Chelsea's standpoint
The doorbell rang, I jumped to my feet and hurried to it. I unlocked the door to meet the smiling face of Delaney. She pushed pass me and walked straight to Angela who was sleeping on the sofa. "Did she…"
"Yes, she took her medication and is doing fine, just tired from waiting too much."
"Hmmm, did she give any sign of speech today?" Laney asked with hope twinkling in her eyes.
"Sadly, no," I murmured, her hope shattered, "but you don't have to give up hope, at least she's giggling now, isn't she?"
"Yeah, better than it was four years ago," she rolled her eyes to her daughter once more and then smiled, "she'll be fine."
"Angela is a strong girl, she certainly will. Did you come alone?"
"Mordecai is in the car, he's waiting for us…" She explained as she carried Angela up.
"Delaney, I don't know if it's possible to request for something," I murmured nervously. She wrapped Angela's legs around her waist and arched a brow. I shifted my weight to one foot and cleared my throat, "remember that time you said that if I had any problem I can come to you?"
"Well I do now," I rolled my shoulders nervously. "My father fled with my mother's sister, leaving a pile of debts for us to pay. We have lost my mother's restaurant and family company to this debts and now our house. Also my younger brother was diagnosed with a heart disease and need an operation," I swallowed the lump in my throat, "I was hoping you could loan me the money and remove it from my salary, you don't have to pay me for the rest of my life or until I work up enough money to pay you back, please…?"
"How much do you need?" I ran my eyes around the house, the money was too big for my mouth to pronounce. "Is it up to a thousand?"
"Million," I murmured, "1.2 million dollars,"
"Wow, that's a lot. I'm sure I have something in my account, or not because as you know, I just bought a new house six weeks ago and a brand new car, if I should have anything, it wouldn't be up to that."
"Oh," I looked at my feet, waiting for the part where she would mention asking her boss. Delaney was very independent, she worked her ass out to buy her own house and move out of her boss's.
"But for you, I'm sure I can get one of my boys to help me out," I raised my head up and raised a brow, "friends of Angela's father, they all love me." She shrugged.
"How long would it take? We have seven days to pay for the house and two weeks to get my brother operated on or his case would get critical," I cried. We had three weeks for Carter, but I wasn't going to tell her that.
"I'll see what I can do, Chelsea, no promises." It wasn't what I expected but it was better than her saying no. I bid her goodbye, called my mother and gave her feed back on what Laney said and then went to bed to call it a night.
The next day, I did my normal thing. I worked three jobs, if you include Angela, four. At day I work at a diner, and at night I worked at a casino since Angela doesn't sleep over most times. Then every Friday, I work at a club. Saturdays and Sundays at a boutique. Oh, that's five.
I returned from the diner, ate and rest for an hour before carrying myself to the casino. I was a bartender, just serve drinks for the stupid people with no manners. I mean since I started working there, no one had given me respect, all concluding I was a whore. I was wiping the counter and singing softly to myself over the loud music and laughter, when someone slammed his hand on the counter, causing me to jerk.
"Bitch, give me two glass of…" Our eyes met. My breath got caught up in my throat, I didn't expect him to be here.
What is he doing here?!
"Dylan," I breathed. His lips formed into a smirk, he looked at the gorgeous woman by his side and pulled her into his arms to spite me.
"Well, if you'll look at that, baby, it's the bitch we were just talking about," I looked down at the counter, unable to look at the eyes of my ex. I loved Dylan like crazy, but he was only after my body and money. He dumped me after we went bankrupt, publicly humiliating me in front of his friends and mine. He openly said I was boring in bed and needed to work on my sex appeal, he was only managing me.
The pain was bigger than the humiliation, he even ratted out my brokenness to them all and that was when I knew I didn't have friends, they all abandoned me. The pain was the reason I moved to Washington DC.
"Seems like the bitch really did get broke," my eyes shot up, I knew that voice. Of all the people he had to get with, my friend? I always knew Greta was jealous of me but this is outrageous!
"You are with him?"
"Darling, I had always been with him. Who do you think was spending all the money you gave him?" She laughed.
"I can't believe this is what poverty have reduce you to, a beggar, a whore, this is funny. So how much do you get paid to spread your legs for random dicks? Because when you were with me, it just took a kiss and of course, you paid me. Tell me, do you pay the men and beg for sex like the horny fuck you are or do you get laid for money?" He leaned on the counter, smirking at me. Tears was already streaming down my face.
Greta laughed, "can she even satisfy her clients? I'm sure they all ask for refund with how bad she fucks, she can't even last for ten minutes, right baby?"
"Of course, so lazy and just lays like a olden days virgin bride, worthless. I've fucked a lot of girls in my life, but you are the biggest mistake of them all, the most pathetic one. Who the hell was the guy that deflowered you, what was he thinking even sticking his cock into such filth. I don't even know what came over me, you aren't even pretty…"
"But her money was," Greta laughed, "wait still the girls hear this, the great Chelsea Boston working as a bartender. I heard the bank seized your mother's restaurant and your family will be homeless too. The last time I checked, that little brother of yours would be in his grave sooner than you, pitiful."
I cupped my mouth as I cried, I wasn't the type to speak out and I was overwhelmed by the new information and the shame of them seeing me in this condition. "You know what would do you good, Chelsea, sell yourself to a mafia and get money, that's if he likes scrawny and miserable toothpicks…"
"And beggars, yuck you smell like poverty's first wif…"
"You bloody bastard!" Someone yelled and from nowhere, Dylan was pulled around and punched hard. I can swear I heard his nose crack. The force of the punch pushed him back, causing him to hit his head on the counter and slump consciously. Greta hurried to her knees in panic.
