smiled and nodded.
"Yes, let's go." The Canadian hummed and Prussia nodded.
The couple walked out of their room closing the door behind them for the last time. They went next door and knocked before pushing in. The Storm Hawks were already sitting up and were ready to go. They looked at them eagerly.
"Ready?" Matthew asked and they nodded.
They went to the stables and checked over their supplies and gear before going to get their horses. Gilbert groaned seeing Mondi while Matthew laughed lightly. The horse was covered in mud, Mondi always loved to roll around in mud.
"Mine might be an ass, but at least he doesn't roll in mud." Canada said clipping the lead on Glacies keeping him away from Mondi. The horse snorted and nudged Prussia's side. He groaned and clipped the lead on petting his nose.
"What happened to him?" Junko asked seeing the older nations horse.
"He got into some mud." Gilbert grumbled.
They lead their horses inside and started to groom them. Canada quickly got Glacies cleaned and tacked up. He went to help Prussia clean his horse. They finally finished and mounted their horses. Matthew looked over his shoulder as the Storm Hawks smiled at him.
They started riding down the trail. He couldn't wait to be outside the walls and home again. He knew it wouldn't be for long, but he didn't mind. It would always be his land, but Gilbert was his home. He wouldn't be very happy unless the albino was with him. He smiled to himself thinking about their conversation last night.
Canada was pulled out of his thoughts when they finally reached the district. The people in the streets stopped to look at them as they passed. He hated being stared at and pulled up his hood.