Oliver POV.
I woke up in the same strange bed, I can smell Jasper all over it. Maybe it's his own bed, last night he tried to tuck me in but I hadn't anyone do that since my father died. I refused, I also refused the idea of me having a daddy, I had a father and he's dead, no need to add salt to my injuries.
I can take care of myself, I’ve been doing that for over ten years, and there's also the fact that he can read my mind, I don't think I like that one at all. What if I want to think about ways to run away or something else.
I sat in bed straight and checked for the damages, okay so my foot still hurt, my head hurt from everything I learned, and this thing inside me, it’s the weirdest part ever.
This thing, this feeling, I don't know what to call it but it really like the smell of the bed but its owner will smell even better.
Okay where that thought did came from, I was never attracted to someone and not his smell for sure. I really need more information about the fact of me being a wolf and all.
There were some clothes laid on the bed for me again, another new boxer along with a hoodie and some legging. The legging must belong to a female but they're probably the only thing that will fit me around here since everyone I saw so far is Hulk size.
I feel like an elf in the land of giants. The thing inside me chuckled at the thoughts, I jumped in the bed. This is starting to scare the hell out of me.
I was also starving, I found a bathroom in one of the three doors in the room. The other two lead to the outside and to a big closet. I took a quick shower cleaning all the dirt from my hair, I didn't bother to wrap my leg again it didn't even hurt anymore. It was just a bit sore to step on but I managed, I had worst before.
After getting dressed I walked barefoot downstairs looking for a kitchen for food and Jasper for information.
At the thought of Jasper, the thing inside me jumped with a happy giggle. Okay now that's scaring me, I'm going crazy, I shouldn't hear a giggle in my head. I tried to run downstairs yelling, well fast walking due to my injury"
"Jaaaaspppppeeeerrrr" I screamed
I heard some people talking here and there but I wasn't focusing this thing inside me was so happy when I called jasper it wanted me to do it again.
"Ahhhhhhhhh" I screamed scared, I just went crazy I'm hearing voices.
I felt the tears falling down my face and I started shaking I'm having a panic attack, more fear to add to my terrified mind.
Suddenly I was crushed against a strong chest with arms wrapped around me. I knew it's jasper from his smell and the feeling of safety surrounding me. I just snuggled into his chest crying harder, he lifts me off the floor and walks us somewhere.
He sat down and pulled me to his lap, petting my head and rubbing my back until I calmed down.
"What happened" he whispers to me
"I keep hearing this voice" I whisper back trembling, now he'll think I'm crazy. I'll be sent to some mental hospital and they'll all forget about me and I'll never get to see Jasper again. The last thought made the voice in my cry, it too didn't like the idea of being locked away from jasper.
"What kind of voice Oliver," he asks me all serious.
I didn't want to lie, the thing inside was now full-on whining wanting to tell Jasper everything.
"There is this thing inside me" I start still sniffling "it started when on my seventeen birthday. It hurt when it wants out and now it's talking and giggling and it feels safe when I'm around you"
"Ohh baby don't be scared that's the wolf inside you," Jasper says calmly but I don't really get it yet.
"You remember when you shifted yesterday and we went on a run," he asks and I nod, yeah I remember that much.
"You are a werewolf Oliver, what you're hearing is the voice of your wolf. You two should be best friends, he's a part of you. Don't be scared when he tries to talk to you okay baby you're not crazy" he explains kissing the top of my head.
I just nod and snuggle closer to him, it does make sense, I'm a wolf now. I just have to get used to the idea and stop being this terrified.
The thing inside me nod his agreement making my eyes go wide.
"Try talking to him Olli he's you, you're not crazy," jasper says with a chuckle.
I tried concentrating and said "Hi" to the thing, I mean to my wolf. I saw a little wolf, like really small with two mismatching eyes.
Jasper chuckled again and hugged me closer to him.
"That's your wolf baby, he's a puppy he can't say words but he can show you pictures." jasper told me.
"I think that's enough information for today let's go eat," he says and pick me up again and take me toward the kitchen, we've been in the same living room since yesterday but I hadn't even notice.