I open the bedroom door to find Leo still sleeping. His legs and arms are spread apart and his snores are soft but not loud.
I chuckle and close the door behind me. I went to the bed and kiss his forehead. He moves and groans in his sleep.
My chuckles turn into giggles. "Come on darling, it's time to wake up."
He groans again, shakes his head on the pillow. "Five more minutes, mum."
"Darling, you need to get up sweetie. I made your favorite."
He pops his head and could see the sparkle in his eyes vision in a dark room. "Chocolate chip waffles."
"Shaped like Mickey Mouse, drizzle with strawberry jam, whip cream sprinkles with more chocolate chips along the side a glass of chocolate milk."
That is unhealthy for any kid to eat sweets in the morning but Leo loves his pancakes, and it's my source of leverage to wake him up.
"Yay!" Leo jumps off our bed and went straight to the bathroom.
I shake my head giggling.
It's has been two months and two weeks since I arrived at my cousins' house. I open the curtains as the sky is still dark but the sun is about to set. I walk over to the mirror on the dresser and stop. I'm wearing a turtle neck sweater and pull down to reveal my neck. I see the bruises fading away.
Ever since I ran away from Eddie with my five-year-old son Leo. We flew straight from London to Long Beach and just surprised my cousins by crashing a party. I haven't told them what really happened as to why I ran away from home before my wedding.
My cousin, Athena wanted to discuss letting me and Leo stay with her for the time being before I find a place to stay. but they are anxious to know from seeing bruises all over my body.
The one most interested in the topic is Don. He kept asking questions like he's a fucking cop scared the Jesus out of me. He apologized afterward and then went away to think of his actions. Then, my cousin, Athena told me that he hates men, who battered women. It explains his behavior.
Never met a man to act that way especially to a stranger like me.
His older brother, Rex told me that he knew a woman, who would get beaten every day by her husband. She died in a car accident while riding with her husband after a misunderstanding. But the woman still killed both of them.
I had something similar to that event. I was lucky to survive. Wearing a neck brace and walking in crutches wasn't so bad.
While Leo is washing up, I went back downstairs to finish breakfast. I had leftover pancake batter, homemade orange juice, and muffins in the oven. Then I hear steps from the stairs. "Morning, Claire."
I looked over my shoulder to see Effie the first person to wake up.
"Good morning, Effie. How are you feeling today?" I flipped the egg as it sizzles on the hot frying pan.
"I threw up," I chuckle as she took a chair at the table. "Pregnancy is exhausting."
I spot her baby bump.
"Here, I made something for your queasiness," I hand her a cup.
Effie took it and drank it then made a sour face. I laugh. "What is this?"
"Lemon juice."
"So sour."
"My mom says is good for nausea. When I was pregnant with Leo, I had to buy lemon drops with me everywhere I go." I say.
Multiple steps were heard as Athena, her fiancé Rex and Effie's boyfriend Logan all came downstairs.
"Morning, dearies," I smile.
"I will never get tired of hearing that," says Logan and kisses Effie's head and her belly where their child is growing.
"I'm with you bro," Rex agreed. "It's like I'm living in England."
"I think we could be in a Harry Potter movie."
"Weirdos," Athena scoff. Rex plant a kiss on her cheek and they sat next to each other. Logan grabs his seat next to Effie and mimics his older brother planting a kiss on her. "Where's my nephew?"
"Leo is washing up and will be down in a minute. How about my nephew?"
"Jacob is sleeping like a log after keeping us up all night. Rex and I take had turns putting him to sleep. Effie, what is that your drinking?"
Effie looked at her cup and smiled at her older sister. "It's good. Try it."
Athena reaches for the cup and takes a sip and made the same face Effie had made.
Effie and I laugh.
"Oh my god! That is hella sour. Who made this?"
"Guilty," I raised my hand up as Athena resent what she said. "Only because Effie is sometimes nausea in the morning and lemon juice is good for you."
Athena hand the cup to Rex who put it far away. "I never heard of that remedy. Your own creation?"
"No," I pour coffee and hand it to her. "The internet is always full of surprises."
