“Uh, Billie…is everything alright?”
At this point he can’t even look me in the eye. He begins fidgeting nervously and the little twitch in his movements almost breaks my heart.
“Is there something wrong with your marriage?” I nervously cross the line.
“No, it’s not about that. Adrienne and I are fine. I just, I can’t remember…”
“Have you been taking drugs again?” Shit, shouldn’t have said that.
“No!” He smacks his fist on the table and I jump in my seat. “I don’t know where my fucking family is. I have no fucking clue. Shit!” He quickly jumps up from his chair. “Come on!” He reaches for my hand.
“Where are we going?” I shakily reply.
“To get some motherfuckin’ answers.”
A minute ago I was scared shitless. The only difference now is that I was scared shitless but with the hand of a sexy musician holding me close.
“Layla, please tell me I’m not the only one wo’s been having a crazy day.”
“What do you mean?”
He’s all flustered now and nearly jogging through the streets of Boston with me by myside.
“For me, no one seems to recognize me. That never happens! And my memory is gone. I can’t remember a thing.”
“Maybe you’re just being over sensitive. Maybe no one really knows you well in this area to call you out, and maybe you got shitfaced before this and got really high.”
“Nah, I know me when I’m high and drunk, it’s a fun time, not a fucking scary time. Now think, dear. Anything abnormal at all?”
I began to think back on my day. There were a few strange things.
“My friends kinda left me. Well, they claimed they were too tired to continue and I’d never thought I’d see the day when my best friends would rather nap than explore. And ever since then, I know it sounds stupid…but I feel like my five senses have been working overtime. I can hear, smell, see, feel and taste a lot more than before. Actually, it freaked me out to the point where I went to text my friend, and when I was looking down, that’s when I ran into you.”
He smiled for the first time in ten minutes.
“What are you smiling about?” I pry while trying to catch up with him as he dragged me along the streets.
Abruptly he stops and faces me with his arms around my waist. It was like touching a piece of heaven.
“Don’t you see, Layla? It’s destiny! I don’t know what for, but it is. This is a sign. For something, I’m not sure what, but it is. I can feel it, yah know? I can sense it.”
I wanted to crawl into his arms and feel his warmth embrace me forever. His smile weaved its way into my heart and it felt more than right to be with him. It felt so real, so natural. I couldn’t imagine it any other way.
“Destiny,” I grin. “I like the sound of that.”
He winks and we enjoy this moment for about ten seconds more until he interrupts.
“You said you were about to text your friends?”
“Holy shit, I never actually sent the text!”
I pulled out my phone and started going through my messages. I began shaking and my stomach started twisting. Instantly I felt this heavy sickness come over me.
“Layla, what’s wrong?” Billie prompts.
“Oh my God…” I freak out.
“Layla?! Tell me!”
It wasn’t easy to make me cry, but my eyes started to tear up and I could feel the emptiness crawling up through my throat.
Billie put his arms on my shoulders and tried to peek at my phone.
“Layla please tell me what’s wrong.”
“It’s gone, everything is gone.” I stutter in fright.
“What’s gone? Tell me what’s gone.”
“My contacts, my messages, my apps,…fucking everything is gone. What the fuck is happening Billie?” I looked up from my phone while shaking and Billie’s eyes were locked with mine. We were both scared as shit and couldn’t put things together.
Eventually we broke contact and started looking around.
“Oh my God, where is everyone? It’s silent!” I realize.
“Shit! Fuck!” Billie curses loudly. “IS ANYONE FUCKING OUT THERE?” He screams at the top of his lungs. The streets of Boston were silent. Not a single car, person…bug was in sight.
I started sobbing now. Usually I would look at this situation from afar and think this was cool shit. All alone with Billie Joe Armstrong? Can we bang? Can we go get some free pizza and cuddle and watch a movie? Could we make a fire and sing songs and make out? Sounds perfect, right? But now, think about this in terms of reality. Think about this as real shit actually happening. It’s not tragically beautiful. It’s tragically frightening.
“No…no one’s there,” I stutter.
“Where are they, Layla?” He cries. His green eyes forming water works like nothing I have ever seen before. “This is your fucking city, where the fuck are they?” I run into him to give him hug. This couldn’t be happening. I didn’t have an answer.
“I don’t know Billie, I don’t know.”
We hold on to each other as tight as we can, and in our tears, fall to the ground.