Chelsea's standpoint
Tired out of my head, I dragged my miserable self out of the elevator and plodded to my apartment. I could barely see or think over my foggy eyes and brain, all I wanted to do was sleep. I was already planning on calling in sick for work tomorrow or just go late, I won't get fired after all. I lazily and drowsily pushed my door open, not noticing it was already open. Once inside the apartment, I kick my flats off and walk over to the couch; the beautiful sofa bed. I pull out the bed and threw myself on it.
"So tired," I moaned. I had spent all night working harder than I used to, the other female workers made me miserable because apparently, I was flirting with the boss who is also their crush. I didn't even flirt, but it was worth it. Wait still I give Autumn the gist, she would teleport back to Washington DC and try to play Cupid.
I miss her.
I miss him.
God, I wanna kiss him!
I saw his face in my dream, causing me to smile. I knew it was going to be a long wet dream but unfortunately, my phone had to ring and disturb my sleep. I groaned as it continued ringing, forcing me to sit up, grab my bag and search for the phone. The line went dead the moment I brought it out, and a message from an unknown number popped up.
Bitch, switch on the lights before I blow your head off. Maybe you should take more security measures in locking your door.
"What the hell is this?" I mused. Another message popped up.
Switch the light on!
One of my vase fell, I screamed and jumped to my feet at the crashing sound, my heart thumping violently. I gulped down saliva and hold my trembling hand. I had been robbed before so my fear was justified. The robbers didn't just steal my empty purse, they beat the life out of me and got free night service as bonus. Swallowing the lumps in my throat, I made my way to the light switch, my quivering hand holding my trembling hand. Tears already pooled, waiting for another nightmare. I survived the first rape, I couldn't't take another.
Why is my life so miserable!
With a single drop of tear rolling down my cheek, I flicked the switch.
"Surprise!!!" Someone shrieked, causing me to scream the loudest frightened scream I had ever screamed. My heart temporary stopped working, my brain hammered with fear and lung burning. I slowly started registering who was watching me scream in amusement, her hands behind her back. My scream migrated to an ecstatic one, I shrieked with excitement and threw myself on her.
"Well, it's about time," she laughed.
Wait, how dare she!
I pulled away from her and gave her a slap, a very loud one. "What the butt, Autumn! You scared the bejesus out of me!"
She laughed as she rubbed her cheek, "that was the idea, dramatic entry…"
"My heart almost failed me!" She shrugged.
"There comes a time in everyone's life where they need to have a heart attack," I rolled my eyes around and back to her to take in her feature. Autumn had always been the cute and adorable one but this Autumn is smoking.
Call it strange but Autumn was born with autumn colored hair. Like literally, her hair was a shade of red and orange with faint tint of yellowish blonde. It was one of the most remarkable thing about her, next to her eyes and that was why she was named Autumn. Her vanilla skin ever so blemish free and glossy, the perfect skin for someone with svelte body and the kind of beauty she carried. Autumn could win any beauty competition, but as usual, she didn't care and would always dress up the way she likes.
"Wow," I dragged a whistle, "you look stunning. Finally decided to stick to sexy?"
"What's sexy about a tank top and leggings?" She snorted, her voice still remained as silky as ever.
"It brings out your curves," I teased.
"I don't have any curve, I'm just a slender girl with an unfortunate big ass," she eyed my hips, "I still think we should trade." Autumn had never liked the fact that she had ass, she never wanted a big butt. According to her, it was stressful and pulled too much attention, didn't give you the right fitting in dresses and isn't useful. She believes her ass gives her an awkward shape and would trade it for my hips anytime.
Autumn wasn't seeing what others were, her behind didn't make her shape look awkward, it actually made it nice and blended well with her small hips. But she won't hear that one, hips and boobs are the ultimate killer and she was stuck with a svelte body that refused to add up, small boobs and stupid large ass. Again, her boobs was absolutely okay, the right size, firm and still round. The girl had a problem, she wanted my oversize one.
"Autumn, are you still on this issue?"
"Yes," she pouted, "I was thinking I could get a surgery to add more bones here," she patted her hips, "make it pop out so when I put on a dress, it'll be sexy."
"Autumn, you look fine the way you her," I chuckled as I locked the door, "you don't need any extra hips and your slender waist is perfect, don't even think of doing anything to make it slimmer."
"Did I grow an extra fat since the last time you saw me?" She asked excitedly, one of her major dream was to add weight. I turned around and observed her body, she added a little.
