The Biography of Sabrina
Since she can remember, 26-year-old Sabrina has dreamed of being dominated and controlled by h...
This is only a partial biography of a young German woman by the name of Sabrina Wheeler, who has become the victim of her deepest desires.
Her status as an, eventually, unwilling victim, then, in the later years, as an accepting and an, again, willing participant is best illustrated by two ancient Chinese sayings: “May you live through interesting times.” and; “Do not pursue your dreams with too much dedication, for they may come true.”
This biography has been compiled from web sites created by and for Sabrina, and, after its demise, from the numerous letters between the author and her, written over a period of some five years. At times during the correspondence, short, fictional stories were written both for and about her in an attempt, by the author, to understand and appreciate her life and the situations she found herself subjected to. These have, in many cases, been incorporated into this narrative. For the most part, Sabrina informed the author that these were remarkably close to the environments and disciplinary regimes she actually endured, and supposedly still endures on a daily, weekly, monthly, and year-in-year out basis.
In some cases, the fictional scenes created by the author to both enhance and add to her otherwise drab and boring existence in the cell were appropriated and acted upon by her jailers, though whose hands every email had to pass. Needless to say, this terrified Sabrina beyond words, adding all the while even more to her submission and controllability by the jailers.
There are four main characters, five if the Author is included, so the following narrative will revolve around their interaction.
To some, the desires of Sabrina, and the events that have befallen her, may seem to be completely outside the spectrum of normal human behaviour, but the dynamics of her situation are not for the Author to judge, nor anyone else for that matter. As true or false as you may wish to believe the following account, it is something that should be considered for its view into another aspect of human sexual interaction. That it is, in fact, a type of sexual adventure, I believe is self-evident.
Here is Sabrina’s story.