The next few days avoiding my mother's calls, I finally have the courage to call her, and boy she was wailing on the other side of the line that I could practically hear her from the other side of the world. She asks if I was okay and that Leo is okay. I reassured her everything is fine and that my cousins are treating me nothing but love and kindness. I didn't tell her that I'm also living with five other boys. She will send her ass here in a few minutes to bring me back home.
After making her not worried, I told my mother the reason why I left. The reason, the engagement party didn't happen. I told my mother what Eddie does to me and Leo. For once she stayed quiet on the line listening to me. She apologizes and cried for the first time in my life. She blamed herself for not being a mother who was blinded by her high status. I couldn't agree more.
Growing up with a helicopter mom wasn't easy. I attended pageants, went to good schools, graduated with honors in college; a bachelor's in business, and my first choice was opening up my own restaurant.
My mother wasn't too happy about my chosen career, instead, she wanted me to marry a rich man. She got her to wish when I started dating Eddie, she saw my future with him but there was a crack in the middle of our relationship with my first bruise on my face after talking to a guy. The first time I told my mother, Eddie has been hitting me, he told me next time I should not make him angry.
What kind of mother says that to her daughter?
My father never beat her, but her father did. I heard my grandfather from the Philippines was strict. He wasn't an abuser, but only punish my mother and her sister, Diana.
Now, my mother starts to believe me after my runaway act. My mother told me that Eddie has been looking for me and she's been lying to me about my whereabouts.
I don't want him to know. I don't cause any trouble with my cousins and new friends.
I don't want to be a burden.
I sigh and look at my phone. There's a crack on the screen and when I open to look to see half of it black. It still active but I couldn't see the other half. Eddie threw it at the wall once he learns I was having dinner with an old high school friend. Jesse Fleck was my first boyfriend and had my first kiss with him that our four years of dating were wonderful. Until he broke it off saying he was born with the wrong body. Jesse Fleck turned into Jessi with an I.
Sex changed.
I knew the first time I was in his room it was nothing but Spice Girls all over his walls, especially with Victoria Spice. I thought any man is obsessed with her because she's the sexy one in the group but reuniting with Jessi gave me quite a shock. I really thought he or she was Victoria. Posters, doll figurines, and a collection of concert tickets that the group has ever performed.
Eddie hit me after looking through my text and kept asking me about Jessi. After two broken ribs, bust-up lip, and broken arm that I had to wear for three to four weeks, Eddie apologizes to me by buying me a replica of Princess Diana's Seven-strand Pearl and Sapphire Choker. I hesitated about accepting the gift but he wanted me to show off to his rich friend's elegant party.
Each apology would come with expensive gifts; Hermès bag, Prada shoes, and Versace gown. I couldn't say no because he would get mad and hit me, so I accepted them but never use them unless he asks for them.
I sigh looking at my phone again then pulled out my purse pouch and count the pounds of money I saved. Not enough even if I convert it to American dollars, it will only give me ten dollars.
I need a job to earn money. But, if I were to leave the house Eddie would find me.
"Yes, Mum," my son says once he appears with a toy car in his hands.
"What do you think of mommy working?" I ask him. Looking straight into his eyes waiting for a response.
After Leo was born the only job I've ever taken was motherhood and housewife. But I miss working out in the open especially in the kitchen.
Leo made a face. "Did we run out of money?"
"Well, I did use the money to buy you that Disney Cars toy that you wanted from Disneyland."
"I'm sorry mommy," it melts my heart seeing him sad. "You can sell it."
I shake my head. "You don't have to darling. You deserve something like this for being a good boy. Like all the other stuff you bought from your aunties and uncles."
Leo had so much fun at Disneyland last weekend. I remember his bright expression like he entered a dream. He couldn't stop jumping and scream out his excitement. He went from ride to ride and ate the food there.
At times he rode on Donovan or any of his brothers' shoulders, and also Ares. Then during the night parade, he sang and danced along. I have never seen him this happy. I wanted to capture each moment but my phone is broken, I had to use Thea or Effie's phone. On our way, Leo fell asleep on Donovan. This was the first time I see him sleep deeply in another man's arm than his father. Eddie never holds Leo before. He wanted our son to do things on his own.
