“Mmm…Billie? Is that crazy person gone?” I mutter in pain. “My leg is killing me, can you help me up?” No response. “Billie? Billie?!” I impatiently mumble. I finally get around to opening my eyes.
“Oh no no no!” I began weeping profoundly. “What the fuck is wrong with me?”
I had woken up in my room two hours later from when I first laid down on my bed. My hair wasn’t in a bun…I never left my room.
The tears were streaming down my eyes as I tried to piece things together. I collapsed onto my floor in disgust while trying to hush my cries.
“Someone please just tell me what’s going on?!” I scream at my ceiling in fear and anger.
Whatever was going on was definitely not normal. No one can just casually slip into a dream and pick up where reality left off, that’s not how things work. So what do I believe? The words Billie had yelled to me were ringing through my head on repeat. “Don’t forget about me,” he had engraved into my mind. “I am real.” “I can’t do this without you.”
“Why me?” I sob into my hands. “Why am I the one going insane?”
The more I thought about it, the more confused I got. Billie tried so hard to convince me he was real, and I wanted to believe him, but at the end of the day, I was alone, waking up in my bed…so how could I trust him? I’ve always had an over active imagination, strange dreams, and a fascination with hallucinations, but now that I was experiencing all three at once…I was more intimidated than satisfied.
All of the sudden the door opened and slammed shut. Mom must have just came home from work. I wanted to tell her that I was scared, but I wasn’t sure how to go about it.
Eventually she ascended the stairs to the second floor so she could take a shower, just as always. She came into my room to say hello, but my condition was no better. My eyes were red and teared, my face was flushed and I was on the ground looking hopeless.
“Oh my! Layla, what’s wrong dear?!” She demanded upon seeing me on the floor in hysterics.
“Mom,” I stutter. “Something’s wrong with me,” I vaguely state.
“You’re not pregnant are you?”
“No mom!” I didn’t know how to explain everything in a way she would understand, so I made my story simple and easy to comprehend. “You know how I slept for 16 hours today? I went to go see my friends today, and when I came back, I fainted and woke up two hours later. I think I have that Narcolepsy or something, and along with it I’ve been having vivid dreams and confusing what’s real and what’s not.”
My mom stood traumatized for a minute upon realizing I was sick one way or another.
“I’m bringing you to the hospital.”
* * *
“How long has this been going on for?” The doctor asked me as I grew irritable by the second.
“It started yesterday. I don’t remember any of it, all I remember is my dream. My dream was my day.”
“And where were you in this dream?”
“I told you, I was in Boston all day with some friends.”
“Did anything out of the ordinary happen in your dream that made you realize that you were no longer in the real world?”
“Well, small things. I started getting really heightened senses out of the blue, but what really did it was after I met Billie Joe Armstrong, the lead singer and guitarist for Green Day,” I cooperate.
“What happened exactly that made you realize things had changed?”
“Billie couldn’t remember why or how he got to Boston. He didn’t know where his family was or the last time anyone had realized who he was. We were both freaking out, and went to find answers. All of the sudden, my phone lost all its data just as I tried to text my friend. Before we knew it, not a single person was on the streets. We fell to the ground in despair and I woke up at home.”
“Uh huh,” the doctor shrink person huffed. “And what happened today?”
I went out with my friends, went home, and apparently when I was not aware I fell asleep, though at the time I thought I was completely awake. Everything remained completely the same and I went on a walk to help clear my mind. That’s when he approached me, Billie. He did whatever he could to convince me he was real, and eventually he saw someone following us so we ran for it. The dream ended when I tripped and fell.”
I hated with a passion referring to this shit hole as a dream. I don’t care if I woke up, this shit was real. I knew it was. I have to stay strong, for Billie…and for myself. How could the doctors diagnose this anyhow? Maybe I was right earlier. Maybe this was a gift…destiny.
“Is that all you have to report?”
They had already ran some scans on me to see if I was up to date. Hopefully everything would be alright.
“Alright Layla, I’m going to go recollect all the data I’ve gathered and create a diagnosis. Please wait here.”
My body was growing hot and shaky while I waited for the response. My mom was currently speaking with the doctor and soon they would be coming in to tell me what they found. Five minutes later the doc came in.
“Layla, we have a few theories for what may have caused your past experience.”
I nodded eagerly.
“For one, you have a fever of 101 degrees, which is bound to cause you to overheat and go through some changes.”
“A fever?” I spat back. I don’t know much, but I do know that a fever did not cause me to hallucinate or go through whatever I’ve been dealing with. If anything, the fever was a result.
“Yes, however, you also seem to be showing signs for two much more serious diseases.”
I widened my eyes and nodded as a confirmation for the doc to elaborate.
He sighed and let out a breath. “You seem to be developing Narcolepsy and or possibly Schizophrenia.”