Chapter 2
"Alana I've been looking for you for a while" Jack greeted me when I entered the room "You'll miss me right away" I teased here "It's just an emergency" and sat next to him in the chair.
Just a normal day of discussion. The day ended with the news all over campus that Athena and Vincent were already there. My heart felt heavy every time I heard the students talk. It's always like this whenever it's news that he has a new girlfriend.
Vincent and I haven't seen each other for a few days. Every time we meet, he is always with Athena, so I prefer to stay away, especially since they are new. When he hangs out outside the room, I don't take him out. I often go with Jack to avoid talking to him.
We had just finished class when my cell phone vibrated. It was a video call coming from Vincent. I declined it right away. It vibrated again and I received a text from him.
C, let's talk
Sorry, kinda busy right now
I miss you.
My heart suddenly pounded when I read his last message. I smiled while my heart was aching.
Me: Your girlfriend will read that later and fight me again
You're avoiding me and I hate it C.
Me: I'm not. Just really busy
Come on, you're still going to lie to me. See me now, please. I'm waiting here in the parking lot.
Me: V, sorry maybe next time
I hate to see you so far. I hate to see you smiling and happy without me. I hate to see you with other men. I hate this feeling C.
I don't know what to reply, that's why I didn't reply to his last text.
"Alana, come with us. You've been sad for a few days. Let's just eat at KFC" Jack said to me.
Along with his invitation, my stomach rumbled.
"I'll take that as a yes" he said laughing. I just nodded and joined them.
When arriving at KFC, the queue was long and there were many people.
"Find a seat. I'll take care of your order" said Jack
"Okay chicken ha original" I instructed here before looking around and looking for a place to sit.
My eyes stopped where Vincent and Athena were sitting.
When you're lucky!
Vincent and I met our eyes. You can see the surprise in his eyes. He was about to stand up but I immediately turned around and tried to find a place to sit but there was none.
Jack and his partner have already ordered to be partners.
"That's it!" Jill said and took a seat next to Vincent.
"Let's go" said her boyfriend and quickly went to the table afraid that we might be ahead of him.
I could feel Vincent's eyes following Jack and me when Jack pulled me a chair to sit on. I smiled at Jack for his gestures.
We started eating and I was surprised because Vincent's eyes were fixed on me so I turned to him. Nothing changed in the reaction on his face when I caught him staring at me. I raised an eyebrow at him and he just did what I did. I looked at Athena who was now also looking at us. I saw the irritation on his face.
"Here, Alana. I know this is your favorite" and Jack gave me a chicken skin that made me smile.
"Awww, are you so sweet?" asked Jill
"I hope so" answered Jack and laughed some more. I elbowed him because of his answer
"No" I replied to this answer. "We're good friends"
I heard the soft laugh of Vincent upon hearing my answer so I turned to look at him. He suppresses laughter and his shoulders move because of the suppression.
I tormented him when he looked at me again. Then he just stuck his tongue out at me. My eyes widened at what he did but in the end I just laughed. I sweetly smiled at him and he returned that smile to me.
And just like that, the pain in my heart disappeared and it softened again for the man it was crying out for.
Vincent left first and when he passed behind me he lightly squeezed my shoulder. He leaned towards my ear and whispered "I miss you so bad" that made my heart so happy.
"Let's go to Timezone first" Jack said as we went out. Our companions stayed but I had no intention of staying
"C" I turned to the one who called me. Vincent was leaning against the wall and you thought he was a model because of his good looks and posture. He walked towards us.
"Let's go home" he finally said as if I had no choice but to go with him
"We have something to do before" and Jack lightly grabbed me by the elbow to get my attention who was just looking at Vincent. I looked at Jack.
"Calixta Alana" Vincent mentions my full name and I know that when he says it like this his patience is really running out I reluctantly smiled at Jack and released his hold on my arm.
"Sorry, next time Jack because I also need to do something today" when I said that, Vincent quickly pulled my hand to leave. I looked at Jack and waved goodbye to them.
When he got to the parking lot, Vincent closed the driver's seat with a bang
"Bad mood?" I said while putting the bag I was carrying on my back
"Yours? Yes" and made me wink. I laughed at him causing him to stare at me. "Where's your girlfriend?"
"Athena is not my girlfriend"
"Weh? You're a scam again. Dating as a friend. Dated as a friend" I teased here
"It's her birthday today and she asked me to celebrate it with her because she didn't have anyone with her. I was about to ask you to come with us but you didn't want to answer my video call. And I kissed her because I had a bad trip with you"
"Oh?! Does it seem like it's my fault?" I even held my chest as if imitating Bea Alonzo
"I was so d*mn jealous C. I can see you holding a rose with that bitch!"
"Is that so? When you're jealous, you're going to kiss. I wish I had kissed you when I found out you were Jack, his name is Jack, not you."