He was three.
"So, I can keep it?"
"Yes, you may."
"Yay! Thank you, mommy." Leo reaches and kisses my cheek.
"You're very welcome. Go and watch cartoons while I use your Aunt Thea's laptop to look for a job."
"Okay." Leo runs to the living room and I hear the tv on.
I open the laptop and start to search for jobs that are close to here.
An hour later, I've written down possible open jobs and calculating the wages, nothing. I cross out the last option, slam the pen and my head on the kitchen table.
"Hello? Is anybody home?" I look up and see Clark. "Oh, hey Claire. Are the girls home?"
Clark Mason is Effie and Lily's gay best friend. I've heard stories about him especially his action towards Effie. I wanted to claw his eyes out for hurting my cousin, but he had his reasons. Though, Effie forgave him too easily. Just like her mother.
"No, they went out for grocery and the guys are at their gym."
"Really? Dang." Clark made himself a cup of water. And take a sip. "I wanted to ask the girls out for a musical night. Sam's aunt has low in staff at her bar I was wondering if Effie and Lily can work before college starts."
That's right.
Effie is starting community college while she also focuses on her singing career, and Lily is going to Cal State Long Beach. Logan is training to become an MMA fighter with Rex as his coach and trainer although he isn't a fighter people say he has potential. Liam is attending the same school and Lily because he wanted to be close to her, so they will be together. The two other Wolfe brothers; Seth and Donovan will manage their mechanic workshop and gym.
Wait, he says he needs the girl's help.
Sam's aunt and her wife own a bar in downtown Long Beach.
"Say, Clark, is it okay if I help at the bar?"
"You know anything about waitressing?"
"During college, I use to waitress at my grandma's restaurant before...she passed away."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Don't be. It's been a long time. I miss her dearly and that restaurant." I smile bringing up happy memories of Nay Nay. "So, about that job. I really need the money and can't always depend on my cousins to buy me things. I have a son to think of."
"I guess you can help. Maybe if you do a good job maybe my aunt can give you the job permanently."
"Oh thank you, darling." I gave him a hug. "Now, I don't need to search for any open jobs online."
It became quiet for a moment until Clark open his mouth.
"So, how long are you going run from him?"
I look at him. "I'm sorry?"
"Don't give me that innocent look, Claire. I know abuse when I see one."
I gasp, but keep it calm. "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Claire, your sudden appearance during the graduation party with a faded bruise under that foundation you had on. I know a black eye when I see one."
I walk to the sink and close my eyes.
"I understand you're scared," Clark says. "My mom, she was beaten by my dad every day. I couldn't stand living with him, and hurting my mom. I decided to have me and my mom move out and live with my fiancé."
"But isn't your dad a lawyer?"
"Yeah, but thanks to Odin and his team of lawyers we put the bastard away for good." He sounded proud, but I caught a glimpse that he misses his dad even though he's a prick.
"If you wanted someone to talk to, I'm available."
"I can't," I turn around.
"Why? Is it because of what I did to Effie? I said it a million times-"
"No," I pull out my phone and show him the screen. "My phone is broken and needed money to buy a new one."
Two reasons, I needed one and the other so Eddie won't find me.
"Oh, well, working at my Sam's aunt bar you will earn extra."
"That's great. When can I start?" I say excitedly.
"Tomorrow night, I can come to pick you up."
"You don't have to trouble yourself."
"But I want to and because I'm working there tomorrow night. This house is on the way." He smiles.
"Thanks, Clark, I really appreciate it."
"Your welcome," Clark looks at his watch. "Got to go, Sam is waiting for me at the mall to look at tuxedos for our weddings. I don't understand why he's acting like a bridezilla when we are just having a small wedding with close family and friends."
"Well, I'm sure he just wants everything in order."
"We are wearing tuxedos, not a dress unless he wanted to because he's the female in this relationship." He groans and I chuckle. "Anyways, I'll see you tonight."
"See you, bye."
Clark left and I went to the living room to find Leo sleeping on the couch. It's no wonder he's quiet. I pick him up and went to our rooms placing him on the bed. Pull a blanket over him and kiss him before heading back into the kitchen. Thinking of tonight's dinner.