Life returned to our version of normality with both Thomas and I enjoying how our relationship was evolving. We did not play again in the downstairs dungeon for nearly two weeks. Some days he left me on the main floor of the house while he was at work, and on others I was left upstairs, but always kept in hand and ankle chains, always securely leashed. On the days when groceries or other supplies were needed, he’d take me into town to shop, but each time this was scheduled, before he left the house, Thomas double-checked to ensure I was securely locked in my chastity belt. On weekends, we worked in the garden, and the occasional night we’d go into town to enjoy a dinner and some dancing. In the meanwhile, Michael continued his work in the basement, expanding the dungeon to its new size, but I wasn’t permitted to see the progress of his work. He always brought the materials at night, so no one in the neighbourhood knew there was any sort of construction happening, although I could occasionally hear very faint noises when I was upstairs. Of course, I wondered what it was that was taking so long, but eventually, he finished the work, and Thomas inspected it. I was still not permitted to see what had been done, and so grew ever more curious.
We occasionally went to the kink clubs and that, for me, was always a lot of fun. Thomas normally took a great deal of care to keep our secret life hidden, but on those occasions we’d be properly and visibly in role. Some weeks after Michael finished his labour, Thomas had me wear a short black leather skirt over my chastity belt, and I put on a loose, low cut, clinging sweater. Of course this revealed a lot of cleavage, and my collar was fully visible, but he wasn’t yet done with dressing me. Before I put on my coat, he insisted that my hands be chained as usual, then added another element he thought I’d enjoy. I crossed my arms behind and he locked the rings of my cuffs to the side rings of my belt, on the opposite sides! I was, of course, quite helpless, and he slipped the coat over my shoulders, buttoned it closed to my neck then tucked the ends of the unfilled sleeves into the pockets. As a last touch, he clipped a gleaming, silvery chain to the front ring of my still-visible collar and only then unlocked the house leash from its back ring. Seemingly without a thought, led me out to the garage and fastened me into my seat then off we went. Luckily, we were able to park close to the club, and at that time of the evening, in that part of town, there were few other pedestrians on the street when he pulled me from the car by my leash. Thomas had also insisted that I wear boots, so I’d put on my platform soled, knee high, lace-up ones and strutted along beside him on the end of my leash, blushing furiously. In short minutes, we’d entered the club and I relaxed. As soon as we were inside, he released my wrists but kept them still on short chains to the side rings of the waistband of my chastity belt, clearly visible above the skirt’s waist.
He led me to the bar and bought us a couple of drinks then we wandered around until he found a table and sat down to watch the crowd. Of course, my costume drew a lot of looks, and I enjoyed the attention, particularly from a young, handsome guy at the next table. I smiled at him, and we flirted with our eyes for many minutes then Thomas took me to the dance floor, seeming not to have noticed my adventures, and for the next three or four hours, we enjoyed ourselves while I continued to flirt with our neighbour. I began talking with him and became even more obvious about my apparent infatuation, ignoring my Master for longer and longer periods.
Perhaps this was a subconscious desire on my part, but Thomas was not at all happy with the way I was carrying on, and so eventually he stood and with a firm tug on my leash, pulled me to the coatroom and retrieved our outer garments. While I stood with the end of my leash locked to a nearby wall ring, he re-cuffed my hands as they’d been fastened when we’d arrived then threw my coat over my shoulders, but didn’t button it. A moment later, he’d put on his coat then unlocked my leash, and with a harsh tug, pulled me wordlessly out the door and into the cold night. I immediately wanted to pull my coat around me and got instant goose bumps on my exposed flesh, but of course, with my hands crossed behind my back with the wrist cuffs locked to my belt, there was no way I could manage it while he strode rapidly and angrily down the street ahead of me, jerking harshly on my leash. I already knew I was in trouble, for he hadn’t said a word after leaving the table.
