It's not easy being a Pet in the modern world. No one with a good heart understands me and the lengths I'll go. They don't see why I obey my Mistress- why I'll do whatever it takes to please her. To be honest, my Mistress doesn't even know why I do it. All she knows is that she can control me, command me to do her bidding. When my Mistress came across me, my previous Mistress had just died. Her spell had broken and I was free to roam stupidly like a broken pup. I had no idea what to do. I never know what to do when I'm not controlled.
Since I was born, I've been compelled to do as others command, taught, in some instances; not that much teaching was required. It's in my blood to enjoy it, to crave the dominance of others. Many often wonder why I allow myself to endure such things, be they good or bad. But the answer is this: It's simply who I am. All of my kind desire to make others happy. Of course, the definition of happiness has changed over the last few thousand years. It's not enough to have a few things here and there, some free time, or someone to listen. Greed is greed but it seems to grow with time and privilege.
I remember my first Mistress, a relatively kind, waif of a thing. The only thing she ever asked me to do was take care of her household- cleaning, cooking, tending to her children- simple things like that. I always wondered why she didn't ask more of me, when she knew the skills I possessed. She knew of my killing capabilities, my knowledge of things I had no right knowing, and, the trait I'm most proud of, my skills in bed. I guess, back then, no one really had need for these things.
As time wore on, and I was a few Mistresses in, my skills were finally recognized. It was during ancient Rome that I was most treasured. My Mistresses loved me for what I could do. They commanded deaths of those who stood in their way and the knowledge to gain rank where they otherwise could not. They treasured my sexual skills. They thought I was a gift from the gods- perhaps a God or daughter of one.
One particular Mistress was too curious as to how I could do the things I could. She commanded me to tell her everything about why and how I do what I do and have it be the absolute truth. I told her that my kind, which she coined Pets (a silly name she called me in passing, but it stuck), have no other thought than to make the one that controls us totally and completely satisfied. I told her that my strength and agility could best any man, a hundred men, with ease. She was enthralled with what I was revealing to her, commanding me to tell more. I spoke of the way I could tell what a person was feeling just by looking at them, could see the knowledge they try to hide surrounding them. I told her how I could spot lies as easily as she could see me sitting in front of her.
She hushed me after this. I could see the questions she was about to ask floating around her. She asked me why I obey her alone, and not another. I told her that some people are better at commanding than others. I feel a pull towards those who have the ability to control the power that I wield. I said that so far, only women have been able to collar me. Only women have the capability to control with both pain and pleasure. Men think they can control others with only brute force. Women know when to cut a wound deeper, or to kiss it better. She then asked me how I came to obey her in particular. I said that I could fee, see, her influence over me the second I laid eyes on her. She could use my power for her betterment. All she had to do was claim me, and I would be linked to her until her death.
When I was done speaking, she then asked me how she claimed me. I fingered the collar that was around my neck. I said that when she literally collared me, I was hers. She seemed happy with this answer then wondered what would happen to me after she died. I told her that I would be free from her and I would wander the earth until another claimed and collared me. She dismissed me after that, but I could see what she was thinking. She wanted to train her daughters to have the ability to collar me themselves, to keep me in the family. Her bloodline would be unstoppable.
It turned out the training worked. I remained in the possession of the Laeca women for generations. Their status was raised with each new Mistress. As I was passed on from daughter to daughter, I became more and more abused. No longer did the Laeca women, now known as the Lee women, know how to kiss a wound shut. They only knew how to hurt me into doing their bidding. Slowly, but surely, my attraction to them disappeared. My last Mistress, the last Lee woman I would ever know, died just last week.
Their hold on me was gone, they didn't have the ability to collar me anymore. After hundreds of years, I was free.
Of course, the daughter of my last Mistress expected me to heed her wishes. When I didn't, she was livid. She beat me bloody, yelling curses at me. What was the point in fighting back? Tired is tired and it's easier sometimes to take what's coming. So I ran away- well, limped, really- to heal in safety.
I was on the streets for two weeks before my current wanted Mistress found me. I was lying in an alleyway, still slightly bruised and battered. My mind was shattered completely and I felt human. I had lost a bit of weight, and clearly looked unhealthy. Her safe house was a block from where I was, so she had a few of her goons take me there. As she nursed me back to health, I discovered she was a mid level drug dealer. No one too important, with just enough power to have a few to deal out her product. She was the average in her community.
When I was finally back in fighting shape, I was blown away by her ability to claim me. She was the first in a long while that I've seen that was born with the ability to command me. Then again, I've been owned by trained Mistresses, of course her natural born ability would blow me away. She was bright and fleshy and new. New was always alluring despite red flags.
It's been a month since she first found me in that alleyway. I do whatever she asks of me now, healthy and free to do so. She assumes it's because of they way she pulled me off the streets and gave me a purpose. She assumes I'm grateful, which I am, but that's not the only reason. She has no idea of the hold she truly has on me. I can see she questions me. Wonders when I'm going to realize that I've already paid her back five times over. I've happily delivered her product, cocaine and ecstasy, without thinking twice.
She has no idea that I'm waiting for her to collar me, to call me her Pet.