It was the day of the coronation, I had to attend, tho no one wanted me there. Little did I know that everything after today lead to both my demise and rise to power. I was placed down to the very back, I couldn’t see or hear anything and the fact that everyone was taller than I was, wasn’t much help. As the ceremony came to an end, everyone dispersed, some going to the packhouse, others to town. That was when I was hit with the sweetest scent, a beautiful mixture of petrin, honey drop, and chocolate, it tickled my nose like a feather would a pair of feet. I looked around, my eyes darting from person to person until I found him. Atto. My wolf, Ivory, went crazy, yelling “Mate!” over and over. He walks over to me and I am becoming giddy. He presses me against the wall, his face going from kindness to one of confused anger, Ivory begins whimpering. He looks down on me and utters the words I never thought to hear.
“I Atto Xavier Grayson, reject you, Ororo Niha Akio Marvel, as my mate and luna.” he gritted through his teeth.
I began to cry and Ivory is full-on crying and howling in my head.
“But you’re my mate. You’re supposed to love me.” I cried, “Without you, we won’t survi-” I am cut short by a hard slap to my face, I fall, hitting my face on the floor. I sit up and spit out blood, bringing my hands to my lip, I feel that it had split and I have an open wound on my forehead.
“You deserve everything you get!” he spat, “You deserve to rot in hell!”. The tears freely flowed down my cheeks. I pick myself up and take off into the forest and up The Forbidden Mountain. There I collapsed near the Lake of Artemis on the mountainside, angry and sad, I screamed and cried into the evening sky. As I calm my raging emotion, a powerful tugging sensation overwhelms me. As if someone had tied a string around my heart and pulled on it, I double over and begin convulsing.
“W-w-what’s going on Ivory?” I asked. And her answer completely unravels and destroys me.
“Mate! Our mate is mating someone else.” she replies back. I cry even harder as I had made sure to preserve my golden card just for him, between tears I cry out to our mother goddess, screaming at her and blaming her for my misfortune. I was unsure of how long I had stayed there, but when I got up, I noted that it was the early hours of the morning as it was still dark, but the sky held just a slight hint of blue and the ground beneath me still had dew, picking myself up, I walked back to the packhouse, a broken shell of who I was. I went down into the basement and threw on a fresh set of clothes and went back up to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I was in the process of frying sausages and eggs when Zaria, the pack slut, comes down the stairs, with her brother Zachary, right on her heels.
“She smells of mate!” Ivory growls. I sigh and shake my head as the rest of the pack files down the stairs, first my brothers, then others I identify as Nyx, Kronos, Calypso, Titan, and the runner-up wanna-be slut, Rebecca, Zaria’s little sister. I turn my focus to things, like lunch and how I had to fix the ping pong table in the game room again. I was so lost in thought I hadn’t noticed Midnight standing next to me with his plate. I jump back a little, startled by his presence.
“Sorry,” he said, “just want some egg and sausage, please.” I was surprised by how nice he had spoken to me that I just nodded and put some, plus a little extra on his plate. As I had just finished distributing the others’ food, Zaria yells at me.
“Hey pig! Can’t you see we’re hungry over here! The alpha is hungry you worthless bitch!”.
I turn to her, wide-eyed and hand on my chest, “I’m sorry, do you see a mirror here?”, she looked at me, baffled. “It’s just that you said ‘hey pig’ so I assumed you were looking in a mirror. And get off of Xavier’s lap! He’s mine!” His face turns to amused anger and Zaria rises off of him. She stalks toward me and pushes me into the counter, punching my stomach, I double over and she yanks on my hair, giving me the perfect angle to swing my fist, successfully connecting with her jaw. She drops me and her brother comes to her aid, kicking me to the floor and in my side repeatedly, until there was a successful crack, indicating he had broken my rib. As he continues, two of my brothers, Ares and Add, join in. I look to Atto and mouth ‘help me’ but he doesn’t. He just gets up and walks away, a hint of sadness in his eyes. Watching his back turn to me broke me even further. I laid there and took every punch, every kick, every insult. I am yanked up by my throat by Ares and I see Zaria walk over to the stove, picking up the pot of water I had just taken off, and walks back over to me, Ares throws me to the floor, placing his foot on my hands and pressing down painfully, but I bite back on my tears and pain.
“So strong, aren’t we Ororo?” Zaria mocks me as she throws the pot of water onto my back and arm. I scream out in pain, unable to move my hand, or defend myself against their brutal attacks. Ares looks at me in disgust, a maniacal smile painted unto his face, lifting me up, he dips my other hand into the hot deep fryer. I scream in pain as they continue to torture me.
“Hey, why don’t we dump this fool in the river?” Zachary said. They all laughed and agreed, lifting me onto their shoulders and walking to the lake behind the packhouse. As they arrived there I stopped fighting, Ares swung me by my legs, launching me almost into the middle of the lake, I splashed around, looking at my brothers laugh.
“I hope you are happy with yourselves!” I yelled to my brothers, “Mom and Dad will hate you for this!” those were the last thing I remember before blacking out from the pain.