Wearing the high-heeled boots made me almost stumble while I ran to keep up with him, but he paid my distress no attention and when we got to the car, he opened the passenger door then forcefully tore off my coat and threw it into the back seat. I stared at him with some worry for I’d never seen him this angry before. He tersely told me to be seated and quickly fastened me, then a moment later we were zooming down the deserted streets, returning to the house. The trip home was a silent one and I nervously wondered what was going to happen when we got there, having completely forgotten about my newest bondage equipment.
At the house, Thomas took me inside and immediately downstairs to the basement. If I hadn’t known any better, I’d not have been aware of the secret door, but he released the hidden catch and pulled me through into the short corridor, closing the outer door behind us. Still saying nothing, he drew me along past a storage room on the left then through another door, this made of thick, steel-plated wood, secured by two heavy beams locked into brackets. I shivered with delicious terror when I saw this arrangement, and he pulled a key ring from his pocket and opened the locks. The beams slid through their steel mounts with a metallic slithering sound, then he used yet another key for the heavy lock in the door itself.
“Come!” he commanded while pulling firmly on my leash and I had no choice but to follow him inside. He closed the door once we’d entered.
What met my eyes was, in some ways, the stuff of all my fevered, teenage dreams, and in others, the worst nightmare some could possibly imagine. Across the full width of the room immediately in front of me was a lattice wall of tightly spaced bars with a closed, heavily barred door on the right side. I turned my head and saw that the window had also been barred and thick glass now sealed it from the outer airshaft. I turned back when I heard the mechanical rattle of the door being unlocked and a second later, my neck chain jerked harshly at my collar and I was immediately pulled into the cell. Thomas left its door open, but dragged me to the back wall and quickly locked my leash to a ring set high on the wall. This already had two, long and heavy chains fastened to it, these falling to a pile of gleaming links on the floor below. I stared around the cell and dungeon with fascination, for it was the fist time I’d been in it since Michael had finished his work. The smells of fresh paint, new concrete and the subtle oily scent of steel fittings was an added ‘attraction’ I thought, then. I didn’t know that it was eventually to become my entire world.
Each wall was equipped with many rings, all set deeply and very securely into the concrete, then I noticed that mixed in with the pile of links at my feet, was a thirteen kg steel ball equipped with a short length of chain welded to a swivel ring. I began to inspect the other equipment Michael had installed and saw that at the front of the barred wall, on the left side, was my ‘puppy cage’. This was like a pet kennel, but of much heavier construction. It measured perhaps a metre on a side, with the door opening toward the back wall of the cell and its walls and top of the were made of one cm diameter, shiny, steel bars separated by a space of five cm between each. Steel crosspieces were spaced every twenty-five cm and so it was a very secure, but terribly small cage. It had a substantial, integrated lock for its door and at the bottom of that there was a space of three cm between it and the thick, rubber pad. Next to it, on a bolted-down steel table, was a computer, monitor, keyboard, and a mouse. In front of where the keyboard was bolted to the desk’s top was a small, hard-surfaced, steel stool on a short sliding track, also bolted to the floor.
If I faced the back wall to which my leash was attached, on my right side, a pair of thin, black rubber mats had been glued to the cement while to my left and slightly beyond the wall of my original, small bathroom cell, approximately one and a half metres from it, was a pair of ten cm diameter stanchions rising from the floor to the concrete ceiling. Each of these had ten rings welded to its inner side, facing each other, and every ring had a chain dangling with its end link welded closed around it. Locks were closed through the free ends of each chain.
The cell was lit by bright, overhead lights set into the ceiling and protected by thick armoured glass and I’d soon discover that they’d never, ever be turned off. I also quickly noticed that a small TV surveillance camera was mounted high up in the corner of the walls and ceiling, and it swivelled to cover the whole cell, always tracking our movements. The walls and ceiling were painted a light blue with the bars a dark green and so the whole environment was rather depressing. On the other side of the barred lattice wall was a space across the width of the room, it being about two metres wide. Hooks were set high on the outer wall under the barred window to the airshaft, and there was a comfortable chair and table.
