Trilogy looking for the love of the ceo 1
Katherine is an intelligent and music-loving girl with an innate talent for s...
Stumbling into the arms of the blue-eyed young man
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The sweet Katherine, smiling, slender, with clear eyes, is ready to immerse herself in the sound of the violin; She is in the courtyard of her house, playing the violin, her fingers pass each string, listening to the melody of the song, which she herself created, all her songs are very romantic, she gets carried away by things of the life.
Katherine in the distance can feel that everything disappears when she is in concert with her fiddling, she closes her eyes and teleports away.
The sound of her house bell interrupts the melody of her violin.
Katherine just carefully and slowly puts her violin on the small round table that she has in her patio of her house, she gets up and is surprised by the ringing of the bell, but in the same way she is left thinking, Who could she be?
She walks across the room, reaches the door, opens it and smiles.
—I thought you would never come Miss Molí, I thought you were on vacation, if you want to take the day, for me there is no problem, today is my birthday I will be 18 years old, and I still do not know what career to study, I love music and you know it , at night I know that they will make me party, but I do not know if I will be ready for that, but my father I do not know, if he wants this for me, or not this will be a mess, when I have to discuss my future with them - he says with a peculiar smile.
—Oh little girl your parents leave me in charge of you, but today the truth is that your mother is traveling as a flight attendant, and your father is as a chef in the restaurant, they would kill me if they found out that I left you one day alone, apart from the fact that I need to make your lunch, you know it's not always good to want to be alone, it's your birthday, enjoy it to the fullest, ”says Miss Molí, touching Katherine's long, straight hair.
"I know, believe me, I'm used to loneliness, apart from that I play a lot of piano, and there are things that I still have to polish, my life is this, look, buy a new microphone to sing, don't say anything to my parents please," he adds.
"I won't say anything," replies Miss Moli, making her intervention in the kitchen to prepare the food.
Katherine goes to the patio, takes her violin, and goes up to her room sighing, as if she sensed that something would happen, she did not know if it was good or bad.
Katherine directs her gaze to the window, and she is just seeing a very attractive handsome young man just 4 houses from where she is, her heart beats strong, she decides to approach her window, and see the handsome and mysterious boy in more detail.
The handsome young man seems to be looking for a direction, and in that the sky is clouded and there are signs of a strong storm, Katherine instantly realizes that, if followed a strong wind air takes over the young woman's room.
She closes the window immediately and in that she could hear the sound of the water as if she were running, she looks at the young man and realizes that he is coming straight to her house, with an order in hand.
Katherine gets nervous and doesn't know what to do anymore, but stay calm, go down the stairs, Molí her employee has no idea of anything, so while her heart was beating at a thousand per hour, her hands are sweating but they are ready to open the door, before the bell rings, she sighs three times, her hands are soon to open that door, it is only an inch away when Popi, Katherine's German shepherd dog, appears out of nowhere, gently pushing the door. It seemed like a century to open, it opens and with the little push of her dog she falls into the arms of that young man, who was ready to catch him with his strong arms, in that a thunderclap shakes Katherine, and the rain begins to fall hard, while their eyes meet.
"What a beautiful girl," the young man says to himself in his mind.
"What a beautiful boy," young Katherine says to herself.
Her eyes looked like emeralds, staring at each other, with that sheer brilliance.
Miss Moli's voice intervenes, her eyes look at the young people in a position that for her is not so pleasant.
—Miss Katherine where are your manners, sit up and you young man let go of the girl's waist, by God these young people of today will end up crossing the limits in a two by three, is that I just turn around and all the relaxation begins, leave that request there, and long if your father looks at you Miss Katherine, that will be a problem, now long young man please.
"My sincere apologies," adds the young blue eyes with his pupil dilated between a small small smile drawn on his lips, he gives the last look at Katherine, observing her long hair, giving her the request in the hands of the elegant blonde that for him is unforgettable, analyzing her , even if it's the last time they see each other.
"Goodbye and thanks for the order," Katherine adds.
The handsome young man with the piercing eyes walks away very patiently.
The voice of Molí intervenes, pulling the long-haired blonde out of her thoughts.
"No boyfriends, you are forbidden, I don't want you to hang out with him any more than Mr. Luis I don't know what he would think if he realizes that he's flirtatious, and by the way he will be seeing him followed for some order matters, what You will see often and I don't want that to turn into something else, you know that they would kill me, ”emphasizes Mrs. Molí.
—I know, but you won't say anything, apart from if we'll just be friends, I don't know why you think there might be something else with him, that's out of my priorities I'll stick my nose in the books on my violin, I don't know if I should have something more classes, I'll think about it, ”the blonde added thoughtfully.
"You'd better," Mrs. Moli adds, retiring straight to the kitchen to continue preparing for lunch.
Katherine went up to her room to unwrap her order, and when she unpacks it a beautiful blue dress is graced by the blonde's eyes.
"That beautiful!" she says to herself in her mind with a small smile.
She happily takes off her clothes to put on her dress and measure it on, she looks in the mirror, and she likes what she sees, her eyes become brighter, she is super happy seeing herself in her reflection, she combs her hair for a few seconds, she He notes that he has changed a lot and it is to be expected, today he is practically eighteen years old and he is happy to be able to celebrate tonight, something tells him that this is his incredible day, no one will be able to sour his party.
Hours later, lunch arrives, the blonde is called by Mrs. Molí, who always saves her from everything, who keeps her most hidden secrets from her.
Katherine did a high ponytail hairstyle leaving her hair in the air she was pretty, by anything, in a flowery dress.
She sits lunch smells delicious, and she is eager to eat now, so she immediately begins to eat without waiting for Mrs. Molí, since she was the last to sit at the table.
Katherine does not say a word while she eats. Mrs. Molí just watches and looks at the clock that it is 12: .00 in the afternoon, the blonde was lost in thought of her. Minutes later she finishes eating just like Molí when she receives a strange call from a number that she does not know.
The blonde's hands walk towards the cell phone that is on the table, she has no idea how I got there, sometimes she is confused, she is so lost in thought that perhaps she forgot that she put the cell phone on the table herself, so which she answers the call.
"Hi," she says as someone sighs on the other line.
A sigh is heard again which terrified the blonde, who's smile was automatically erased.
For a moment she is thoughtful, sighing first, maybe there she has a secret admirer or maybe it is some kind of trap to scare her.