"I know you love to cook, especially baking. When we were kids, you had the Easy-Bake Oven you had for Christmas, you love so much you wouldn't stop playing with it."
I chuckle.
My Easy-Bake Oven. I've always wanted one but my parents wouldn't get me one. Not that we are poor nor rich, we are in middle-class. But, because my mom would ask why I want something like that. I love to bake especially when Nay Nay and I spent hours in the kitchen whipping whatever delight we made. From American to Filipino desserts, I also learn from other delectable sweets from around the world.
Oh, how I miss my grandmother. Nay Nay is what I call her because she's the only person who understands me. She's different than my mum's mother, always nagging and bragging. What's worst is comparing her grandchildren with others.
Although I was born in London, I completely understand the Filipino language just never speak the tongue. I wish I haven't learned to understand my native language because when Lola Vicky mention Tita Diana about her life and family; she would bad-mouth her in front of her friends for marrying a man who doesn't have a job, a bad man who is trouble from the start and wished her youngest daughter would marry a man who has money.
That is all I hear from Lola Vicky and my mother. Money. Money. And what do you know - money.
Just because my mum married a banker doesn't mean my aunt should too.
I envy Athena and my cousins for having parents who are not a concern like mine. They strive to raise a family and look how happy they are even those their parents are gone. They went from five to three, then three to seven; including baby Jacob and Effie's unborn child.
"The only thing I hate about it is the cookie and cake batters," I blink back from memory lane and saw Athena made a face. "Taste like plastic. No taste at all."
I nod my head knowing what topic we were talking about and drank my own cup of American delight when footsteps big and small adding to laughter from the stairs when Ares playing with Leo, holding him upside down.
"Hello, Mum," my son laughs filled the house as if he brought warmth here.
He was shy and quiet at first with his relatives, but now he is now open up and gets along with everyone in the household.
"Ace, please don't drop your nephew," Athena scold her brother.
"Leo and I are just having fun, right buddy." He rubs his knuckle on Leo's head composing him laugh more
"Oh Mum, Tito Aces is taking me to Disneyland this weekend. Can we go?" my son asks and takes a seat next to Effie. Ares made himself at the table already loading his plate with food.
"Disneyland? With what money?" I sense a hostile situation from Athena onto her brother. After spending time with the girls last weekend, Effie told me all about Ares Friday night activities and how Athena turned into she-hulk learning about it. I can't hold back a smile.
"Hey, Grandpa made me the next successor to his company once he is ready to retire," Ares explains with his mouth full of food. "He wanted you to take over because you are the eldest. But you didn't want to take the position, so I volunteered. I had to quit my job so I can start shadowing Grandpa at the company later. Plus, I do have money."
Shaking my head.
Athena scoffs. "The reason why I didn't accept the offer because I don't plan on running a large company. Especially with Grandpa's background as Lord of the Underworld. I don't want me and my son to be the target. I rather play it safe."
"Thea, you know Grandpa is not in that business anymore. Well, he still has connections and he still has people covering his back," Effie adds. "He thinks your capable of being a CEO."
"I have my own plans," Athena takes a bite of the toasted bread.
"And which is?"
"I want to run a daycare center." She announces and gulps her coffee in one motion. "Ever since Jacob and Ramsey were born a daycare came into mind."
"You do love children," I say, then cover my mouth with the cup. "Although, as a kid, you were a troublesome child."
Ares spit out pieces of his food and cracks up, holding his stomach. Rex and Logan covered their laughter. Effie lightly hit Logan in the abdomen.
"That is so true." Ares bluntly says and drinks water.
Athena snarls at her brother and bends the fork in her hand. She jerks her head back at me. "C.J, you were supposed to be backing me up, what gives?"
I too also crack up a giggle. It's been a while since she called me that. She only emits out my nickname when she in a desperate situation like what is going on now. "I'm sorry, but it is true."
"I've changed."
"That is some bull-" Ares glances at Leo, who was on Effie's phone watching cartoons as he eats. He is living the American life already. "That is BS. When I do something wrong, you beat me up."