"Yeah, you did…"
"Yes! Finally!" She ran over to the sofa and plopped herself on it. I chuckled and went to join her.
"So I'm guessing you are the package, finally tired of Italian pricks?" I asked jokingly.
"Italian, German, British, Asian, you name it. Now I'm back to get some good old American cum." I burst into laughter and hit her shoulder.
"Autumn, you're a fool, a big booby." I laughed.
"What? I'm serious," she yawned, "had a long tiring flight, better go to sleep so we can gist tomorrow, I want the latest update on everything."
"Aye aye captain!" I went to my room while she insisted the sofa was in love with her and she can't leave her first love. I slept off so happy, two blessings in one day.
In the morning, my nostrils were greeted with a delicious aroma. I absolutely forgot how much Autumn loved to cook, she used to work as a chef in mother's restaurant. I threw the covers off me, jumped to my feet, wore my slippers and hurried out. I was happy because my new chef was home, I hate cooking but somebody has to do it for me to survive. Autumn was singing to the music booming from her music box as she cooked and swayed her ass.
"Morning, love of my life!"
"Morning, owner of my heart!" She shouted over the music. We both laughed, she still remembered out ridiculous greeting. Autumn turned down the music and the cooker. The aroma of the omelet was already making me salivate.
She hummed as she dished out the egg, bacon and turkey. Autumn didn't eat her bacon and turkey in the morning like normal humans would. What she did was first fry them, then squash and mix them together, sauce with fruit flavor and then add it to the omelet. Afterward, she would take out six slices of bread, spread sweet nutella cream on each slice, spread the egg-bacon-turkey combo on three slice, layer it with cherry dip ham and then close it up with another slice before toasting them. Remember I said she is as weird as Angela.
She, however, didn't add too much awkward things for anyone but herself. So she just added the egg-meat to my bread before toasting it. "We're having biscotti for dessert and squash to wash it all down."
"You are still as weird as usual," I sniggered. She looked at me from underneath her long lashes and smirked, "what?"
"Who's Anderson?" Blood rushed to my cheeks.
"How do you always know everything?!" I exclaimed. She laughed and shrugged.
"Maybe because somebody was having a wet dream about him and kept moaning his name as she unknowingly touched herself," she winked at me, my face grew more hotter, "you need to get laid."
"Did I really touch myself?"
"No, but it was fun seeing your face go crimson," she winked again. I rolled my eyes, "so, who's the guy?"
"My boss, finally met him at the casino last night and he is fucking hot! I almost left my jaw on the counter just gawking at him!" It was a good thing she didn't notice the casino I mentioned.
"Typical Chelsea style, doesn't fall in love easily but once her heart skips, she falls. You just met the dude last night and your panties are already wet for him? Seriously babe, I like your style." She laughed.
"Cut it out, Autumn, you have to see this guy, he is juicy. Like literally! The kind of man you would want to pour chocolate allover and lick him clean."
She purred and wiggled her brows, "attagirl! You just gave me a new purpose in life, I can't wait to see you walk down the aisle…"
"Hey! Get your head down from the cloud, I didn't say anything about marriage," I said chidingly.
"Marriage can come from unexpected places," she shrugged.
"I don't even know him, and I know he won't like me like that. He only saved me from Dylan and…"
"The who now?"
"Oh, I met Dylan last night, he was with Greta and I found out they were dating way before he dated me, he was spending my money on her…"
"Am I supposed to be surprise? Because I'm not. I warned you about that guy but you wouldn't listen, you said I don't know him so why judge him and blah blah," Autumn never met Dylan in person since we hadn't met for years and I dated Dylan for eight months before I went broke three years ago. The moment she saw his picture, she condemned him but I refused to listen to the lady with better intuit than mine.
"I learnt my lesson already," the toaster chimed. Autumn quietly went about her toasting, quietly served me my food and then quietly ate hers.
"Are you mad at me?" I asked, finally breaking the silence. She raised her head and glared at me, "I said I'm sorry already, what gives?" She dropped my phone on the kitchen island we were sitting at. I suspiciously picked up the phone, unlocked it and saw what she was angry about. Mom and Jake sent messages lamenting about our predicament.
I didn't tell Autumn about our issues, I didn't want to bother her. I told her I worked for an oil firm which makes me have night shift sometimes because of my boss, he loves working late into the night. She trusted me too much to question me.