Oliver POV.
I took off running, I wasn't having any of that. Not bothering with the fact I'm only wearing a hoodie with pair of boxers and no shoes. I didn't want to be a little nor did I want to be a puppy nor a wolf to begin with I want to be me.
So running it is, I don't want to stay with my mother, I don't want this pack or any. The guys were too shocked with my taking off that they didn't bother stopping me.
I was on the search for a door, a door to the outside world back to sanity. I found it easily, the door was fucking heavy it took all my strength for it to open but adrenaline does wonder to you. I got it to open, outside is dark, I was never afraid of the dark. Okay, a total lie, I was slightly afraid of the dark, I slept with my lights on until last week.
But this isn't the time to be afraid of the dark, these kind of problems request special solution. I started running, I had no idea where I am, and all I could see was darkness surprise surprise.
Once outside I heard the other guys yelling after me to come back. Well, that's all the encouragement I needed to run toward wherever. I ran and they followed, they yelled and I whimpered afraid of the loud sounds, they sound much louder than they should be.
My running took me to deep into the woods, the house is set in the middle of nowhere. All I could see was trees and bushes and nothing else. Whoever is following me must have shifted since now I could hear wolf growls and barks, damn it.
I'm looking behind me trying to see how close the wolves are, I stumble on something and fall to the ground. I scream I think I just sprained my leg badly, the pain, the dark, the fear they all got to me and I start crying.
I couldn't help but cry and scream, it hurt too much, too much. I felt strong arms around me and someone picking me off the ground, I panicked and tried to get out but the arms were relentless and kept holding me tight.
"Shh puppy it's me" I heard Jasper's voice and relaxed a bit, I feel safe with him.
Jasper carried me back toward the house, it took us some time I really did a job running away. I wasn't crying anymore but I kept sniffling. I saw people come and look at me, probably making fun of the new guy.
"They're just making sure you're okay puppy" he whispers in my ear.
Somehow it feels like Jasper can read my mind, he kept saying the right things. But he probably just predicted my feeling and got it right, I shouldn't overthink it.
He carried me toward his office again and tried to set me on my feet but the second my left foot touched the ground I screamed.
"You're hurt," jasper says in a growl and picks me up again.
This time he walks to another side of the house, did I mention how huge this house is. We reach a fully equipped medical clinic, there was a woman in her thirties waiting for us.
Jasper tries to sit me alone on the bed but I clung to him for dear life. I'm afraid of doctors, any kind of them, I just hate them.
Sighing he sits down on the bed and pull up in his lap. The lady came to check my foot, I still had no shoes so it wasn't that hard.
She used some baby wipes to clean it before checking the damage. My foot was swollen and it was painful for me to move it.
"It's sprained but it will heal in two to three days. Keep the ice on for tonight and keep it elevated these few days" the lady says while wrapping my foot in a bandage and putting an ice bag on top of it.
Sprains should take more than two or three days to heal, mine look pretty bad too.
"Wolves heals faster. An adult will heal in a few hours while puppies take few days" Jasper inform me.
How could he just know what I'm thinking, that's must be something more than just luck or prediction.
"Let's go and I'll explain everything," he says reading my confused look.
He took me to a living room this time, it's a small room with few couches and a tv. It looks comfy to just sit on one of the couches and snuggle.
He sits down and pulls me with him again, for some reason I don't mind this position. The thing inside me is really enjoying it, it like the feeling of warm hands around my smaller body.
"I can read your mind Oliver," jasper says making me jump but he held me close not giving me any space.
"Let me finish. Me being your alpha I'm able to read all my pack mind but it's easier with you since you're a puppy"
"Who else can do it," I ask wondering how many people have been reading my mind all day.
"Just me and my betas it's Mother Nature way to make sure you're always safe. You're daddy or daddies will be able to do it too once you bond" he keeps on talking
"I don't want a daddy or daddies" I inform him loudly.
"Ohh but baby you are getting one whether you like it or not. I can't leave a puppy wandering unattended, you saw where that took you" he says pointing to my sprained leg.