"What the fuck man! Why you punch me?!" Dylan yelled, good thing the music was still playing and only the part of the casino that could see the counter was looking.
"And I will do it again, how dare you make her cry? Are you nuts? What the fuck is wrong with you insulting her with her past or saying all those shits?!" I didn't even know he was sitting there the whole time, hell I barely look at anyone's face to avoid insult.
"What? Are you fucking this whore too?" Dylan laughed. "Bet she's as bad as she gets…" The man whose face I couldn't see yet kicked Dylan right between his legs. Dylan hollered in pain.
"One more word from you or if I ever see you in my casino or around her, you and my fist would have a long conversation! Now get out! Meshach! Somebody get this shits out of my casino! I won't have anyone harassing my workers!" Over my blurry eyes and mouth still cupped, I didn't register anything, not even when they were both thrown out of the casino.
The activities went on while the man snapped at one of the heavy bouncers. I wiped my tears and continued wiping the counter, still sobbing but never crying.
"Hey," I raised my head and looked into his eyes, shouldn't have. My entire world stopped, time froze for me. His hazel green eyes reflected the light, it was like a hypnotizing pool. My mouth fell open as my eyes traveled down his face, taking in his feature. His face was spotless, his nose was flawless, his lips were inviting me to come, pretty pink.
The man was gorgeous! Like a face model! I couldn't utter a word, and he noticed that because he smirked. "So, do you just stand there and let people insult you?" No reply, I kept gawking at the beauty in front of me. He snapped his fingers at my face. "Earth to girl!"
He chuckled, "seriously?"
"Er…sorry, thank you for helping me and no, I don't always stand still, I was in shock."
"I don't even want to know, but you should stop letting people step on you, please do better. If you want to pay me back for my help, then become stronger." His smile made my heart thumped, it hadn't beat like that since Dylan.
"Thank you once again, sir,"
"Beautiful girls with a nice smile should always keep her smile on her face," he lifted himself off the counter as he glanced at his wristwatch, "and the name's Anderson." He said winkingly, and just like that he disappeared into the throng of partly drunk people.
My mouth fell open, my heart was beating and I knew that beat, that stupid man just stole my heart along with him. Then it registered to me, he said my casino and literally banned them from coming. That man was Anderson Kenley, the boss I had never met.
I'm officially crushing on my boss!
Anderson's standpoint
I hurried to my car checking my wristwatch, I was late, Kenzie would kill me with her nagging. I wasn't that keen on going on a date with her, my mind was laced up on that girl. I first saw her two months after she started working at the casino, I was pissed that day but when I saw her working at the counter meticulously, everything changed.
At first to me she was just beautiful and a potential fuck mate, but she didn't even have interest. I tried so many times to get her attention, but her head was always down and her reply was nothing short than one to five words. She never looked anyone in the eyes or even care if they exist, it was interesting. Soon it became a habit to just come sit at the bar and watch her work, a week without watching her drove me insane. I had been watching her since, sitting there in front of her every Wednesday night, but she didn't even realize I exist.
It was funny, no one had ever ignored me, so my guess was she was asexual because not even women intrigued her. Watching her gave me the perfect picture to live by a week and the images to satisfy myself at night with my own hands or by another girl. I was crazy being in love with her and still not able to win her heart. Trust me, I tried talking to her but all she did was wave me off with short cold replies, not even bothering to look me in the eyes for once. Just once I craved for her smile and smooth voice to be directed at me, all I wanted was for her to just notice me.
My friends would laugh their ass out if they should find out about my predicament. I didn't go as far as stalking her because I didn't want to get in too deep, but it was hopeless. Sitting there and listening to the man and the woman insult her, I couldn't take the insults. The one thing I knew she wasn't, Chelsea was not a whore, she didn't even like people. The man was taunting her with her past, at least I knew why she hated people.
After barking orders at the bouncers, I turned to leave to catch up with my hot date, a similar version of Chelsea to pass the night.
Stupid! This is your opportunity to get her to notice you!
Of course!… I hit my head at my stupidity and quickly hurried back to the bar. I leaned on the counter, she didn't even notice me as usual as she wiped the counter and sobbed.
Guess not.
Say something… My subconscious urged.
I had never had sweaty palms before, especially since it was because of nervousness. "Hey," I said casually. For the first time in twenty two months, she raised her head and looked me in the eyes, the moment I had been waiting for my whole life. She froze as she finally noticed the god that had been drooling over her for months. Her mouth fell open as my eyes traveled down my face, taking in my glorious feature. I finally got the chance to look into her mint green eyes and adore her smooth tan skin. Her light bright fulvous hair was the other thing I loved about her.
Chelsea was beautiful and deserved much better than she was living. I smirked, she was ogling me. "So, do you just stand there and let people insult you?"
Oh this is fabulous.
I snapped my fingers at her face. "Earth to girl!"
I chuckled, "seriously?"
"Er…sorry, thank you for helping me and no, I don't always stand still, I was in shock."
"I don't even want to know, but you should stop letting people step on you, please do better. If you want to pay me back for my help, then become stronger." I gave her my best smile. She beamed back at me but I don't think she knew she smiled.
"Thank you once again, sir,"
"Beautiful girls with a nice smile should always keep her smile on her face," I still had a date with Kenzie. So I stood up straight and glanced at the time, "and the name's Anderson." I winked at her before disappearing into the crowd.
We'll meet again.