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Chapter 3

Zoey's POV

"Ride with me." Chris blurted out.

I stare at him, waiting for him to show signs of 'Lol, I'm just joking, who are you to ride my bike's' expressions or actions, but no. He just stare back at me while he scratch the back of his neck nervously. Do I make him feel nervous? Aw, that's cute. You see, I'm usually the one who's nervous around people, not the other way round, that's a first. Whenever I move to a new state with my mother, I tend to keep to myself and put in my utmost effort to blend in with the crowd. I detest being in the spotlight with everyone in the school acknowledging you wherever you go. Trust me, I know how tiring it feels for someone who dislikes attention. But it'll be a totally different story if you are one of those who love attention or recognition.

I used to be one of those 'popular chics' while I was in the last year of middle school. Me and one of my good friend, Skylar, went to a party. Let's just say, something very eventful happened while we were at the party. Both of us, who detest attention with true passion, were shoved into limelight. It was absolutely exhaustive to have people recognizing you every single second, once you walk out of your house.

" Umm. Are you joking or something?"

"Does it look like I'm joking?" he smirk, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, my mom taught me not to judge a book by its cover, so yea."

He sigh, apparently, annoyed and irritated by my words. "Just get on the bike? Please?"

Now it is my turn to let out a small sigh. "No. I don't want to."


"I have this... phobia thingy. Of bikes." I admit with shame, my cheeks flush red as I looked down on the floor in utter embarrassment.

"Trust me, nothing will happen to you, alright? I'll keep you you safe." Chris positions the back of his thumb at my chin, lifting my face up, my eyes met with beautiful blue ones. His gaze had softened. My eyelids flutter close as I let out a deep sigh.

"Fine." I nodded reluctantly.


If you ask me to get on a bike with the town's famous delinquent a few weeks ago, I would have plopped down on the couch and start laughing right in your face. Never would I have ever imagined, me, Zoey Summers, would be willing to get on a bike with the town's bad boy. Specifically, getting on Chris Martinez's bike with Chris Martinez. To say I was actually enjoying the ride, was a major understatement of the history of the worst understatements. I loved the ride so much, I would marry it. Literally.

Chris took a swift turn around the corner and continue speeding down the street.

"Turn right after that junction over there." I gave him the directions. I felt his chest trembled as he let out a low chuckle. What was that for?

"The third house down the street." I pointed to my house. He nodded and we came to a halt at my driveway. I jumped off the bike happily. My lips broke into a huge smile as Chris took off his helmet. "Thank you so much for the ride! I loved it!" I exclaimed like a three year old on sugar rush. Chris' lips stretched into a breathtaking grin. He ruffled my hair a little before we bid each other goodbyes and I walked up my porch. I was pushing my front door open, when I heard a voice.

"Zoey!" I spun around, and to my eureka, there stood Chris, on the porch of the house just right across mine. My eyes widened and I couldn't help but feel little wave of happiness and hope in me.

Does Chris live in the house that's right opposite mine?

"Nice meeting you, neighbour!" he waved and went into the house. Leaving me standing at the porch, surprised.


Never in my life have I felt so frustrated and confused before. Never. Not even the toughest mathematical questions have left me so stumped. Not even when I have to decide between who to marry, Jack or Finn. If you look up into the dictionary for the word 'frustration' right now, you'll most likely see a picture of me. I plopped down on my bed after my brain-cells-overkill brainstorming session in my shower. You know when people say they spent most of their time thinking while they are in the shower? And they make life decisions in there? Well, I guess that doesn't really apply to me, unless you count in the thinking part. My mind is still in complete turmoil.

That night, I ignored his calls and his texts. I ignored his little boyish head nods he sent me through my bedroom's window. I ignored those cute winks he sent me. I didn't want this boy to be in my life. Not even a part of it. He's not my type. It has only been a day since I know him, but I could sense a strong attraction towards him. I'm not the one he would like, and vice versa.

Why does he have to be so attractive?

My phone buzzed off for the forty-fifth time. Without much thinking, I knew it is another text from Chris.

From: Gagaga. Get off my mind!

'Look out of your bedroom window.'

