The ride to my mother house was full of silence, my mother live in one story house. She had a backyard that opens to the woods and a front yard, the house was in a walking distance of the town.
She left to catch my stuff from her trunk while she walked in, I followed her later and was shocked with the smell of fresh cookies.
I didn't know where to put my stuff so i left them in the doorway and went to search for my mother. I found her in the kitchen sharing a deep kiss with another woman, I had no idea my mother had a girlfriend or that she's gay to begin with.
Once they broke the kiss the other lady was ten shades of red while my mother didn't give a damn.
"Well this is embarrassing I'm Lydia" she says while offering me a hand to shake.
"Hi I'm Oliver" I tell her shaking her hand back.
"He's adorable Han" the lady, I mean Lydia says while kissing my mother jaw. Now i notice she's as short as me, while my mother is proud six foot one. She towers over both of us easily, my mother grunt again and look at Lydia before she leave the kitchen.
Lydia sigh and look at me with sad eyes.
"She just need time to warm up. Why don't i show you your room" she offer and i accept
She took me to a guest room and inform me she washed the sheets. I put my suitcase in the room and look around, it's a simple room all white with a bed in the middle.
"Thank you ma'am for everything" I tell her.
"Oh call me Lydia ma'am make me sound old" she says with a smile.
"Well thank you Lydia" I give her a tired smile.
She left me on my own and I take off my sweaty clothes and head toward the shower. After a very long hot shower I put on some pajamas and sit in bed, the mattress isn't the most comfortable but it will do.
I see a window and go open it to get some fresh breath, the room offer a view to the forest bathed in mood light. It felt so comforting, I was afraid of this new house, new life, new everything. I just felt tears streaming down my face, I didn't bother wiping them , I just cried my heart out till I had no more tears.
I have to be strong and act all tough, even though that's not me. My mother is, I have no description for her but soon I'll be eighteen and I'll be able to leave. She can't make me stay, wolf or not, I want to get back to my home, my father house.
I finish my crying session and slip in the bed , I'm so tired that I don't mind the tough mattress or the itchy sheets.
I had weird dreams that night, I dreamt of wolves, the forest and the moon. The moon was calling me over and over again but I didn't know how to act or what to do.
I woke up tired, it was a night full of vivid dreams that left me unrested. I got up and got ready for the day, I had no idea what I'm gonna do today but staying in my pajamas was a bit too depressing.
I walked in the kitchen to see Lydia and no sign of my mother. I smile and walk in, Lydia gesture for me to take a seat. She place a plate full of egg, bacon and toast for me.
"Eat up" she says warmly
"Where's mother?" I couldn't help but ask.
"She's off to work but you'll see her later tonight"
I get back to my food, I finish it and try to wash my dish but Lydia wouldn't let me.
I went back to my room and spent about an hour there alone until I started going crazy.
I did some unpacking of my clothes and even offered Lydia help at house chores but she refused.
I watched few videos and some movies but time seemed to be going in slow motion.
I decided to get out and take a walk around the house, the woods were calling my name again so that what happened.
I went to explore the space close to the house. It took me in too deep of the forest, the green, the sound of nature were comforting.
I felt the same thing inside me shift again, moving around it wanted to explode, to get out.
I kept raining it in and kept walking, it left me alone and subsided. I was happy with my walk I didn't even notice how far away I went.
Until I saw some wolves, these seemed to be more aggressive than the one I saw yesterday, they weren't gonna let me get away and the feeling inside me moved again.
I'm totally screwed...