"Tita Thea, you hit Tito Aces? Mum said it is not nice to hit people." Leo looks up from the small screen and turns his attention at his aunt.
"See," Ares embraces Leo and pout his lips. "Leo, your aunt is a scary person."
"Scarier than monsters?"
"Not only scarier than monsters because she is one."
"Ares," Athena grinds her teeth and says the name of her brother. "I'm going to kill you!"
Ares left the table quickly and at the same time, Athena went to chase him around the house screaming at the top of her lungs. Leo starts to crack up watching his overgrown relatives playing chase.
"Rex, you better get your fiance before she will bury him next to our pet in the backyard," Effie sigh.
"You had a pet buried in the backyard?" Logan asks curiously.
"Not really a pet, he's more like a companion when I feel down. I rescued an injured squirrel and we became close before a cat killed him." Effie lean back after finishing her meal. "I was ten. I cried to Athena to help me bury him in the backyard next to the tree."
"What did you name him?" I ask and sat next to Leo.
"Alvin Simon Theodore Reid."
I stare at her blankly and Logan was the person to crack up.
"Effie, Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are chipmunks, not squirrels," I say trying hard not to laugh.
"I know that. I was ten." She protests an argument. "I couldn't think of a name and thought of those."
"That is a long-ass name, baby girl."
"You're just making fun of me." Effie blows her cheeks and pout at Logan. He draws Effie in his arms and plants kisses all over her face. Effie squeal and attempts to pull away as it turns adorable between the two.
Leo saw that his aunt was in danger and tries to remove them apart only to be caught in the middle of Logan and Effie's kisses. Leo giggles and screams for help from me.
I only chuckle looking at these them.
While they are having deep conversations, I was shocked to hear Effie was pregnant. The day Leo and I arrived it was not just Athena who have a baby, but Effie is soon going to be a mother as well. Though, she had Zara; Logan, and Effie's adopted daughter. It quite a surprise for them to raise a child on their own and now she is pregnant with their first real child.
Learning about her pregnancy, I was concerned. Because she is a first-time mother with an adopted child that is not hers, I'm worried she won't manage it. She has the career she had been waiting for, to be on a musical. I had a little talk with her about being a mother and working on a career can be exhausting. I know because I used to work while I was pregnant with Leo, but had to quit when I moved in with Eddie. He insisted on me to be a stay home mom and raise our son.
The other brother, Liam, the twin brother of Logan and the baby brother of the Wolfe family is at Lily's home. She was the first person I met when I came here that day.
Lily is Liam's boyfriend and they are the parents of their baby boy Ramsey. Last week, the girls and I had a Netflix and Gossip without the boys around except for the kids.
Jordan, who I remember as a child. I use to have a crush on her because of her boyish appearance but later when we shared a kiddy pool turns out she's was a girl. Now, Jordan looks more lady-like with her strawberries wavy hair, and beautiful emerald green eyes. She turns from an ugly duckling to a swan.
We told stories, how Effie, Lily, and Effie met their boyfriends and fell in love. I was fascinated and distraught throughout their stories but in the end, everything worked out great for them. Their love story is different from mine, my magical romance isn't as overwhelming.
My love fell out once I have a black eye.
"What is this? A kissing game?" Seth made his appearance bringing me back from my thoughts, and surprisingly grab Logan's face. "I want to join!"
"Hell no!" his little brother screech as he pushes Seth's face away.
"Leo, he hit me," Seth whine flashing his puppy eyes to my son for sympathy pointing his finger at his brother. Leo leans and presses his small lips on Seth's face making him overjoy. "All better, thank you, Leo."
"Uncle Logan, no hitting," Leo scold at the oversized man. Logan nods his head and apologize to my son.
It's like a small bunny rabbit telling a large wolf not to eat his meal.
Picturing it seems off.
The second eldest Wolfe brother grabs his seat at the table and while filling his plate I ask, "Where is Donovan?"
Not that I'm scanning for him.
