Zoey's POV
Have you ever been on a roller coaster before? How do you feel when the ride begins? How do you feel when the ride ends? Or, more importantly, did you enjoy the ride? For me, my heart obviously did. It was having a whole whale of a time, trying it's best to leap out of my mouth. Who knew a heart was capable of pounding against your rib cage, so hard and fast, that it starts straining the muscles around it? Definitely not me. My stomach churned, in a good way, of course, upon seeing Chris. He was seating behind one of the desk, leaning back in his seat with his toned, muscular arms at the back of his head. Behind him, were four other guys.
All of them were chatting animatedly with one another, when I entered the classroom. Once they noticed my presence, they stopped talking and stared at me. Hard.
I look around the room, the teacher was sleeping soundly behind his table.
Urging myself to move, I took a detention slip from the table and looked at the teacher hesitantly, in hopes of him, waking up.
The boys' eyes never left me as I tried to wake the teacher up by knocking on the table and clearing my throat loudly. The boys let out snickers and chuckles at my failed attempts. I glared at them and finally gave up on trying to wake the teacher up.
I went forward and took a seat in front of Chris. Almost instantly, all of the boys except Chris gathered around my desk and shot me looks before exchanging glances with one another.
Talk about awkward.
"Zoey, right?" I nodded and he continued, "I'm Seth, he's Jacob, this sucker's Caden and that idiot beside you is Levi." the guy on my right gestured to his friends around me. All four of them - Seth, Levi, Caden and Jacob, were just as attractive as Chris. Maybe a little less.
Seth has dark brown hair and bright green eyes, which I totally adore, a lot. He has this glamorous smile that sends thousands of girls to fall in love with him. I swear he has gotten braces while he's younger, it's definitely impossible for somebody to have such perfect natural teeth. I mean, you could literally see your reflections in them. Okay, maybe not literally, but still.
The so-called 'romantic badass of the school', Levi, has dirty blonde hair and he's pretty tall. He has the cheesiest pickup lines and always flirts with girls around the school, Evelyn's words, not mine. One wink from him, and the female's population would decrease drastically within seconds, still Evelyn's words, not mine.
Caden, the only one with hazel brown eyes like me, among the five 'bad boys'. Unlike most of the boys, he's quiet and tends to keep to himself. A constant scowl is etched on his face. Just like Seth and Chris, his smile is just as beautiful. It's a shame that he doesn't really like to smile. Still, there are pros and cons for him to not smile as frequently. I'm sure everyone would be mesmerized with his smile, if he smiles everyday, and that's a pro for him. On the other hand, that will also cause tonnes of girls to always live in a daze. I'm being melodramatic, I know.
Last but certainly not the least, Jacob. Being the smartest one among the boys, he has straight A's for all his subjects despite the fact that he does not attend most of the classes. He has similar blue eyes and toned body like Chris.
"Excuse me? My IQ's higher than yours. You're more of an idiot than me." Levi, who's on my left snapped at Seth.
I chuckled a little at their little antics.
"You did not!" I managed to find my voice and croaked the short sentence out in between fits of laughters. The rest of the boys kept a straight face as they continued to ignore me and Levi.
"I totally did." Levi smirked and patted his chest proudly in a dramatic manner. Apparently, my laughter seems to be contagious, since a smile was slowly creeping onto Chris, Seth, Caden and Jacob's faces. I could tell that they were having a hard time trying to keep a straight face. Before I know it, they broke into fits of thunderous laughters too.
"Godammit Zoey, your laughter is fucking contagious!" Seth choked out before falling off from his chair, rolling on the floor, laughing while clutching onto his stomach. Tears were streaming down his high cheekbones.
And that caused all of us to laugh harder.
"Anyway, Zoey, come join us for lunch." My head shot up and everyone turned their heads to the one who spoke.
"Me? Are you serious?" I pointed a finger at myself, and exaggerating it by looking behind my back.
"Yes, I'm serious as fuck."
"Why do you like to swear so much?"
"Because I'm awesome as FUCK. That's why." he emphasised on that particular swear word.
"Psh. Why do you even think you're awesome?"
"Because I'm born this way."
"Cue Lady Gaga music." I gave my hands two claps.
"Ooooh, there ain't no other way, baby, I was born this way!" and on cue, Levi and Seth sang out in an off-pitched voice while the rest of the guys flashed out their hilarious dance moves.
Boys will be boys.
After my detention, it was already lunch. Can you just believe it? That teacher made me stay in the detention room with the boys for four periods. Four freaking period. Not that I'm complaining though, I had way more fun at detention with the boys than listening to lectures.
During lunch, Levi dragged me to the boys' table. I rejected their offer thrice, but I guess these boys has comprehending problems. So that leads me to the situation I'm currently in.
Me, sitting in between Chris and Levi. Seth sitting across the table, facing me, with Jacob and Caden beside him. Genesis and Xavier shot me sympathetic glances, while Evelyn kept on waggling her brows, insinuating that there's something going on between me and Chris.
Ooops, silly me, I almost forgot about Gianna. Gianna and her minions continued to shot me death glares whenever I try to make conversation with the boys. Typical.
I was having a self debating session on which flavour of ice cream to choose from since I'll be walking past the ice cream shop later on. Double chocolate or Strawberry? On days that I just feel moody or tired, I would not hesitate to choose double chocolate. Chocolate always manage to make me feel better, emotionally and physically. It's like magic. But today, I'm feeling pretty...pretty...hyper, and that's usually when my heart prefers Strawberry to Chocolate. Yet, my taste buds are craving for those chocolatey goodness. My brain was in confusion. Which? Strawberry? Double chocolate? I think I'll go with Double chocolate. But -
My debate session was cut short by a deep voice.
"Zoey baby! You never told me that you were neighbours with Chris!" Levi whined loudly
Like, really loudly.
Loud enough for the whole cafeteria to cast all their attention to me.
Good job, friend. Real good. Thanks, I needed attention after all.
Just as I thought the situation couldn't get any worse. Gianna stood up and strut towards me menacingly, not forgetting to have her slut syndrome acting up. She flipped her long hair over her shoulders and adjusted her tight tank top and short skirt. She seriously need some therapy and advice on her sense of fashion, just saying.
'Bitch, watch out.' she mouthed the words evidently for me to see when the boys weren't looking at her. She glared hard at me before sauntering out of the cafeteria.
Double chocolate it is.