Tyler kept bending and then for a second, I thought he wanted to kiss me, but then realized that he wanted to take his phone from the desk behind me. Who wouldn't think he wanted to kiss, with the way he was looking at me. Tyler pulled away and smirked.
"Don't give it a second thought that I will ever kiss you, Miss Winters."
"I was never thinking you would do that." Lie!
"Very good, now can you get me a coffee? I want it creamy and with sugar."
"Yes sir." I said.
Mackenzie said I would look more professional in these clothes so not to attract Tyler's attention. But I caught him looking at my cleavages not once, not twice but not more than ten times. Mac said this suit was cleavage revealing free, but when I looked down...I decided not to gasp.
I asked Tyler's secretary for the way to the kitchen, but she oddly looked familiar. I hope she is not who I am guessing she is.
"Ninth floor, room 22." She said giving me that same glaring look. What is really wrong with her? After making the coffee, I ran out of the elevator because I was late, and Tyler was going to kill me. I bumped into a hard chest, spilled the coffee on the person's white shirt, and Tyler's coffee was gone. I am so double doomed.
" Oh my God, I am so sorry." I didn't even look at his face, my eyes were on his stained shirt.
"No, I am sorry, I wasn't watching my way." He apologized.
"No, I was the one running without watching, I..." He held my hand, and that was when I looked up at him...and boy...
He was hot! But not hotter than Tyler. Techna, think straight.
"Don't worry about it, sweetheart, it's fine." He released my hand.
"But let me at least wash it." I insisted. The man smiled at me, and boy he had dimples. "Miss..."
"Winters. Call me Techna." I smiled back.
"I am Jake, Jake Kings. I can call you Techna." I smiled.
"Sorry about your shirt, I..." I was cut off by Tyler's voice. I totally forgot about him and the coffee.
"Miss Winters, what do you think you are doing?" I turned around and faced his chest. I looked up and saw a mixture of anger and a mixture of something else.
"Mr Moner, I spilled coffee on his shirt while running to give you your coffee." I tried to explain ,but the anger in his eyes didn't suppress.
"So you decided to talk to this dude, forgetting to go get me another one? I..."
Jake cut him off."Mr Moner, it wasn't her fault. She..."
"You better keep mute there if you don't wanna be fired!"
"Mr Moner, Jake has nothing to do with this." I looked back at Jake who was trying not to smile.
"So you even know the jerk's name. I need you my office now." He ordered. I turned and waved at Jake, he winked back at me. "Techna, my office now."
Does he have to be rude? " Your coffee is..."
" Forget about it, and do what I asked." I scoffed at his statement.
I just decided to answer and not protest, I was going to give him a piece of my mind in his office.
I was now in my office arranging files, as a punishment from Tyler. Back to after Tyler entered his office, he kept on blaming me for his coffee, lost contract and other things I didn't even know about. I tried explaining to him, but his ego was eating him up.
He was also saying really hurtful things and ended up giving me files to arrange as my punishment. Right now am still on it, then I heard something hit my table. It was a can of soda and I loved Coca Cola.
"Jake?" I smiled at him.
"Penny for your thoughts?" I smiled and took the soda.
"Thanks." I took a gulp of the Coca Cola and looked back at him.
"How did you know I loved this type?" He smiled and took a seat, sitting it front of me.
"I just guessed you might like it, and I was right anyway." He opened his own and drank. Even when I just met him, he seems really cool and he is hot too.
"What or who are you thinking about now? Or is it me?"
"You wish." I said and laughed with him.
"So Techna, I would like to get to know about you. Can you tell me about yourself while I help you arrange these files with you." He said while moving closer and taking some files.
"There is nothing much to know about me, Jake." I paused and continued. " I am a lady that has been sacked five times, and I hope Tyler doesn't sack me too. But the way things are going, I think he will sack me."
"What?" I remembered how they all sacked me.
Miss Winters, you made us lose the contract! You are fired! We don't need you anymore in this company. We have enough employees. You are fired. You have been a...*
"I am so sorry, Techna." He keeps saying he is sorry.
"It wasn't your fault, Jake."
"But who will sack such a gorgeous lady like you. Mr Moner wouldn't even think of doing that." I blushed. "It also seems like you and our boss have a dynamic relationship."
"We are not together that way or at all. Maybe I was destined to meet my enemy again." I didn't miss the surprised look he gave me.
"You have known him from somewhere?" He asked clearly surprised.
" Yeah, since elementary school." I decided to tell him about Tyler and I.
*Flash back*
I was at the cafeteria, first day of me being in that school. Tyler was that cute looking boy every girl wanted to hang out with. I was eating when he came and sat beside me. He poked my cheeks and smiled at me. "Hi, I am Tyler and you are?"
"Techna." He smiled and said I had the cutest name ever, that I reminded him of winx club. We talked a little and I noticed some girls were giving me death glares. After that day, we became friends and always hanged out every time.
Until one day, we were already in junior high school. I was twelve, Mellisa came to me during lunch and spilled her punch on me. I poured mine back and that was when Tyler was coming. Mellisa was the girl he had a big crush on. She slapped me and called me a bitch, but I hadn't noticed Tyler at the counter yet.
I pushed her and pulled her hair, pushing her away from me. That was when Tyler called my name. "Tech! What the hell is wrong with you?" I was shocked. Had he not seen what Mels did?
"She poured her punch on me, Tyler. She pulled my hair and bit me." Mels whined. I didn't know what made me slap her, but I did right in front of Tyler. It felt so good, after she lied against me.
"Techna, you are a crazy person." Tyler said. "Why would you do all that to Mels? I thought you are my best friend! I hate you." Those three words were very painful. It shattered my heart into a million pieces.
I liked Tyler, more than a friend. I have a big crush on him, but he only saw me as his best friend, he only had eyes on Mels.
"Ty, she poured punch on me first. "I tried to convince him.
"That is a lie. She spilled her own punch on her self and blamed me." Mels lied, and Tyler believed.
"Ty, she is telling a lie. She..."
"Enough Techna, I don't believe you. You have been trying hard to break Mels and I's friendship. We are no more friends, Techna. I can't believe you did this." This can't be happening. He is over with our friendship because of this?
"We are done." Then he faced Mels. Lets go clean you up." He is acting so childish right now.
When he looked at me, I saw something mixed with anger in his eyes, but I didn't know what it was. "Don't sit beside me in class, practical, and cafeteria. Don't wait for me anymore at the hallway and during gym too." I saw regret in his eyes, but I am sure I am mistaken.
He looked at Mels and smiled, "Lets go." He said and turned around. Mels looked back and smirked before turning and walking away with Tyler. Since that day, Tyler and Mels were my rivals.
They always do everything in other to cause pain on me. But anytime I looked at Tyler's eyes, I always see pain, regret and anger mixed together. I wondered why.
"So you had a crush on Mr Moner? " I nodded. "Do you still like him?"
What the..." Hell no, I don't. I stopped liking him when I was in grade 9."
"Oh, he is a real jerk."
"I know right, but I feel he is always like that to only me. He doesn't usually act like that to other people. We still dislike each other though, and we use to fight a lot in high school." I wanted to cry but I decided not to. I missed those days when Ty and I were still best friends.
Suddenly, Jake pulled me down to sit on his laps. I glared at him. "What the hell are you..."
Someone knocked and the door opened and Tyler entered. "Are you done with..."