When she moved to a new place with her Mom, she never expected all these to happen. But there came him, waltzing his way...
Chapter 1
Zoey's POV
Moving to a new place was never an easy task for me. I had major adaptation problem. My parents divorced when I was 12, so I was only left with my mother. My mom was an absolute workaholic. You know, those type of people who doesn't really give a damn to the world around them, unless it concerns their work? Yeah, jackpot. My mom was that kind of person. I'm not complaining about that though, that gives me a lot more freedom to roam around the neighbourhood without the constant nagging by my mom. Trust me, you wouldn't want to hear her monotonous voice, droning on and on about the dangers of walking around the neighbourhood on my own. Albeit that, she was a really caring mother, before my father left us. She would teach me how to make cookies, play dolls with me and spent most of her time with me.
"Zoey? Could you make a trip to the store? I forgot to buy the milk just now before coming back from the store." my mom's voice snapped me out of my a little world of memories.
"Alright. I'll be right back." I put on a thin sweater and my Vans before jogging out of the house with my phone. It was now, then I noticed that it was a little chilly outside. I mentally chided myself for being so oblivious to my surroundings.
After I had gotten the milk, I began walking home while singing some of my favourite songs softly to myself.
"Give me love like her, cause lately I've been walking alone. Paint splattered tear drops on my -" before I could continue the song, I heard a soft chuckle.
I turned around and - Okay, allow me to take this moment, to say how attractive this guy standing right in front of me looks. He has perfect blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes which I believe any girls will instantly fall for. He ruffled his hair slightly, before our gaze met. His bright cerulean eyes seemed so hypnotizing. I just could not bring myself to look away from those eyes.
I don't know about you, but I always have a thing for eyes. I'm a sucker for people who has beautiful eyes. I always think that our eyes could speak so much feelings and meanings. I mean, for weird people like me, I find eyes so...so... attractive?
I stared into his eyes and he stared into mine. It was not before long, that I start to find the situation a little awkward. Reluctantly, I tear my eyes away from his and turned my face away. I felt his presence near me, so I looked up to find him staring at me intently with those same hypnotizing eyes. Oh my geez. Stop with that staring, sexy stranger.
"Why are you blushing?" the mysterious guy asked,with amusement all over his face. His voice was husky and deep. Ooooooo. That's a turn on.
Wait wait. Wtf? Was I blushing? Oh my geez. It's so embarrassing.
"Huh. Hell naw. I'm not blushing. W-why would I b-blush? I d-don't blush." Damn that stuttering.
He chuckled again, before nodding and walking off.
The next day, I woke up extra early so that I wouldn't be late for my first day of school. A new start, yo. I thought playfully. Within seconds, my thoughts shifted to the guy that I met yesterday. Ahhh. Those eyes. For some reasons, I could feel an indescribable attraction towards that stranger. I could vividly remember how he looked at me with those intense blue eyes. How he chuckled and how he ruffled his blonde hair playfully.
I stripped myself out of my clothes and went into the bathroom to take a shower. After that, I put on a white tank top and short jeans. Pulling up my dark brown hair into a messy high bun, I looked into the mirror to see my reflection. Okay, let me just clarify, I'm not exactly pretty, I have a slim figure, and the curves at the right place. I'm 5'7. I have hazel brown eyes and dark brown hair which falls to my waist. I smiled upon looking at myself in the mirror, before grabbing my bag and jogging out of my room. I grabbed an apple and a granola bar after putting on my Converse.
My house was empty since my mother, as usual, has left for work around 6.30. I began walking quietly towards the school. With my earphones on, I drifted into my little world of music, locking out any disturbance or interruptions. I always have a strong passion for music. I don't know why, but I really love singing. No matter what song was being played, I would be able to sing or hum along with it. I am able to catch the tune of the song really quickly, even if I had never heard the song before. I was even forced by my mother to join the choir while I was in middle school, since she claimed that I sing like an angel and my voice was just perfect for singing. What she doesn't know, is that I really detest singing in front of the crowd. All preparations and singing practices practically vaporize when I stood in front of the scary crowd.
