6. I can't believe that the woman I want is here in Velvet House. Velvet House of all places!
“How dare you!" I find myself confronting her even without preamble.
“Klaus? What are you doing here and why are you in my room?" She asks me even without an ounce of shame on her face.
"What do you mean what am I doing here? What if I was to ask you the same question? What are you doing here? Can you answer me that? You are mine Sera and you are not allowed to sleep with another man!” I shout at her because otherwise, I would strangle her.
How dare she give what is mine to some other person? A random stranger at that!
"Klaus," she calls me calmly as she walked towards the table beside the bed and places the glass she was holding there after taking a sip in an unhurried manner, “I am a grown woman and I can do whatever I want. Also, I don't remember you and I becoming a thing.
All you did was help me relieve some of the sexual tension that was building up in my body and that was all.
I apologise if I gave you the wrong idea,” she said and I walked towards her.
I wanted to shake some sense into her and make her realise that the moment I went down on her was the moment she became mine.
I know I was being a selfish prick but I couldn't help it. I was in love with Sera and I would be damned if I let her sleep with another man. Not in my watch!
I hold her by her shoulders and shake her and not subtly.
"What are you doing? Let go of me!" She said as she shrugged herself out of my arms.
“I want to see if you have any sense in you because if you did, you should have taken my text seriously.
Do you think I go around licking pussy and kissing just any Jane Doe? Well, news flash, I don't!
I went down on you because I … I want you. You are mine Sera. Mine.
Now, get dressed and I will take you home,” I tell her and she eyes me as if I was making a joke.
"Klaus, like I said, I am an adult and you have no right to stop me.
I came here to have fun and fun I will have.
Now, get out of my room and I will call for another male,” she said and I felt my breath leave me.
“Sera, I am not a very patient man and you know it.
I said you are mine and I don't know what part of that you don't understand.
Now, do yourself a favour and get dressed.
Otherwise, I am going to carry you naked to the car and up your apartment. I don't care who sees you.
Better still, I can carry you up the stairs to my pent house.
Maybe that way, after people see you, you will get it into your head that I own you.
Get dressed!" I use a voice that I didn't think I have.
I have never got as angry as I have quit this woman. I don't know why my heart wants her and it hurts seeing her parading herself at VH wanting to get laid.
“I want…” she begins and I am done.
"If it's dick you want, I will give you dick. I will dick you so well that you won't be able to go to work tomorrow.
I will make sure I dick your very hole until it gets stuck in your brain that you are mine,” I tell her in a low threatening voice, the same I had used and I saw her resolve start to dissolve.
" I will count to three and if you aren't dressed, so help me lord, I am carrying you out of here naked because you can't walk out this establishment with their linen,” I said and looked straight at her.
"One… two…"
“Okay! Okay!"
“I will get dressed. But you and I aren't through.
I wanted an… I hate you Klaus! You and Tony should just go and rot in hell!” She said and I chuckled.
"By the time I am done with you tonight, you will be singing my praises.
Now, get on it," I said and she walked towards the bathroom.
I came here today because my dick was craving Sera and I didn't want to rush the relationship between me and her.
I wanted her to know that I was being genuine about her and it wasn't all about sex.
I wanted a committed relationship with her and so, I came to get laid here but little did I know that when Xena told me that there is a fresh candidate and he wanted me to do her, that it would be the woman I wanted to make mine.
But if it's a dick she so badly wants, I will make sure that she craves mine and I will make sure that I fuck her everyday until she gets addicted to me.
She gets dressed and by the time she comes out, I have her purse, her card and her car keys with me and I hold her by the hand leading her out.
“Let me go," she says but I don't.
“I don't trust your judgement and that means that I am not leaving your side this night and many other nights after tonight.
Get used to it,” I tell her and she snorts.
She doesn't say anything else as we walk past other doors and in some, we can hear the lewd sex sound aiming out of them and cries of pleasure in others.
We walk past Xena who looks at me startled and I throw my car keys at him.
“Have it delivered to my house," I tell him and drag Sera out.
I take her to her car in the house’s garage and I make sure to put her in the gunshot seat and buckle her up.
She isn't talking to me but that's okay because I am going to make sure that she sings my name the whole of tonight.