Chelsea's standpoint
We weren't always this poor, we had enough to care for our needs. Father had a toy factory which I always dreamt of working at, and mother owned a restaurant that wasn't that bad. I'd rate it a three star restaurant. Mother worked her ass out as a teen to save up money to buy the restaurant, she worked for years before finally getting enough money to purchase it. The restaurant was her life, through it she met the mistake called my father. They got married and things weren't bad, we were all living fine until three years ago when my father borrowed large amounts of money from three different banks unknown to my mother. The first two debts was for a business that didn't work out, and the third was the money he borrowed and disappeared with my mother's sister. Father left us to pay the debts, used his toy factory, mother's restaurant and the house as collateral for the banks. We lost everything, and now the house was next. And the cherry on top, my youngest brother had to be diagnosed with a heart problem.
Mother and I had been trying, but our best was obviously not enough. Indeed we needed a miracle. Hopefully, Delaney would be able to help me.
I left the food on the stove and walked to the living room wiping my hands. Angela was still watching television, but this time she was watching National Geographic Channel, she loves animals and wish to be a zoologist or vet.
"Baby, should I get you some cookies while you wait?" She nodded. "And milk?" She nodded again. "Hot or cold?" She raised her second finger. "Cold it is, hold on for a sec."
I hurried to the kitchen and placed the cookies on a plate. Cookies and milk are one of the few things she likes. I was about to carry it when my phone rang again. I picked it up, it was Delaney.
"Good evening, ma,"
"Good evening, Chels, how's Angela?"
"Angela is fine, watching TV."
"Have you given her the drugs?"
"No, ma, she haven't eaten yet, I'm preparing dinner right now."
"What did she ask to eat this time?" Angela was a weird girl, she didn't like eating and when she manageably ate, she ate abnormal foods. For example, she wrote that I prepare tomato and spinach salad with diced strawberry dipped bacons and chocolate fried cheese. Then after the food is dished, I would pour blood orange juice allover it. Then I had to make her smoothie. The doctors said no one should bother her, just give her what she wants. Angela's system was stronger than any I had ever seen… She is just as weird as Autumn.
"Today, I'm preparing tomato spinach salad with diced strawberry dipped bacons, chocolate fried cheese with blood orange juice over it." I chuckled.
"Oh dear," she laughed. I could hear a deep chuckle beside her. "Our jet just landed, we would be there in an hour so make sure she have eaten before we get there because she won't eat again."
"Of course, it won't take time to… Shit!" I dropped the phone and hurried to the crisping salad. "Baby, can you come carry the cookies yourself? I'm kind of busy!" I shouted. I stirred the salad at the same time trying to pick the bowl of diced strawberry dipped bacons. Angela ran in, "the island, it's on the island,"
She clapped her hands in excitement and brought the cookies to me. "What?" She pointed to the pot. "You want me to crush the cookies into the salad?" I asked with wide eyes. She nodded. "Angela," I cried, what the hell! She frowned. "Fine! Drop it there, I will munch the cookies into the salad," I fought the urge to retch, "you can get another cookie from the…" The little cheetah grabbed two apples from the fruit basket and dashed out too fast. "And she's gone. Maybe I should do a research and find out if her father wasn't a werecheetah or descendant of any werecreatures or even vampire, this girl is suspicious." I grumbled.
I heard Delaney laughed, I forgot I hadn't cut the call. I hurried to the phone and picked it up. "So sorry about that, she wanted me to add cookies…"
"I heard," she laughed, "and I'm pretty sure her father wasn't a werecheetah, just a freaking fast soccer player. Like father like daughter, I guess."
"This one isn't ordin… Hey!" I shouted as she suddenly ran in, grabbed the glass of milk and took off again. "See what I mean?! She just runs like she has superspeed!"
"Chelsea, please, see you soon." She hung up still laughing. A SMS popped up in the screen of my phone. I grinned when I saw the texter, she finally remembers me.
Her: hey sis! It's me, your superior!
I typed in a reply.
Me: \(°o°)/ wow, I can't believe you remember me today.
Her: sorry, I've been busy with things here and there. How's life?
Me: difficult, but I'm surviving. When are you coming back? Still haven't gotten enough of Italian dicks?
Her: (laughing emoji) fuck no, in fact I'm so hung up on it I just finished riding two at the same time.
I gasped, she can't be serious.
Me: are you fucking with me?!
Her: no, I'm fucking them. Get a dick, Chelsea, it will do you good.
Me: (eye roll) whore.
Her: (dumb face) anyways, I have a surprise for you, your package ought to arrive within the week.
I hurried to the stove and added the cheese.
Me; I swear on my father's life, Autumn, if you send me a dildo or fake breast again, I will package myself to Italy and commit murder of the highest degree!
Her: chill, it was only that one time… (Giggle) Wish I could have seen your face, bet it was hilarious!
Me: hilarious?! I had nightmares! And that time you sent me naked pictures of guys, I couldn't sleep for a week as all I kept seeing was dicks chasing me in my dreams! I had to go crazy and hump a random guy before it stopped.
Her: oh geez! I need to award myself with gold, aren't I amazing? (Teary laughing emoji)
Me: (bored) get a life and get married.
Her: when there are so many cocks to try? Never! (Extreme laughing) But don't worry, your package may or may not contain anything sexual and shocking. Just remember to take a pic of your expression and send it to me, I have to see.
Me: if it's a stupid thing, don't ever come back to Washington or you're screwed!
Her: but Bebe, I've already gotten screwed. (Wink)
Me: bitch. (Laughing emoji)
I dropped my phone and focused on the food. I couldn't help wondering what she would send, probably something crazy and sexual. Autumn had been trying to get my sexual life up since my last breakup. She was my best friend, we had been friends since we were nine. We went to the same school and almost had every classes together, even got grouped in almost all project together. We even worked at the same antique shop once, we loved it. We would have graduated together but Autumn is as intelligent and clever as she is crazy. Her IQ was so high she passed a test that catapulted her straight to college. She was fifteen when she got into college. At first she would come visit but when it got harder, she stopped and it has been years since I saw my crazy friend. Nevertheless, we were still best of friends and not going anywhere.
The only problem I had with her was her sexual attitude and trying to get me in. I swear, if she was with me, she would have convinced me to seduce Delaney's totally sexy boss who I had a crush on. Something about him just felt right and familiar. But I know I can never be with a man like him, he's way too perfect and not my class. Plus, he doesn't even notice me. I had been working for Delaney for two years but had only seen him four times. The rest were on newspapers and TV.
Oh well, just hope he would agree to assist me.