Three days later...
Silas no longer worked at the company where Sandro was the CEO, he blocked him from all the social networks that Silas had, a bit childish of him, you could say yes, however, he was suffering from not having him at his side. side, for no longer being able to work on what was his biggest dream.
Longing tightened his being, he missed Sandro, he wanted to feel his lips on his, again, sitting on his bed he touched his lips with his index finger, imagining himself in the arms of the man he loved, tears ran down his face I didn't want to cry, however, it was uncontrollable.
“Silas, get your fucking head up and move forward, because life doesn’t give you a headache.” He thought, getting up from the bed, he now decided not to suffer anymore, and to go in search of a job, even though it wasn't in his field, he needed to work urgently.
Sandro sitting in his chair, in his office, couldn't stop wondering where Silas was? If he was okay? If he ate right?
Shaking his head trying to remove the person who had stolen his heart from his thoughts, Sandro didn't want to forget him, but it was necessary.
The tears came without even realizing it, he cried for not having his loved one, for him being far away, for not being able to kiss him, the longing was eating him up from the inside out.
Everyone in the company noticed his change in mood, Sandro was more grumpy, didn't smile, kept his face closed 100% of the time when someone was around.
He picked up his cell phone that was resting on the table in front of him, unlocked it and called Silas, and for the umpteenth time his loved one didn't answer, his sudden disappearance worried him, causing a thousand and one possibilities to cross his mind. Even though he was aware that it was all a big misunderstanding, unfortunately he didn't have the chance to correct it.
Sandro turned his chair 360º, facing the solid window, lost in his thoughts, he watched the city walk by, the people seen from up there were so fragile, walking from one side to the other, living their lives, planning the future that did not belong to them.
If he was startled by two knocks on his door, he was so wrapped up in his more than random thoughts, which went around and around, always returning to his beloved Silas, he turned his chair around again and said:
- You may come in.
The door opened slowly, as if the person on the other side was afraid to enter that room. When he saw who it was, Sandro didn't want to believe it, it was a dream, it wasn't possible that that person was in front of him.
Silas couldn't believe that what he was doing could be considered crazy, but he needed to do such madness, otherwise it wouldn't be him, he would do something crazy for love, and from the bottom of his heart he hoped that Sandro would enter into this insanity with him.
Silas opened his mouth to start speaking, however, he was interrupted by Sandro.
— I was crazy looking for you — his voice comes out a little hoarse with emotion.
- I know.
Silas said crossing his arms.
— I came here to propose something to you... — Silas began to say, he was nervous, his life at that moment had become truly crazy, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he interrupted himself, his voice ended. be overwhelmed with emotion.
— Propose what? — Sandro asks, afraid of what his beloved had to propose to him, the truth was that he would accept everything that came from Silas.
A minute of silence between Sandro's question and the answer from his love, who never came, took over the office.
— What I'm going to propose to you is that... — Silas had everything on the tip of his tongue, however, he couldn't release the proposal that he had been thinking about so much over the last few days, in this case it was weeks, to be more precise three weeks, which Both went through a whole moment of suffering.
- Why are you crying? — Sandro asked with concern. Silas hadn't realized he was crying, for him, he was acting normal, but unfortunately it wasn't true. He wiped away the tears streaming down his face.
Still standing in front of the closed door, fearless to continue telling everything, absolutely everything, but first Silas needed to say what had tormented him so much for weeks. and it wasn't his dismissal.
The kiss that they had both exchanged, that was the reason for everything, it's true that he wanted him more than anything in this life, but an avalanche of feelings took over him at the time, making him distance himself from Sandro, he hoped that his future boyfriend would understand what he was going through.
Unable to say what he had to say, he walked towards the chair where Sandro was sitting, went around the table, sitting on Sandro's lap who had been caught off guard by such an action from his lover.
He expected a slap, a punch, however, he never imagined that Silas would sit on his lap, he gave a small smile when he saw his future boyfriend's embarrassment, unable to hold back, Silas advanced on his mouth of Sandro giving him a peck.
As soon as Silas walked away, he instinctively threatened to leave his lover's lap, but Sandro held him around the waist, preventing Silas from running away again.
— I haven't left you yet... — Silas was interrupted by another kiss from Sandro, this time Silas opened the way for his lover's tongue to enter his mouth, twisting them together...
Weeks later...
Silas and Sandro didn't let go of each other, they truly loved each other, it was as if they were both the missing half of each other.
At Sandro's insistence, Silas returned to work at the company, which generated a lot of buzz and gossip around the couple.
Sandro was so radiant that everyone ended up realizing that something had changed, as soon as they found out that Sandro and Silas were dating, they soon thought that this change had come with the intention of pleasing their beloved boyfriend.
They ended up living together, the truth was that they couldn't stay away from each other, and the only solution they found was to live together.
And you ask me: Will there be a wedding...
And I answer them: Who knows, maybe one day?
End? Really?