“Sabrina,” Thomas said with quiet intensity, interrupting my somewhat fearful but fascinated inspection, “you were badly behaved tonight at the club!”
“Yes, I suppose I was, Thomas. I’m sorry.” I whispered with a shiver.
“You are going to be punished for your misbehaviour and when I free you of your bonds and chastity belt, you will put on your dungeon suit and prepare yourself to be fitted with your Stainless Steel Restraint and Disciplining Harness.”
“Y-yes, Master.” I whispered again, shaking, wanting to experience this thing we’d worked so hard and so long to create, but more than a little frightened of what I was about to experience.
He released my hands and spoke once more.
“You will get undressed as much as you are able, Sabrina and I will fetch your dungeon suit and harness. Be quick about it!”
He turned and left the cell, locking the barred door with me inside, then let himself out of the dungeon, closing that door also. I quickly slithered out of my skirt and boots, unbuttoned my sweater, and dropped it onto the pile of clothing so that, in seconds, I stood chained to the wall, wearing only my collar and chastity belt, waiting with nervous anticipation. Thomas wasn’t gone very long, and when he returned, it was with full arms. On top was my dungeon suit and underneath, the obviously heavy steel harness I was about to be imprisoned in. Once back inside the cell, he placed the pile on top of the puppy cage with a loud clattering then came over and picked up my discarded clothing. That was taken out into the anteroom beyond the barred wall and tossed on the chair, then he returned with the bottle of slick, oily liquid.
I stood quivering with nervousness while he silently unlocked my chastity belt, and stepped out of it. He handed me the bottle, and I began to spread the silicon lubricant all over my body, then, when I’d finished, I walked over and sat gingerly on the cold steel top of the stool. Without a word, Thomas carefully clipped the nails of my hands and toes very short.
“Now, spread the lubricant on your head and face also!”
While I was doing it, he locked the dungeon’s door and only then removed my collar. As soon as I’d completed my task, he went to the pile on the puppy cage and returned with my dungeon suit in his hands.
“Put this on!”
“Yes, Master.” I whispered, shivering slightly, even though the temperature in the cell was pleasantly warm.
I slipped my feet into the legs and within three minutes, it had been locked onto my body and limbs, completely covering and encasing me. The mask was next and I hesitated, drawing back from him when he approached me with it. I didn’t want to wear the awful thing, but he insisted and made sure it went on quickly then was locked securely over my face. I really disliked the feeling of the sucking rubber on my facial skin, its overall compression, and constriction, but I had to bear it. Next, he ensured my breasts were fully through their apertures, and that the suit fit tightly with no wrinkles or folds anywhere. I raised my hands and cupped myself feeling the warmth and vulnerability of my breasts while I stood there before him. Then, for a couple of minutes, he allowed me to twist and turn my body, flexing my hands and fingers within their gloves to make sure the whole suit settled into place properly. At last, I stood motionless before him and he smiled grimly at me while I stared back at him with nervous apprehension and not a little arousal.
“It is time for you to be fully-confined, Sabrina.” he stated ominously, then: “You are sentenced to be kept a prisoner in this dungeon and restrained in your discipline harness until I decide you are well behaved enough to be freed. I have not made a decision at this point as to how long that will be, but certainly not less than one week.
“You will remain still and obedient while I place you in your restraints and secure them, because if you do not, there are other disciplinary measures that I will use to ensure your obedience. Do you understand?”
“Y-yes, Thomas.” I replied, shaking harder now, partly in fear at his seriousness.
“From now on, Prisoner, you will address me only as Master Thomas while you are being disciplined!” he barked.
“Yes, Master Thomas!” I replied, enjoying how he was playing his game of dominance.
“Very well! You will hold still, moving only as I direct!”