Before you start thinking, Zoey, you are so childish. Who names a hot guy 'Gagaga. Get off my mind!' in her contacts? Let me just tell you that the frustration in me was really beyond description when I added his number to my contacts list.

Hesitantly, I propped myself up into a sitting position with my hands. I gaze out of the window, and there is Chris, standing by his window, shirtless. With only his sweatpants on.

Is this boy seriously trying to torment me?

He looked extremely attractive, with that toned biceps, defined 8 packs and tanned body. I swear to god, if there are girls around me right now, some of them would be letting out torrential waves of dreamy sighs. Some might even be unconscious, just saying.

He waved hard at me before flashing out a sketchbook.

Why are you ignoring me?

At this point of time, you can't really blame me if my mind starts playing out the scenes of the music video of Taylor Swift's 'You Belong with Me'. Those scenes reminded me how cliche it is, right now, when I'm in this situation, with Chris standing shirtless by his window, trying his best to communicate with me.

I gave him a shrug and returned back to my frustrated and confused state.


" I WANNA SEE YOUR PEACOCK-COCK-COCK. YOUR-" Oh Katy, why do you do this to me? I rubbed my eyes and woke up, very unwillingly, I may add. I stripped out of my clothes and took a warm shower. I was changing into my clothes when my phone rang. I picked up the call without glancing at the Caller's ID.


"Hey, I'm at your front door right now, hurry up or we'll be late."


"I'll walk to school on my own."

"Shut up and get out of the house."

I hung up the call and ran downstairs immediately. I hate to make people wait for me.


Chris slung his arm over my shoulders as we walk through the crowded hallway together. Butterflies invaded my stomach as my cold skin made contact with his rough ones. My heart was thumping against my rib cage, faster than usual.

"Ummm. Chris. I should...you know...get to my class." I turned to him, causing his arm on my shoulder to fall to his side.

"Yeah, sure. See you at lunch?"

I nodded and scurried off to homeroom. I sat down beside Genesis. The teacher started lecturing, but I could not bring myself to stop thinking about Chris. You might be thinking, Really? Zoey, you've only met this guy for a few days and now you can't stop thinking about him already? And you're trying to avoid him? What the bloody hell?

Okay, maybe the swearing part wasn't necessary, but still, whenever Chris is near me, I could feel an attraction towards him. The attraction is undecipherable. And that attraction scares me. A lot. Ever since my father left me and my mother to fend for ourselves, it becomes a herculean task for me to entrust all my faith and concern on someone. Seeing my mother mop around, looking lifeless after the divorce, I promised myself to be extremely careful, when it comes to relationships and liking. I always knew my mother still loved my father. Why? I don't know. I only know that, the last thing I want in my life, is a replay of what happened to my mother and father. Even though Genesis had told me that Chris wasn't a player, but me being me, as many cliche love stories have taught me, aren't bad boys usually players too?

I definitely do not want my heart to be broken. I can't bear the pain. Witnessing how my mother acted and behaved after the divorce, had me traumatized. I could even feel the pain in me, whenever I see my mother sob quietly, even though I was only 4 at that time. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that I'm obviously afraid of being in a relationship. The fear of the love of your life leaving you, is way too overwhelming for me to handle.

As I was still in my personal bubble of thoughts, I didn't realized that Mr. Morgan, our teacher for the period, was standing in front of me. With his globular eyes, Mr. Morgan stared down at me with anger evident on his wrinkled face.

"Ms. Summers." No response.

He cleared his throat. "Ms.Summers!" my body shot up from my slouching position to an upright one. God, take a chill pill, mister.

"Repeat that." Mr.Morgan growled menacingly. "I dare you."

Oh crap, I said that out loud.

"Yes, you did. Detention. Now." he pointed to the door.


"Now!" he bellowed.

I stood up unwillingly and dragged myself to the door. It's only my second day here, and I've managed to get myself detention. Never in my entire life, have I, earned detention before. It was all my inner self's fault. She shouldn't have spoken those words out.

I walked to the other side of the school, to get to the detention room. I pushed the door open slowly, guess what?

Yep, you've guessed it.

Chris Martinez.

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