Marv motions for one of her goons, wanting him to wake up the intruders. They know her well enough to understand that's what she wants. They know most everything she wants just by a look, a gesture, a single word. They've been around long enough but have also learned not to be wrong.
He slaps them around for a bit, waiting for them to come to. He's none too gentle so the process goes by faster. All three of the tied men eventually groan, and start to realize the situation they're in ever so slowly. Confusion, then panic crosses their faces. Gasoline man and the driver's mouths are taped shut for the sake of speed and to prevent too many mouths from opening at once. Too many mouths is only the opportunity for more lies according to Marv. So only the passenger is free to speak for now.
But he uses this freedom to immediately start cursing and struggling, making his discomfort annoyingly known. Marv is patient, though, waiting for him to calm down. She knows she has the time to make him suffer if she so pleases. No one will come for him and if they do then she knows how to handle it.
When he gives up his ridiculous wiggles, he looks at all the people around. But his eyes stop on me. Fear makes his face flush and his eyes widen. "You," he whispers. He's trying to shrink back.
Marv looks from him to me slowly. "So it's true then." She motions for someone to get her a chair. When she gets one, she sits in front of the passenger. She breathes in, out, then sighs dramatically. "Want to tell me what happened?"
The guy looks terrified. He looks past Marv, to me, then back to Marv.
"That fucking animal tore off our car door. What the hell is she? A little girl like her shouldn't be able to do the shit she did." He stares at Marv, waiting for an answer. "You guys are joking, right? Playing a joke? Where's the machine that did it? There's no way she did that." When she doesn't reply he changes the subject, gulping. "You're Marv, right?"
Marv nods.
"You and your pet over there," He jerks his chin towards me, "aren't going to live long." He sneers, then stupidly spits in Marv's face. "No one cares what kind of tricks you have. Now that I know you've got them, they wont scare anyone. Movie magic doesn't work in the real world."
I feel anger bubbling inside me. Its soft and inviting, so I take it by the hand and shake.
Before anyone can react, I've already moved Marv's chair away to a safe distance and am now holding passengers throat in my right hand. He's a few feet off the ground, thrashing against his bonds, his eyes bulging. I squeeze a little, growling at him. I can hear surprised gasps from behind me. I don't pay any attention to any of them, focusing on punishing this man. How dare he disrespect and threaten Marv like that? Even if she's not my Mistress, she's taken care of me and deserves to be respected.
"Holy shit, Lost," Marv manages to say.
"How do you want him to die?" I growl out with pure rage.
"Let him go, Lost. I have more questions for him." Marv puts her hand on my shoulder and I not so surprisingly purr under her touch. I drop the man unceremoniously onto the floor then turn around and face Marv. Multiple emotions cross her face, but none stick. She turns to one of her goons and tells them to take the driver and gasoline man somewhere and dispose of them. "And make sure no one finds the bodies," she tells them as though they don't already know.
Only Marv, passenger, and I are left in the warehouse. Joe wanted to stay for protection but Marv told him it wasn't necessary. Joe reluctantly left to help with the body dump. When everyone was gone, Marv started questioning passenger. With my help, we managed to figure out who sent him. It was the new guy on the block- Devon was his name. Devon was hoping Marv would be in the warehouse when it burned. Passenger and the other two were to burn down the building and shoot anyone who managed to escape the flames.
"Looks like Devon's plan failed, miserably," Marv sneers. When we figure out where Devon's safe house is, Marv instructs me to kill passenger. Happily, I grab his head and twist, snapping his neck in one swift movement. "You're something special, Lost," she sighs. Death does nothing to her. But what I can do does.
I look at her and see all the plans she has for me. She wants to make me her number one. Use me to better her status. She thinks I can help her get rid of this Devon guy and take over his operation. I inwardly smile, hoping she'll finally claim me. "You're not sleeping in the warehouse tonight, Lost. You're coming home with me, we have a few things to discuss."