Techna's Pov
It was like the small understanding Ty and I had was gone in a twinkle of an eye. As if we were not just cool with each other last week.
The beginning of this week was bad. Tyler resumed not to like me and called me to do a lot of things for him. He proceeded on kissing Mels frequently. Jake was ignoring me, because of what happened Saturday night.
“What the hell is going on?”
Tyler and I both froze, and after a minute that felt like hours, we turned towards the door. Tyler forgot to lock the door.
I stood up from Ty and moved towards the door. "Stop. Don't come nearer." I paused.
"Jake, we weren't doing anything.” I don’t even know why I had to explain anything to him, it’s not like we were dating.
"I know, that’s why his hands were on your laps, and he is shirtless. Are you both dating?"
"Jake, it’s not..."
"Yes, we are." I heard Ty say as he came beside me, and wrapped his hands around my waist.
I looked at Ty and glared at him. But he was smiling, and he was enjoying this. I shoved his hands away and elbowed him on his stomach, causing him to groan.
"What the hell? Tech, you are better than this. You can't be dating him." He pointed at Ty.
"I am not dating him, idiot" I said.
"Hey, you don't get to call her Tech. I am the only guy that does." Ty said and wrapped his hands around my waist again, bringing me closer to him.
I tried pulling away, but his grip was tight.
"I get to call her whatever I want. If I call her babe, it has nothing to do with you, because she is not yours! "Jake yelled.
"Just admit that you like her."
Jake glared at Ty's hand on my waist. "Yes, I like her, now leave my woman alone.”
Excuse you, who is your woman?
"And what if I don't want to?" Tyler said smirking at Jake. This is so childish.
"Then you are as good as dead." Jake said glaring at Tyler.
I finally removed Ty's hands from my waist. I couldn’t stand this nonsense again. They both had to leave.
"Ty, you need to leave." I saw Ty's eyes widened.
"What the hell, Tech?"
"Ty leave! I don't want you here." I paused before saying the last words. "Stop being possessive over what is not yours!"
Tyler looked at me with sad eyes. I know I was being a bitch now, but I didn't want both of them fighting here in my house. I was a pregnant woman and my hormones were flying everywhere.
"Fine. I will leave you with your boyfriend. "He said as he took his phone and shirt in his hand. "Thanks for today."
"Jake is not my…" He slammed the door before I could finish my sentence. It was none of his business anyway.
I sighed and faced Jake. “Jake, you have to leave too. I am not in the mood righ tnow." Jake's face dropped.
"Are you sending me out?"
"Yes." I said sadly.
"Fine. I just came here for nothing." He walked out slamming the door.
Since that day, Tyler changed back to his arrogant attitude, while Jake was ignoring me.
I felt sad, but I didn't know why. Was it because Jake was ignoring me or that Tyler was not being the nice dude again?
"Miss Winters!" Oh, not again.
I made it quickly into Tyler's office. "What do want from me?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him.
He removed his blazer and moved his hand around his hair. He looked tired. "Come give me a back massage."
I scoffed. "Why don't you call Mels to do that. At least she is your..."
"She is busy."
"Do you think I am not busy too." I said deadpan.
"Miss…Techna, get over with the excuse. Its just a back massage, please." He said looking at me with those sea blue eyes. At least he is polite.
“Just say you want my touch.” I whispered and dropped my hands from my waist. "Fine." I walked towards him and went to his back, grabbing his shoulder gently.
“I heard what you said though.” I blushed and looked away. Stupid me.
I began massaging, stretching every muscle. "Hmm. That's really good...down there."
When I was done, I wiped my fingers across my forehead, sighing. I decided to walk towards the door.
"Where do you think you are going!" He snapped. Either this man is bipolar or on his period.
I turned around. "To my office, you arrogant jerk!"
Ty sat up and glared at me. "You dare not talk to me that way, young woman."
"And why is that, sir?" I mocked him.
"Because I am your boss." I looked at him and flipped him the bird before walking out.
I lifted my head up as I hit someone. "Jake?"
