I can feel my back aching as I lean and roll my neck going back to wiping the tables. Once they are done, I start to gather the dirty glass cups and plates heading to the kitchen to wash. It has been two weeks since I've worked here at B&M bar things are working great and the money is good. Although I work every night, I also work in the daytime too. Doing laundry, cleaning dishes, clean each room, and going to the grocery. I don't mind the hard labor in my cousins' home.
Back in Wellington, London, we have maids and one butler, Reuben. Old man Reuben has been with the family since his father served my grandfather, my father's dad.
Reuben is loyal to my father and the family. While my parents have always been busy, he took care of me. He lost his wife and daughter in a car accident, so he's very cautious about me. He's always there for me.
Reuben has also helped me escape the biggest mistake to marry Eddie. He protected me more than my own father.
I miss Reuben.
I hope he isn't punished harshly for helping me. I'm very worried about him every day. Father would punish him for a cut pay but for Mother, she would scold him for more than an hour.
I sigh.
"Claire, after you are done with that table. You can leave."
I look over my shoulder with a confused expression at Billie and look down at my watch. "I have an hour left. Still have other tables that have not been clean."
"Don't worry about that." Swing the towel rag over her shoulder. "I heard about your little boy, a single mother like you shouldn't stay here at the bar late."
"How do you know?"
"Oh, a little bird told me."
Hypothetically, either one of my cousins told Billie about Leo's incident on the bed. Since he wet the bed, Leo felt ashamed and stays in the room.
He apologizes and cried not to do it again. I only did what any mother does and calm him. I told him it's natural for boys and girls his age to make a mistake. But I couldn't tell him why he does it? It will stress him out thinking about his father. I reassured him that his mother needs to earn money to support them both. He understood but his face gave it away that he doesn't like the idea of me working late.
I want to argue with my boss but before I can open my mouth Billie say, "I'm not going to cut your pay in half. After two weeks working here, you're a natural. Though you ignore some of the men here who tried to hit on you." She chuckles. "Anyways, to the point. Although you are fast at work and good at the job. Have you ever thought of working someplace else? You can't stay here forever you know."
I never thought of that.
I just need the money to earn enough for a place for me and Leo can call home. I would think of not staying in my cousins' place because they have too many people, I love the company and the comical acts in the morning between Ares and Thea or Seth who seems pretty down this pasture weeks ever since Terry had gone to Guatemala last month. He always put on a smile and laughter but only to hide his true feelings. Thea told me Seth pesters Terry a lot because they are about the same age, they are considered best friends but I know for the fact unlike anyone else is aware.
Terry is a woman.
I know another woman when I see one. The only clue to distinguish between the opposite sex is the Adam's Apple on the man and women have smaller hands than men. Unless Terry had a sex change then that is a different story.
I'm surprised no one noticed about Terry.
Well, I'm going to investigate more about her life. If she wants to be a man that is her life. Like Jessi, we used to date in high school and I know she is different from other guys who cared about her hair and getting a manicure. I mean, should all men care about their hygiene but with Jessi, she was way too obsessed with herself for being perfect.
After that small talk with Billie about what am I going to do after I leave this place. I went to my locker and grab my purse. Tomorrow I'm getting paid and with good tips, I'm able to buy a new phone. After with a new phone and number I could look for a place. Effie told me finding a place here in California the homes are expensive. Apartments are too expensive. I guess there is no leaving the bar until I can figure it out.
I left the bar but missed the bus.
Oh, bloody hell!
It's dark and I have to wait for another bus to arrive. I'm standing outside, staying under the light to keep myself visible. I look around to find the streets busy and people passing by. I had myself looking around to make sure some stranger wants to talk to me.
"Hey beautiful," a drunk man approaches me. His walk is unstable as he tries to walk right. He's like a baby who just started walking with their chubby legs.
I remember Leo's first walk made me go in awe, but the man makes me gag.
"Want to have a drink?" He leans in and I cover my nose from the stench of alcohol on his breath and his clothes.
"No, thank you."
"Oh, sweet Jesus I love your accent. Foreign girls turn me on," the drunk man lick his lips makes my stomach churn in disgust. "Come on. You, me, and one night at a motel." He gropes himself.
I look at him with a sour face.
"Sorry, sir. I'm waiting for my boyfriend." That's alike. But I'm dead serious wish someone comes and get me.
"Boyfriend? Fuck him. He won't know. Come on." The drunk man grabs my wrist and pulls. "I can make you feel good."
I pull my arm back, fighting him. "Get away from me!"
I stop and saw Donovan get out of his hummer and feel my heart at ease.
Oh, fuck he looks angry.
Donovan looks dangerous and scary but in a sexy way. He approaches us and grabs the drunk man out of the way and pulls me close to his hard chest.
