7. Fuuuuck!
That's what I wasn't to shout but I can't. I have never seen Klaus so angry.
I also can't believe that of all nights and places we would have met, we met tonight and at Velvet House.
I really wanted to get laid and get dominated but of all nights, Klaus had to come today.
I wanted to argue with him but he was too angry to talk rationally and so, I decided to go with the flow.
Now, he is driving my car and isn't talking to me. He is fuming and I can see the smoke coming out of his nostrils and ears.
“Want to go to your place or mine?" He asks and obviously, I have to be angry at his intrusion and so, I keep mum.
When I don't answer, he also doesn't speak again and we pass the junction where he should have taken a right to my place and just goes straight and I am sure that he is going to his place.
I wonder what he is going to do there and frankly, I am eager. Maybe, just maybe, and this is a hope I wouldn't mind coming true, he will dick me senseless.
Call me addicted to sex or whatever you want but I live and eat sex.
I met Klaus through Tony. Tony and I were in the same university and we met because we shared a club.
For me, it wasn't love at first sight but for Tony, I believed him that time, it was.
He pursued me for a while and I decided to have sex with him so that he would leave me alone and when I did, I was hooked.
It was the best sex my twenty years old and ever had and so, we started dating. Sometimes, and I have had a lot of sometimes since Tony ran away with my best friend, I wonder if it was love or just a sex addiction.
I think that I really wasn't in love with Tony but with his love making. I have to admit that the man was a sex god.
Klaus would join us for some evenings when I visited Tony's place and we sometimes went for vacations together and I have to admit that he was more handsome than Tony but at that time, I had eyes only for Tony.
We got to know each other and after university, I started the flowers business and Klaus became my customer. He would order flowers for delivery to different offices and homes and I did my work well because in our business, a constant client meant that we would never run out of business.
After Tony left and I discovered that my best friend had also left, I had no one to cry to and so, the only person remaining that knew the two people that betrayed me well and who would empathize with me was Klaus.
And yes, here we are today.
He has already seen me naked and lived and sucked and fucked me with his tongue and fingers and tonight, something tells me that he's gonna do more than that.
Am I ready for that? I don't know.
Would I mind being banged by Klaus? Come on! It's sex and the answer would be no. I don't mind at all.
“Here we are. He out," Klaus gets me out of my reverie and I unbuckle my belt and get out.
The last thing I want is Klaus making a scene in this underground packing.
This was Klaus' buildings and he had made the pent house to his specifications and I had been there a few times with Tony. The first time we came, there was a party after Klaus’ company had won a very much awaited tender that would take in billions of dollars.
I didn't know that Klaus was that rich until after that day.
Instead of calling the house a penthouse, it was more like a five bedroomed bungalow on top of a skyscraper.
I followed him like an obedient child and then wondered why I had to follow him and a thought came to my mind.
Why couldn't I run? He wasn't my boyfriend or anything like that and following him this obediently made me look as it I was a sheep being led to the slaughter house.
I stopped and times his steps and looked towards the exit.
I knew that if I put my mind to it, I could outrun him and once I was in the street, I could hide in an alley and maybe return home and use my sex toys to satidy myself.
They wouldn't give me the satisfaction I wanted but it would make me release.
“Don't even think about it," he said as I was about to turn and scrum.
“Think about what?" I asked imnocently.
Instead of answering me, he came back the few steps, held me and lifted me up.
“I warned you. Behave,” he threatened and damn! I liked it.
His voice sounded sexy and I wanted to hear it as he tried me and clipped my mouth with a mouth ball and put clips on my nipples.
I wanted to hear that voice as he asked me to call him daddy as he slapped my inner thighs with a whip.
I wanted to hear that low baritone as he plunged into me asking me to beg him to go deeper.
I was already wet and if he didn't fuck me tonight, I swore that I would jump from the building.
Well, maybe that's a strong term to use but it would make me very very sad.
We took the lift to his house and when we got there, he didn't put me down. He input his bios into the key pad and the door clicked open and we got in.
I was then gently lowered and then he started undressing right before me.
“You wanted a fuck? Well, here is a free one for you,” he said and damn!
Was that a dick?