So we stay as friends?
Katherine stares.
"I have to go enjoy your breakfast," she adds.
"Thank you," they answer unanimously.
Katherine leaves and meets Alonzo.
"What's up, Alonzo, with you, you'll always be following me, you stress me out, he doesn't know if my father wants me to deliver the food on the motorcycle that he taught me to drive months ago," she adds.
"I don't know, I haven't discussed that with him, Miss Katherine I didn't know you knew how to drive the motorcycle," she says while looking at her.
"Stop seeing me Alonzo, you're stressing me out, I'll go to the kitchen to see what happens. At least the supervisor is calmer than ever, make sure I don't explode and stop seeing me as you're doing," she adds.
"I don't know, I just see you normally," she adds.
"Not even in your dreams Alonzo and shut your mouth a fly is going to get in on you," she adds as she leaves.
Katherine goes to the kitchen in search of her father who makes food as if the world were ending.
"Daddy, hey," she adds, moving closer.
"Yes daughter, what is it?" Her, ”she asks.
"Does anyone answer the phone at home?" She asks.
"If the orders are almost out and you could give me a hand with that," she adds.
"Sure, Dad, I'll go on a motorcycle and everything will be excellent. I'll go change my clothes, I won't go with heels on a motorcycle or I don't know if I can, well, I'll go in heels, I've already practiced it before," she adds.
"Sure daughter," she adds, withdrawing.
Alonzo's voice intervenes.
"I'm sorry," he adds.
-By? -Answer back.
"Katherine is that this is my fault, this is all my fault," she adds.
"Save yourself the guilt Alonzo for another day," she adds.
"Katherine, please, and don't tell me no. Tell me what should I know about you?" She asks.
"I have no idea, I don't even know myself," she adds.
"I know you're upset about what Liliana did to you, but believe me she won't appear here anymore," she adds.
"I hope she doesn't show up because she couldn't bear it and stay away from me, it's for the best," she adds.
"We can talk about something else. I wish I could get to know you more in detail," she adds.
"No, Alonzo, I must wait for the orders and get out of here, I have no idea what the address is," she adds.
"But Katherine, if you don't know some addresses, you should go with me so you don't get lost," he adds.
"Don't tell me Alonzo I'm scary, whatever, you know all this stresses me out, I don't need your help, now because of me you don't have a girlfriend," she adds.
"Katherine I don't care about her, I only care that you're okay," he adds.
—Ok Alonzo you better, but still don't give me options to bother me, I'm just stressed this happens to me in one morning and today if it's time for breakfast, I'll call Marcos —she adds.
"Let's buy first and then we leave the order," she adds.
"Yes, Marcos, come here, I beg you," she adds.
-Tell me? -Question.
"My food what I asked you for, the complete meal that has everything, bring me two plates," she adds.
"Now I'll bring it," he adds, retiring.
"I don't know that she expects me in my day, but I know it will be a disaster like now," he adds.
"You're wrong, I don't want you to think negative things," he adds.
"Alonso, this is crazy, I don't know what I'm going to study at the University, and I don't know what I want from my life, I doubt they'll let me have a career as a violinist," she adds.
"Excellent violin what emotion hey you should try not to let your brain limit itself," he adds.
"With my dad and his decisions, I don't know, or how all this turns out, and it stresses me out," she says afflicted.
"Katherine, why do you have a pained face?" She asks.
"He doesn't know that I want to sing, play instruments, dance, but I don't know it's stressful to think how I'll tell my father all that without going crazy, he says that the University is important, maybe he's right I don't know," she adds.
Arturo's voice intervenes.
"You should let your heart decide for you," she adds as she watches him.
"Thanks, now get out of here or your girlfriend will say horrible things about me. Will you keep looking at me like a fool standing there?" She adds, asking him directly.
"I'm not leaving, bye, Katherine, take care of yourself, and you look pretty," she adds, sighing.
"Arturo leaves your compliments to Cancun," she adds.
The food finally arrives and Katherine is located at one of the tables while Alonzo follows her and they both eat at the speed of light, you can see how hungry they both are.
Arturo walks, I don't have all night, and I need to fix my toenails, you promised, you will take me, now take me, stop seeing what does not concern you —she adds.
"Let's go," she adds.
"All in order," she adds.
"Yes Brenda," she adds.
"Arturo for you I am love, how many times have I told you that, fuck you, put it in that brain," she says annoyed.
"How scary," says Arturo.
"What do I mean, I'm scared? I'm not scared, let's go," she says as she grabs his arm and they leave.
Thirty-five minutes later the orders are ready.
-Something happens? Alonzo asks as she arranges the orders on her big bike.
"No," she adds.
"Katherine, you're sure you can alone with this great bike," she tells him.
"If unless you want to handle it, I give you permission if you know how to handle it," she adds.
"If she can handle it, calm down, I'll help you, get on the bike and we'll go ok," she adds.
-That means I have to hold on to you, ”he says.
"If I'm not so ugly that you don't want to do it," she tells him.
"I'm thinking badly," she adds.
"You're the ill-thought-out is not a big deal unless you're nervous," she tells him.
"No," she tells him.
"You look pretty today," she tells him.
"Don't tell me Alonzo," he says.
"Katherine I'm not kidding you look cute, she remembers I'm eighteen just like you, we can be friends and get along," she tells him.
—If we can be friends, but not another thing, promise me that you will not see how you are seeing me now, you cannot see me romantically, I am nothing of yours and control your looks, you make me nervous and this is not real, apart from you you are very rich As I understand it, I don't want this to get out of hand, ”he adds.
-Then friends? She asks.
"Friends yes," she adds.
"Let's go, we'll be late with the orders," she adds as they get on the floor and leave all the orders. When they arrive at the last mansion, a girl serves them with a frown.
"Your order is ready," she adds.
-How much does it cost? She answers coldly.
"$ 12.90," she tells him.
"Okay here," she says to him as she gives him the full money so he doesn't change the bill.
A woman's voice intervenes.
"Who is daughter?" She asks.
"The food delivery girl," she adds.
"Okay," she says we miss her.
The strange woman sticks her head out and says to him.
"You look familiar to me, your face looks familiar to me from somewhere," she adds.
"I have to go, lady, enjoy her breakfast, bye bye," she adds as she leaves and Alonzo and Katherine get back on the bike.
On the way everything was going well until a car goes straight to them.