My eyes shot open as I had yet, another nightmare about the death of my family, and the red hateful eyes that was burnt into my mind’s eye. My body was trembling, my breaths coming out in gasps as I struggled to breathe. As I slowed my racing heart and steadied my ragged breathing, I picked my phone, that Atto had gifted me the previous day as the one from Tonia was lost when I tried escaping, and dialed Calypso’s number. “Hey, Cal.” I said as she answered, “can you meet me by the large dark oak tree with the swing at the border? I wanna train.” “Hey Or. And you for real about this?” “Yes. I’m tired of not being strong enough, the pack not knowing I can talk is one thing, but being like a helpless child is too much.” “Sure. See you in five.” I got up and changed into my workout outfit, walking out onto the balcony, I climbed onto the ledge, and jumped five feet to the nearest tree. Looking down at the night guard, I thought to myself that I had to speak to Atto about their lack of aerial sense as I continued traveling through the treetops to the border where I waited for Calypso. I trained there until the dawn. As the sun peeked at us from on the horizon, I taught Calypso how to tree travel to avoid the guard as we went back to the pack house. We had continued this for three months; Calypso training me, and me teaching Calypso what I had learned from reading mixed marital arts and judo book as well what I saw on TV after having perfected them myself. I slid down into the warm water of the tub, closing my eyes and enjoying my muscles relaxing, I closed my eyes, falling into an ‘okay’ slumber.
I was running through the forest and stopped at a cliff edge with a one hundred foot drop with a shallow body of water below. Out of the tree thicket came Zaria, her brother and her sister. And next to her, the a man with the eyes of the wolf that had murdered my family. Zaria and her siblings attacked first but I killed them all except Rebecca, I kicked Zachary’s body over the cliff and turned to the man as he held unto Atto’s lifeless body. I snapped out of the dream, shallow breaths escaping my lips. I climbed out of the tub and drained the water from it, leaving behind that cold feeling and climbing into bed.