"And isn’t Techna Winters herself." He said casually, like we were still on good terms.
"Jake...why have you been ignoring me?"
He moved his hand across his hair. "You threw me out of your house, Techna."
"I had... "
He raised up his hands. "Yes, Tyler and I were being a pain in the butt, but I came all the way just to see you, and I got a go out." He mimicked my words.
"Jake, I am sorry. I wasn't in a good mood, and you guys were really a pain in the butt."
"God, I was so mad that I had wasted my time coming to your house. I even went the the bar to clear my head." He looked away from me.
"I am sorry, Jake Jones." I pouted. "Am I forgiven?"
He looked at me and smiled.
Why did that smile seem familiar as Tyler's?
I brushed off the thought. "You know, you are cute and adorable when pouting. " Jake said caressing my chin.
I blushed still looking up at him. "Thanks?"
"You know Tech, I really like you. I mean more than a friend." I guess I already knew that.
"And I am thinking that maybe we should try go on a few dates to see if we will work. What do you think?"
I think I like him too, but was this a good thing?
"Please say something." I heard Jake muttered under his breath.
"I think that idea is great, Jake " I smiled like an idiot. Jake smiled and hugged me
Oh my God. I need to tell him I am pregnant for Tyler, soon.
I admired the restaurant from outside. Wow. This place is pretty expensive, why will he want us to meet here.
I shrugged and entered the restaurant, my eyes roaming about the restaurant searching for him, then I spotted that familiar denim jacket. I smiled and walked over to the table.
"The one and only Techna Winters. Come and give papa a hug."
"Ew Xavier, you are not my papa." I still hugged him, and sat. "Speaking of papa, how is mom and dad?"
"They are doing great in California, they said they are even thinking of coming home to visit you to settle things."
"I will be pleased. So, how is California, work...and my little nephew? "
The waitress took out orders and left.
"California is hotter now, fucking shit, here is cooler."
"What? New York is hotter please. This summer should be over, and spring is the best! "
"Yeah. Anyway, work is really bothersome, and hectic."
"Why wouldn't it be? You are working in a bank, you idiot."
"Where are your manners, baby sis? You don't speak to your older brother with two years like that."
I smiled. "Yes dad."
"Seriously." He groaned and still smiled.
"I asked about my nephew, you prick." I began eating on the food that the waitress brought.
Xavier glared at me, making his blue eyes deeper. "I am warning you, young lady." We both laughed. "Nick is being a pain in the butt, like he has always been. He nearly turns the house upside down, and you know Natasha is pregnant with our second child, it's hard for her to always clean Nick's mess. "
"Like father like son. Then put your ass in that house and do the cleaning, mother...."
"Finish that sentence and you are as good as dead, Miss." Xavier shot daggers at me. "The innocent mind of yours I once knew, has been castrated."
"Of all words, castrated? Does it look like my innocent mind has balls?"
He only shook his head at me and muttered. “Young adults of nowadays.”
"Speaking of Natasha pregnant, I need to tell you something." I dropped my spoon and cleaned my mouth.
Xavier sipped his drink and leaned closer. "And what will that be? " I sighed. Please don't be mad at me.
He wouldn't be, you idiot.
"I am pregnant, Xavier." I looked down, playing with my fingers. I heard him laughing. What? Why was he laughing at me?
I started crying. Damn pregnancy hormones.
"I am sorry for laughing. Are you being serious?” He dropped his bottle of coke and I nodded. “Don’t play games with me.”
“I am not. I had a one night stand.”
“”Techna, how could you be so careless? There is nothing I can do now but to support you. You are keeping the baby, right?”
I nodded. “Babies.” I corrected.
“You say what now?”
“Three. The pregnancy is twelve and a half weeks now. "
“Wow.” Was all he said. "So who is the father?
This wasn't going to be good, Xavier disliked Tyler. I had told him what had happened in middle and high school. "Who is he, Tecky?"
I took a deep breath again. "Tyler freaking Moner."
I heard a bang on a wall with someone cursing. "Son of bitches!"