Thomas returned a long time later, and within two minutes of his entering the cell, I’d been freed of the helmet and gag, but he left my wrists securely fastened to my cinch then helped me to stand. I looked down at myself to see the silvery U’s dangling enticingly from the tips of my swollen breasts and was awed at their thickness and how they so blatantly transfixed the brown flesh, sinking into and through it. Thomas had brought a bottle of disinfectant with him and proceeded to wash the wounds, making me whine from the fierce stinging it evoked when he gently moved the bars back and forth.
He informed me that I was to be kept here for the day and he would take care of the cleaning and disinfecting process. Soon, I would have to do it for myself until the piercings had healed fully, but in the meantime, I was forbidden to touch my new jewellery, and my hands would remain immobilized to ensure this. He left again and returned with my evening meal, then fed me while I sat with my back against the wall. Between mouthfuls of food and glasses of wine, we discussed how things would progress from this point.
My life, for the most part, would remain unchanged from how we had lived until that point, but he said with a happy smile, he was now in possession of my Stainless Steel Restraint and Discipline Harness, and it would be used. I smiled with nervous happiness and asked if we could do it right now, but he was determined that I would have to wait a while yet, for it was his intention to expand my cell and make the area immediately outside it into a larger accommodation, complete with a barred wall, a puppy cage, a computer, and some other equipment. Michael, he said, had already drawn up the plans and would begin work as soon as I was released from my current imprisonment. I would still remain collared and leashed while in the house of course, and any time I was permitted out, but from this point onward, it would only be with his permission and accompanied by him. I didn’t really want that kind of strict control, but I could live with it, I thought, without too much difficulty.
Next, he told me of the two ways I could be secured in my Stainless Steel Restraint and Discipline Harness. One was that it could be secured with locks for short terms of incarceration, and the other was with security shields fitted and secured by rivets, sealing me into it with utter finality for longer terms of imprisonment, perhaps months in length. When I heard that, I shivered with even more terrified delight, knowing that eventually, I would so badly break the rules he’d laid down that he’d have to imprison me for a very long time. We talked more about the general things in our lives then he gave me a last drink of wine and told me to open my mouth to be gagged for the night. I really didn’t want him to do it and leave me alone again so helpless, but he is a strong-willed man, and so I soon wore the head harness with gag fully inflated once more. He encased my head in the helmet then its visor was closed and locked. Passively, I let him bring my hands down beside my waist and felt the two locks snap shut, then stared hungrily out through the thick plastic over my face and watched while he closed and locked the cell door. I was left alone in my prison cell.
Sitting was about the only thing I could do with any comfort, but even that was not easy, thanks to the rigid steel of the chastity belt’s crotch cover between my legs. I spent the next hours trying to find a comfortable way to rest, focussing on the now far more intense sensations of bondage and knowledge of helplessness I was being forced to experience. My dungeon suit had, at first, been an interesting sensation because of its all-over compression of my body, limbs, head, face, and hands, but now I began to grow tired of its unrelenting restriction and compression, and badly wanted to get out of it. I particularly disliked having to wear the obscuring, cloying mask, but of course, there was no way for me to manage removing any part of the suit without Thomas’ assistance. My chastity belt was always a trial, for it not only prevented me from stimulating myself, but it was also uncomfortable nearly all of the time, firmly compressing my belly and pulling tightly up into my crotch. With my hands fastened as they were, I could do nothing to alleviate any of these sensations, and when I jerked my arms against their restrictions, I felt the chastity belt even more intensely when it moved fractionally. To add even more to my personal vision of being enslaved, I was now also supremely conscious of my newly decorated breasts. The shackles at their tips made me supremely vulnerable, I knew instinctually, even more so than just having breasts!
Finally, I lay on my back, for it was impossible to rest in any other way, and tried to get comfortable for the night, but sleep was a long time coming, and I rolled back and forth restlessly. I had to get up to use the toilet once, but there was nothing else for me to do. At last I slept, despite all the discomforts I had to put up with, not knowing that they were as nothing compared to what I’d eventually have to live with.
Thomas returned early in the morning, and within minutes, I had been freed of the helmet while my shoes and my hands were released from their cuffs. He unlocked the chastity belt, and with the door of the cell still locked, freed me of the chain leash, and I was permitted to remove my dungeon suit. I quickly peeled it off my head and face then carefully down my body, sighing with relief when I pulled my breasts back out through their too small holes. They only ached a little by this point, but my nipples were still sensitive and tender around the piercings, so for the moment, I didn’t touch them. I stood submissively with my back to him when he reattached the leash to my collar then released it from the wall ring. A few seconds later, the door of the cell was opened, and I walked submissively ahead of him, on my tether, to the entrance of the dungeon and out into the normal part of the basement.
We emerged into the short corridor then walked to the bottom of the stairs, and a few minutes later, I was in the upper bathroom happily running the water for a long and luxurious bath. Thomas had carried my chastity belt while I scampered happily ahead of him at the length of my leash, anxious to bathe, but inside the bathroom, he locked its free end to a wall ring then with a smile, told me to call him when I was finished and ready to get dressed. I spent the next hour, I suppose, splashing happily and closely examining my new adornments. The metal pins transfixing the bases of my nipples were massive in their thickness! I washed myself carefully, gently flipping the shackles up and down while soaping the areas of their imposition and as always, I enjoyed caressing my breasts, feeling their resilience and weight while at the same time and doing the gentle palpitations to check for lumps.
“I’m so lucky,” I thought to myself, “to be a woman with such a nice body!” At last it was time to get out of the bath and dry myself and I enjoyed the short time before getting dressed.
I called out and a minute later Thomas came in and freed my leash from its ring then led me to the bedroom. My chastity belt and regular clothing was laid out on the bed and within a few more minutes I was fully dressed again. Thomas had placed a bra with the clothes this time and so I was ready for another day as his slave girl. A few moments later he’d released my room leash and we went downstairs, where he attached my house leash then left for his office in downtown Munich.