Vincent quickly turned his gaze to me with a wide smile on his face this time.
"So, you're jealous huh" he wiggled his eyebrows while smiling.
I laughed softly because of his gestures "Yeah. Don't pretend you don't know!" I hit his stomach which he quickly blocked.
He grabbed my hand and kissed it again and again.
"Why are you jealous?" he asked while planting a kiss on my other palm.
"You know I like you V. You just want to hear it"
"Like or love, C?"
I can't answer right away to his question. He squeezed my hand to convey that he was waiting for an answer from me.
I looked away at his gaze because my knees were softening at his gaze.
"Love" I said softly
"As a friend?" he caught my gaze.
My heart beats tripled. My stomach seems like it has butterflies on it. My body feels weak because of his tantalizing gray eyes. I can't contain my emotions right now. My heart is like telling me to blur it out. To just let go of my fears and doubts and finally reach the man of my dreams.
I took a deep breath and stared at Vincent "As my man"
I love you since the day I met you
Vincent's eyes widened in surprise. He didn't take his eyes off me. He gently placed my hand in his chest.
"Then let's stop this game. Let's stop pretending like we don't love each other because I can't. My heart beats your name. Let's stop hurting each other C" there were tears in his eyes
I can't help but hurt for Vincent. He is a risk taker. He is willing to gamble his feelings for me. He is ready to shout it out to anyone. I know he loves me but I am really scared....
"V, What if..."
"Let's live in the moment C. Stop with your what if's. Give us a chance and I promise to work this out. Let's stop throttling what we can be because of your what if's" he said sweetly.
I looked into his eyes. It was full of pleading. I closed my eyes and inhaled a large amount of air.
"Okay" I answered smiling at him.
His face immediately lit up.
"Okay, how are we?? Are you answering me now??"
I smiled at him and nodded.
"Finally C." He cupped my cheeks and then kissed me tenderly. It was just a quick kiss but enough to make me feel how happy he is.
"I promise not to hurt you. I promise I will present you at the altar" he promised me.
My heart is so light and happy. Finally I'm free. I'm free from keeping this emotion of mine.
Vincent was smiling throughout our way home. He simply looked at me with a smile. When stuck in traffic, he would take my hand to kiss the back of my palm He is so sweet. Now, I wonder if he is like this with his exes?
"Are you also like this with your other girls?" I have a curious question
"Of course not. I'm only like this to you because I love you"
I pursed my lips as I heard his last three words. It was natural for him to let go of those words
"You don't love your exes?"
"I'm a j*rk, C. I admit that. They want me, my physical aspects, my body, my face, but not the whole me. So, I gave that to them. I'm just being in a relationship with them to stop myself from imposing my feelings to you. I'm afraid that you might get bored with my insistence, so I'm looking for another woman that I can turn my attention to"
I was stunned by his answer
"So you mean you do casual sex with them? He scratched his eyebrow and smiled.
"Yes, but that's consensual! They agree and I tell them my reason. Every time I have a relationship I tell them that my heart belongs to someone and I can't give it to them only my body" and he smirked at me after telling it.
My eyebrows met when I heard what he said. I feel angry because he did that to other women. I know that he's a womanizer but the thought of him doing that to others seems to inflame my feelings even more.
I pulled my hand that he was holding.
"Hey, are you mad?"
"NO!" I screamed in annoyance. He laughed because of my reaction
"You asked, I answered" this short explanation made my ears ring even more.
"Do you say 'I love you' to them?"
"No. I never said it to anyone. Only you" he said softly but softly
Because of what I found out, my annoyance with him seems to have decreased.
"Ah just! You're still annoying" and just folded his arms and looked out the window.
I was surprised when he suddenly parked the car and got out. He turned around to go to my place. He opened the door and leaned to meet my gaze.
He had one hand on the top of the car and the other on the back of my seat.
"What?" I asked him irritably
He smiled before stealing a smack from me. I hit his stomach in annoyance.
"Stop being jealous. You're my girl now. You own me. No one else can hold me but you, okay?"
I just bothered him with what he said and then he stole a kiss again from me. He did it thrice!!
"What are you doing so much?" he chuckled before he pulled my nape to kiss me but this time in a long and passionate one. I held his chest as he deepened the kiss. I can feel his heartbeat. It beats as fast as mine. He kissed my lips with so much passion and love. He is biting my lower lip and then grazed it with his tongue. I can hear his moan every time I try to enter his mouth with my tongue. My hand went up from his chest to hug his neck. I pulled him closer to me.
"I ... love... you..." I mumbled between our kisses. I felt him smile as I said the words. He held a handful of my hair and tilted my head a little bit so he could deepen the kiss more. He sucks and nibs my lips like it's his favorite food. I can't stop but to respond to his kisses.
To Be Continued...