"Daughter, I don't know why you have such thoughts as your food gets cold," he says.
—I don't know why she makes you nervous to talk about it, and what about my baby photos that were taken? She asks him.
—Brenda, my daughter, I already told you that our previous house burned down and the photos were the same, we could not rescue anything material, we only grabbed you and of course only the clothes we had on we saved as well and some two cell phones that luckily we rescued it, but from There nothing else, I don't know why they put you in that plan daughter, to think negative things and you are my daughter, period and your father works a lot and for that reason the mobile does not answer you, leave the drama daughter —he adds.
—Mother that seriously, it's not a drama, I'm just asking, it's not to make you paranoid and by the way you already know who is the girl who will join us in the musical project since the other girl left, with her it would be cheaper The pay, ”she says curiously.
—Brenda daughter, there are two girls and if it will be cheaper in terms of money and it is much better, it is two girls, I met them a month ago and it seems to me that those girls are the best, daughter are cool, so be patient, control that character how well you can make friends with them, ”she adds.
"There is a mother, I hope to get along, but I would not bear the idea that they do not get to like me, Arturo, bring me champagne right now, I don't want it for tomorrow, I'll make a video call with my friends soon and you'll be there, you'd better answer everything That's why they tell you to go to the YouTube channel, and well, we'll make several dynamic videos, the idea is to sing, by the way, mother, you made my violin, ”he says.
—How is it that our video will end up on YouTube? She asks with intrigue.
—Arturo, you are my boyfriend, people like to see romance through their pores, tomorrow is my birthday, I hope you can give me something nice to wear, as I know I don't know why I'm asking you this, sometimes I think that everyone is relegating me to a On the other hand, I feel lonely, and nobody understands me, ”Brenda adds.
While Brenda felt alone at the table and while Arturo was going for the champagne, for some strange reason Katherine began to feel alone inside, while she was having dinner with her parents, more than that it was still raining, and as the rain often brings loneliness That is precisely how Katherine feels as if no one understands her.
In Katherine's house while she was having dinner and her parents talk while they eat, comment on their day, Katherine is very thoughtful about the future, she knows that she will have to decide on a career, and of course in her small thoughts she remembers young Alonzo, how it was that he helped her and was aware of her.
"Katherine, what's wrong, daughter?" Asks her mother.
—Nothing mother, I'm just thinking about being eighteen years old, I thought it was more feasible, happy, without worries, and I feel empty than the sink with water we have on the terrace, I have a strange feeling, of feeling empty, as if someone on the other side she felt empty, and I don't know what to do, everything is very strange, and I feel stressed, I just hope it goes away, ”she adds with a sad voice.
"Daughter, don't feel like that, believe me that work is only a moment while I wait for answers from one of your universities and there is nothing to fear, it happens that I have been busy your mother will take care of that, very soon you will leave with a group of Girls who go to the same university as you will go, and they will give each other mutual support, you will not go alone, that is good, it is a good offer of course that these offers are not given every day and with your mother we think about it a lot, we'll see how to do, is that daughter is another country that we always wanted to go, and we cannot tell you much now, because we are developing what the bosses will be telling us tomorrow —adds Katherine's father.
"Good dad, no matter what has to come," he adds with a bit of enthusiasm.
"Daughter, you will see that everything will be fine," adds the mother.
"Thanks mom," she adds as she finishes dinner.
´´What secrets there are beyond, with whom I will go to another country, as it will be, I imagine that the University is a fact only the career is missing, but it is very difficult to think what career to take, poor Brenda that girl with whom Arturo was Will he be happy with her, or is it just because of commitment? Everything is a bit complicated now.´ Katherine thinks about it in her mind.
At Brenda's house, Arturo is still on the couch and they are ready to make a video call with Brenda's friends, he is not very convinced, but he will have to answer any questions that Brenda's friends ask and what Brenda tells him.
The video call is activated and Brenda and Arturo smile at the cell phone camera.
—Hi Sarai, my friend and all my other friends that I see are getting prettier, how are they, how are they doing? Did you manage to subscribe to the singing classes? She asks enthusiastically.
—If Brenda of course we do, Saraí, María, Martina, Olivia and I finally made it, and you lovebirds, how are your romance going? -Question.
"Good," Arturo adds.
-Very romantic
, Saraí, the truth is that Arturo bought me flowers and a box of chocolate, and he has told me about a thousand times that he loves me, apart from that he took me to a restaurant to eat because tomorrow is my birthday as you know, and he has behaved a divine with me, right love? She asks.
"Yes, of course love, you are my winter sun," Arturo adds.
"How good, Brenda," adds Saraí.
"Brenda, don't tell me that I'm taking you to see the stars these days when they have been closer together in a special way," Maria adds.
"Of course, if she takes me to the moon and the stars, she has taken me to super cool places," she adds.
"Maria bought him clothes too," Arturo adds.
"I'm very happy," Maria answers.
—I have a question for both of you. Have you already dedicated love songs? —Asks her friend Martina.
"Yes, of course, many times," Brenda adds.
—If I always dedicate songs to him and everything is excellent, soon there will be a new album of thirty-four songs.
"Good. They're going to college together, right?" Asks her friend Olivia.
"Yes, of course," they both answer.
"Is the official separation between you real or not?" Olivia asks.
"Not at all I don't know why they say that, my boyfriend and I are officers, and there is no one to separate us, and we are more united than ever, there is no separation, so stay calm," Brenda tells her.
"What a good friend, well we let you go to rest tomorrow is a long day," adds Olivia.
"Sure girls rest I love you," adds Brenda.
"Goodbye, rest," adds Arturo.
"Bay," all of Brenda's friends say.
The video call is disconnected.
"I have to go, I'll go in my car, calm down, everything will be fine," Arturo adds.
-You still love me? —Asks Brenda staring into his eyes.
"Yes, calm love," Arturo adds, looking into his eyes.
"Okay rest and I don't want to lose you, please promise you won't leave me," Brenda adds.
"I won't let you, you can calm down, tomorrow will be a great day," Arturo adds.
"Thank you love," Brenda adds giving him a hug.
They both say goodbye with a kiss on the cheek and Arturo drives off in his car.
An hour later Brenda says good night to her parents and goes to her big room, she puts on her pajamas and falls fast asleep, just as Katherine stays in her bed asleep.