Before I knew it, I had arrived at the new school. I held my head high, and sauntered through the main entrance with a friendly smile on my face. As if on cue, people's head turned towards me and I earned some lustful stares from the jocks and a few jealous glares from the barbies. Oh come on buddy, it's only my first day here. Gosh. I tried keeping a smile on my face but failed. But hey, I tried. I turned a corner and walked into the office to get my schedule.
I headed to the homeroom for my period after throwing some of my textbooks and stuffs into my locker. I continued to earn curious stares from people as I walked through the hall way.
"Hey, I'm Genesis. I guess today's your first day here?" a soft voice appeared in front of me. I was greeted with a little brunette. Her blue eyes twinkled with curiosity and kindness behind her thick glasses. With one of her hands full of chemistry reference books, she extended her other hand to offer a handshake. She looked really cute with that cheerful grin that hung on her face, showing her Pearlie whites. I returned the grin happily and shook my hands with her.
"Well, hello. I'm Zoey. And yes, it's my first day here."
She nodded before asking for my schedule, it was then she told me she had the first, third and fifth period with me. We walked together towards the homeroom for our first period and we chatted along the way. She was such a kind girl.
The rest of the day went by like a breeze, except for those awkwardy situations when I had to tell the whole class how I ended up in this school and sharing with them how I like to spent my time. I've managed to make some new friends, and so far, they seemed friendly. Evelyn, whom I met during History, was a tall brunette, she looks pretty much like Genesis, except taller and has hazel brown eyes like me. Evelyn is a good 5'6 while Genesis is only 5'2. Xavier, Evelyn's twin brother, is a tall and cute guy with bright green eyes and dark black hair. It' pretty obvious that he works out a lot, judging by the fact that those biceps and toned 6 packs caused some of the girls to let out a dreamy sigh.
Right now, I'm sitting in between Evelyn and Xavier, together with some of Xavier's and Evelyn's friends. Apparently, Genesis does not really enjoys sitting with too many people with her during lunch. She only mingles around a few friends who all seem to be book-lovers. Genesis tends to keep to herself and does not really talk to any one while she's reading or studying. I find it pretty surprising that she was the one that took the initiative to talk to me earlier in the morning.
The cafeteria was filled with chatters and gaiety, before all of a sudden, the whole lot of the student body quietened down and most of the students turned their attention towards the person who walked into the cafeteria with confidence radiating off from him. He had a leather jacket slung over his broad shoulder. As I was a little short-sighted, I squinted my eyes so that I could get a clearer view of who that person is.
It was him.
That sexy stranger.
I turned my head away instantly when I realised that he was the guy I met yesterday night. Memories of our short encounter flew back into my mind. And somehow, when I thought of that, I smiled like an idiot. I fished out my phone from my back pocket and began playing with it. I need distractions. I need to stop thinking about him. Oh look, I could press these buttons. Oh, password. Mmmm. Password?
Since I had my back turned towards him, I didn't know he was walking towards me, until I felt a light pat on the shoulder. I turned my head slowly, to face him, and there he was, looking so awesome with a thin white shirt with those jeans that hung at his waist and that leather jacket that was slung over his shoulder. His hair appeared so soft and silky. And I kind of admit, I was envious of how amazing his hair looked under the sunlight that shone through the clear glass of the cafeteria.
"Hey? Okay. Hey."
He chuckled softly before flashing a smirk. "I'm Chris Martinez. You?"
"Zoey Summers."
"Nice name."
"Erm. Thanks, I guess?"
"Yeah. I'll see you around."
I nodded. He walked off, that smirk never leaving his face. During our mini conversation, I managed to catch a glance of how the people in the cafeteria had that shock what-the-fuck look etched on their faces. Their eyes flickered back and fro between Chris and me while we converse awkwardly.
Chris Martinez, I see.