"Touch my girl, brah?" He asks the drunk man.
His girl?
That made my heart jump.
"You the boyfriend?" The drunk man backs away and asks kindly. "Didn't mean to touch your girl man."
"That's fine. We are cool. But I have one thing." He let go and step in front of the drunk man, blocking my view as I hear a click. "If you ever touch her again. You will regret it."
The drunk man seems sober because once Donovan warned him he fell on his ass and scurry away. Running as fast as he can screaming like a little girl.
I stand next to him waking the drunk man run for his life and bumping into him.
"You have a gun?" I ask while I stay calm and relax.
Eddie has a gun too, licensed. After a beating from him he would clean his shotgun he keeps in his closet safe in front of me as a warning to not make him angrier than before.
"It's license and," Donovan pulled out his pistol and unclip the mags. "No bullets. I just gave him a friendly reminder when it comes to drinking."
I clearly heard you threatening him. But I'm not going to say anything.
"Are you okay?" He asks as he put his pistol back in his holster.
"I'm fine. But, why are you here?"
"I was just in the neighborhood."
He's lying again.
"What about you? Are you waiting for the bus?"
I sigh. "No, I missed my bus. So I'm waiting for another."
"You know it will take between thirty to forty minutes for the next one. Why don't you ride with me? Because it's busy here at night so, public buses will have a hard time passing by."
"I can wait," I tell him.
"Waiting for the next drunk bastard to touch you. No, you are coming with me, or else Effie or Thea will have my ass."
I look up at him with my brows furrow. "You are afraid of girls who weigh less than you?"
"Like my brother Logan, I'm a lover, not a fighter. But I will protect any girl who is in need of my help."
I scoff. "Oh yeah, any type of girl will need your protection. Give one girl, who needs a muscle man's protection."
Our eyes met and feel the spark of intensity coming off him. It's like he can see right through me.
I smack my lips and look away before anything I regret happens. "I don't need your protection. I can take care of myself."
"Okay, but let me ask." He says. "Who are you protecting yourself from?"
I didn't answer.
"It's not my place to say nor be nosy to ask what is your real purpose of coming here."
"What are you talking about?" I cross my arms and glare at him.
"You came to our home-"
"My cousins' home." I correct him.
"I and my brothers are living with your cousins together, so it's technically our house too."
Damn him and his regulation.
It's true he and his brothers combined their homes together with my cousins' and so are living together under one roof.
"I got nothing to say to you. I don't have to give you a reason." I snap.
"You came to the house unannounced with your son and with those bruises on your face and you're telling me there is nothing to say to me."
Why is this dick bringing that up?
"I told Thea I was fighting with this other lady because she wouldn't let go of the purse I wanted," I told that lie to Thea when we had our private talk. I know she had doubts I'm telling the truth, but she didn't pressure me.
"That is fucking bullshit." Don scoff. "You're telling me a British high-class woman can cause those bruises. Don't lie to me."
"It's the truth."
"Fine, don't believe me. I got nothing else to say. If you don't want to believe me that is fine."
"Oh, fucking god," Donovan groan and rub his face. "I can see stubbornness runs in the family. I really don't know how Rex put up with Thea or Logan with Effie. Lily is okay, she isn't stubborn, she's more understanding."
"Is it wrong for me to visit my cousins? Have my son meet his aunts and uncle?" I grunt.
"No, but your hiding something. You mention him. Are you referring to your fiancé?" Donovan pause. "Is he hurting you?"
I look away.
Why is he bringing Eddie up?
I know before I was frantic and in fear for our lives that Eddie will find me and my son. But, I told Thea nothing is wrong with me and Eddie. I lied to her as I told her my reason for my visit. For Leo to meet his other side of the family.
"No, it's not my fiancé. He loves me." I'm such a bloody liar. I need to change the subject before he interrogates me more with my abusive fiancé. "I'll get in your car, but I don't want to talk about that topic again with you. Never bring it up, Deal?"
He sigh. Don opens his mouth and wants to ask about that topic, but instead says, "Alright, I won't pressure you anymore. But if I ever find out he's hurting you. My gun won't be empty." Don went to his car.
I made a face behind his back and follow him. To my surprise, he by the passenger side and open the door for me. With his other hand, I look at him then at his hand. I know the gesture and take it. Sparks fly throughout from my hand and into my body. Don help me up and shut the door for me.
I've met gentlemen through my parents' fancy parties but always knew their true color for being that way. Eddie was a gentleman before he punched me in the face. I feared him for years when his fist made contact with my face and stomach. Don, he could hit out of the ballpark with Eddie, but with his touch, I feel safe and butterflies swirling inside my stomach.
I don't know what this feeling is, I just wish it stops before I make another mistake of falling in love.