5. Sera
I am taken all around the establishment and wow! Just wow!
That's all I can say.
It's huge and it's a wonder what this type of an establishment is just in the middle of the city and no one seems to notice. Or maybe they do and just don't care and others don't even know what goes on inside.
There is a lounge where I finally am asked to wait as I sip on the drink of my choice and there are other numerous rooms.
Some rooms have beds for those who want intimacy, others are empty and just have slave tools in them, others have tables and BDSM tools, others have small beds for punishment and other sex tools I have never even seen, others have television sets for those who want to watch something as they get it on and so on.
“It all depends on what one wants. And as you know, we boast of total privacy. What happens here stays here.
We don't care who you are as long as one adheres to the rules of the establishment.
You can also come any time you want for someone like you who paid for the platinum card and request for anyone and anything.
Here, you can have a one on one with either a man or a woman of you a lesbian or bi, threesomes, if you want to just watch two women or men or a hetero couple get it on, you demand and we deliver,” Xena tells me and that was why I bought the membership that created a dent in my bank account.
Before I bought the membership that cost me an arm and a leg, I had done my research and asked all the questions I had and I was satisfied.
“So, what would you like tonight? Would you like a catalogue of the people we have and the services so that you can choose the one you want?" Xena had asked me and I had made up my mind and there was no need to waste more time checking out photos of people I will never use.
“No. I already know what I want. A daddy. I want to be a slave tonight. So, get me someone who can punish me and make me feel alive again," I had said and Xena had smiled.
“I have the right person in mind for you. He is also a platinum card holder and the girls love him because of the day he handles them.
Wait for a while so that we can get your room ready," Xena says and I am given a glass of Veuve Clicquot, my favourite brand of champagne.
I sip on it and I can feel my vagina start to tremble with anticipation.
I want it so bad and I can't wait for it to be slapped and filled and sucked and nibbled on.
I want tonight to be about me.
I am looking at the beauty magazines on the table and I am lost in a photo that had a model posing in a room full of roses of different colours and I was looking at the arrangements when Xena returns.
“Sera, we have your room ready," he says and I smile and follow him as he indicates.
I am taken to a room that is about fifteen square metres and has all the amenities one can think of.
It has a king sized bed, a television set, a table full of BDSM tools at one corner and a door that leads to the washrooms.
“The washrooms are over through that door and if you need anything, use that to call us. All the numbers for the services you want are on the pad by the phone.
Your escort will be with you in a while. In the meantime, you can get ready,” he says and smiles and begins to walk out.
Once he is at the door, he smiles and says ‘enjoy’ and then closes it behind him.
I smile and place my purse on the table that has a bucket of ice on it and a bottle of champagne in it and two glasses beside it.
There is also a bottle opener on the table and the pad he talked about and a dial phone.
The room is beautiful and has ceiling to floor windows and a very beautiful view of the city below.
I live in an apartment building on the second floor and I don't have such a view and seeing this is warming and it makes my soul happy.
I walk towards the bathroom where I strip and take a warm shower and scrub all the parts that should be scrubbed and get ready for the night.
I dry myself with one of the towels in the rack and sit on the vanity table where there is everything a woman may need for such a night.
I apply a light layer of makeup, dry my hair and hold it in a ponytail at the back and adorn a bathrobe.
I am ready.
I fold my clothes and lay them neatly on the rack and smile at how I look.
I look like a seductress and that's the look I want. I don't want the man I will be given to complain about me.
I walk out and pop open the bottle of champagne and pour myself a glass and walk towards the window with the glass.
I sip as I admire the beautiful view below me and wonder why I never thought of this earlier on.
Oh, Tony. It was because I was with Tony and I loved him.
I hear a knock on the door and I turn and the lock clicks and the door opens.
The first thing I see is a tall leg clad in a blue trouser leg and a black loafer.
I then lift my eyes and my eyes meet with the last person I would have wanted to see tonight.
Oh, hell no!
What are the odds?
“Klaus," I feel the blood drain from my face.
Again, what are the odds?