For the past two months, I tried to avoid him from time to time. Sometimes I can feel my eyes behind me and see him peering as if he's back in the marines. Liam, the youngest and twin brother of Logan told me Donovan was in the marine. Explains all the visible battle scars. It's similar to Effie's scars on her body but Donovan fought in a war and received each of his scars from it.
He looks hot with scars. It's another reason I avoid looking at him. He's different from Eddie. Although, Eddie can be crush like a soup can from Donovan's hands.
Donovan is larger than his brothers, bit on the broadside. He may look menacing like a large bear, but the way I see it he's not scary at all.
He's an oversized teddy bear.
"He came home late because of his shift at work," He sniffs his plate and moans. "Nothing but a plate of bacon, eggs, sausage and don't forget waffles to fill up my belly. Oh, speak of the devil, wearing nothing but his Batman briefs. Have respect man we have a child and ladies presents."
I pinch my eyebrows together and turn my head, and let out a high-pitch squeal.
"Morning," my body twitches at the sound of Donovan's raspy morning voice. I look away, covering my face after what I saw and hiding the redness on my face.
"Donny, you need to put on some clothes. You're in front of a lady."
I get a glimpse of his body. I see everything including his tattoos that covers both his arms and one side of his side. Mother said people with tattoos are violent and dangerous that I should not interact with them. But I find Donovan's tribal marking fascinating and storytelling. I changed my perspective of people with tattoos.
Eddie doesn't have tattoos, what does it make him?
Effie clears her throat and glared her eyes at Seth. "Excuse me, what does that make me?"
"Sorry, ladies." He emphasizes the s on ladies. I giggle. Seth is the clown of the family. Always makes me giggle from his teasing and jokes. "Anyways, what do I hear about Disneyland?"
I watch Donovan take his seat next to me and his closeness makes my body quiver but I'm able to respond to Seth. "Oh, um, Ares wants to take Leo to Disneyland."
"We should all go," Effie suggested a look at Logan who nods in agreement then turn her eyes at me. "It's been a long time since we have gone. What do you say, C.J?"
"Yeah, Mum," Leo says trying to sound distraught. "Can we go, please?"
I took a sip off my coffee, glance at my son's pleading puppy eyes I couldn't resist the look. "Going there will be my first, and Leo seems to be excited about it. Why not?"
"Yay!" Leo surprise us with his cheer making us all smile and laugh. "We should go now!"
"Leo, sit down. We can't today, darling. Your aunts and uncles are working."
"Aw," he frowns.
"Hey, Leo," Donovan wipe his mouth with the paper towel I flinch once he calls my son's name and could feel my heart beating fast - waiting for what's going to happen. "We have to work to make money. Without money, we can't have fun. We can't buy you the things that you want. Do you want to buy something at Disneyland?"
"No, not really," Leo reply. "Because my mum said that it's better to save money than spend. That I shouldn't be spoiled. I buy what I need is important."
Leo is a smart boy. He always listen and remembers what to say and do, what is right, and what is wrong.
Donovan reaches forward as I gasp silently then watch him rub my son's head playfully. "Great answer, buddy." Then he sat back down, letting my heart relax. "Yeah, we should save and not spend. People shouldn't be spoiled with how much money they have. Some aren't born rich, while others earned from their parents. But we spend money on important things as well. It's okay if you want to spend worth buying for, just don't go over the limit, okay?"
"Okay," Leo flash a smile at Donovan. It's been a long time since I've seen him smile like that.
I couldn't believe what I'm hearing and see. I got worried for nothing once Leo whine. Donovan didn't get angry or hit my son for his attitude. Instead, spoke in a calm and short understanding for my son to keep in mind and it worked. He's completely different from Eddie. When Leo wants something and whines about it, Eddie would yell at him to shut up and when my son cries, he would hit him with the belt making him cry more.
Eddie would hit his own son for a small simple demand. But with Donovan, he smooths it with an explanation.
No hitting. No belt. No fist.
Hey my peeps!!!
What do you think of the first chapter of Donovan?
What do you think of the Reid Siblings' cousin, Claire?
I will keep going back and make some fixes even tho I'm not the best writer. But still, with your guys love and support for the brothers I'm continuing this series until I reach the next generations.