Marv and I drive for about half an hour before we make a stop. I know we're not at the Lee home so I curiously peek outside. We're stopped in front of a pet store. My heart skips a beat.
"Stay here," Marv instructs. She steps out of the car and smoothly makes her way into the shop, taking long, slow strides. Her demeanor is amused.
I sit stock still in my seat, waiting as instructed. My nerves are taking hold but I breathe to keep myself in check. After about ten minutes, Marv comes back holding a black leather collar. I lick my lips at what the object means.
Marv gets back in the car, sighs, then turns to me. "Okay," she says, almost chuckling. "If this is for real, all I have to do is put this on you, right?" Her eyebrow raises, her eyes almost roll. "Whatever this is will be real?"
I nod fervently, cracking a smile. My hands are clammy with excitement.
"Alright then, here we go." Marv hesitates for a moment but her resolve comes quickly with her curiosity. She reaches out to me, putting the collar around my neck, then buckles it. She leans back and stares at me. Her eyes narrow with suspicion.
My heart beat triples in speed and my lips part open lightly. Marv's eyes widen at me, and I know exactly what she sees. The signature, menacing glowing eyes of a Pet finally claimed. The heat that comes with it is nice as it emanates from me. My body almost reboots and it's glorious.
"What the fuck?" Marv whispers. She's pressed up against the drivers side door, her eyes darting over me.
"Command me, Mistress," I say. My voice is dangerous, my words lethal. I'm finally owned, I can finally please another. I can't wait to get started.
Marv is staring at me, not knowing what to say. She watches me for minutes, her mind shuffling through thought after thought, and I let her. It's no longer a joke. Well, not really. She can't deny what's just happened but she can fool herself into believing its not as real as it clearly is.
Finally, she turns to face forward in her seat, then starts the car. "I can't believe this is happening," she whispers to herself. "I know this is happening, but I need a little more proof," she continues nervously. "Where does this Ms. Lee live?" She's not looking at me. She's trying not to.
I tell her the address, a little saddened that her eyes are no longer on me, and we start driving again. Marv remains quiet, and it makes me nervous. My ultimate goal is Marv's happiness, yet she's not happy. That fact both angers and scares me. I don't want to fail. I cannot fail. I will not fail.
"Holy shit..." Marv whispers, bringing me out of my head. She's parked the car and is gazing out of the windshield, her body leaning forward. I look where her eyes are and see Ms. Lee's mansion behind the menacing gates that guard it. The building is extravagant, well kempt, and imposing. It's exactly what the Lee women like people to think when they see it.
"You really got this for these girls, huh?" Marv asks me, her eyes still on Ms. Lee's place. "You put them here? No. You did some shit behind the scenes to make them have this?"
"Yes," I answer dutifully.
Gravel crunches underneath our shoes as we step out of the car and up to the front gates. All is silent as we both stare between the thick metal bars.
There is a chime then a high pitched static sound. "Can I help you?" a voice asks into the air.
I make sure Marv is ahead of me then growl a familiar growl at where I know a camera is. There's a moment of silence before another static sound echoes. Then, slowly, the gates start to open.
"Well, I guess they know you," Marv mutters. She hardly waits for the gates to be opened enough for her to fit through before she steps past them. She walks confidently onto the Lee property and doesn't wait for me, although I'm right on her back.
It takes us several minutes for us to make it up the drive on foot and by the time we arrive at the front door there are already several people waiting for us. Ms. Lee stands in front of them all, her chin high, her eyes sparkling.
"Well, well, well," Ms. Lee sneers. Her stiletto's clack loudly against the floor and she takes several steps forward. The beefy men behind her stay put, looking ready to brawl if necessary. "Looks like my pet has returned. Have you realized your mistake, Pet?" She strides up to me with anger and determination in her eyes, ignoring Marv completely, then she slaps my cheek. "How dare you leave me!" she hollers. "You have no right! I. Own. You. You belong to me and this family. This is where you live and this is where you'll die."
Ms. Lee is livid, I note. Her fists are clenched at her sides and her jaw works. She's about ready to beat me bloody again. But then...